I've been interested in history for
as long as I could remember.
I think that I was the only one in my
classes who grasped history and looked forward
to each day. I know that a LOT of kids hate it and dreaded
going to the classes. Mostly, its because the teachers who
teach history are actually coaches and
it was my experience that they wanted to talk more
about sports than about Gengis Khan or The Reformation.
My favorite subject has always been England, Ireland and Scotland
as that is where my roots are.
I get a tingle when I find books on the subject.
Its uncanny, really. My husband pokes fun at me for it.

All of the tattoos that I have are history based, one way or another.
I have books, in abundance,
about European history, ancient history,
and most importantly, celtic history and lore.
I study Wicca and the Arts and
pride myself on my Celtic roots. (I am Irish-Scots with some German thrown in.)

This is my little place to share my internet
findings regarding things history related.
Things Celtic, Norse, Pagan, and so on.
Not to mention anything else that I can find and share.

You will find all kinds of things that interest me.
You can also take a look at my other passion; Horses.
Horses have been a part of society since before the beginning of recorded time.
It is said that the first people to utilize the horse were the Huns,
which greatly mobilized their hoard
and helped conquer most of Northern Asia down to Italy!

I will be adding more to this page as I go.
I have sat here, staring at the screen,
thinking on how to make this a useful page...
How do you put into a website, an undying longing to KNOW
as much as you can about history, celtic and ancient, and share that love?
You'll just have to forgive me my transgressions! =)

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