Hi there! My name is Jed. I’m the main creator of this wonderful, growing site. Here, and only here can you search for rumors, stroll through shops, and live the Harry Potter phenomenon as it was meant to be lived. You can e-mail me to ask me about this stunning place.

Hello!!! I’m Nathaniel, the “scrupulous” (it may be irrevelant, but I love the sound of that word!) helper to this site. My painstaking efforts show you why this site is so daring, fresh, and innovative. Although my derring-do mostly leads to failure, that won’t (I reapeat) WON’T happen here. What is the “HARRY POTTER EXPERIENCE” you have been hearing all about?? Only on this site, buddy.


Have you secretly wished you were at Hogwarts? (believe me, you don’t know how many e-mails we got explaining this exact NEED). You can never really go there. But we’re the closest you’ll get.
The “experience,” if you will, consists of various stages. First, take a trip to the Sorting Hat to get sorted. You’ll give us your full name - try to make it a creative, Harry Potter-sounding name - and we will sort you! You have now been accepted to Hogwarts where you begin your journey. You will be alotted more than enough money ( stop at Gringotts to do so) and a list of items for your upcoming year. If you do not get these items, you cannot be accepted. At Hogwarts, our internet years are 4 months. You cannot sign up in the middle of a year (we’ll keep you posted when our first year starts).
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