
Real name: Isabella Lam
14 (april 21st 1988)
currently, scarborough ont.
Favourite moves:
Airchairs, Barrel Mills
Time breakin:
2 years
Best Shoes:
Prestos, Adidas SL-72's
Best video:
Lotf, Breakvision
Comment :

Breaking History

I'm also a part of Femnomena, a bgirl crew for entering bgirl battles. Mainly in Natural Flow and enter as Natural Flow in crew battles. I've been breaking for about 2 years now, I started with "DFC" crew which didn't turn out as I expected. Luckily Nf came to rescue and I joined them sometime in November-December 2001. That was when the crew was still forming, Nf was still in the making after approximately a year and a half our crew stood at where we are now with our current members.

[email protected]
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