Weigh in every Wednesday morning on home scales.�
Take measurements every 4 weeks.
To keep a daily log of what I am eating and the 'points' value.� Start on 30 points a day. (based on breastfeeding points of 26-32 a day).� If weight loss slows dramatically, or doesn't appear to be happening at all, reduce points by 2 a day until reach a happy medium.� �
Start walking to pick Peta up from school at 3pm Monday to Friday starting the 18th May.� This trip is 2km each way.� Initially will be walking 4km 5x a week.� Once Ben starts school on 7th June will be walking to and from school, therefore 8km a day.� On days when the weather is too wet or cold for walking I will supplement with 5km bike ride on exercycle.�
Take my nutrition back to basics.� The following will be my everyday guidelines.
When planning weekly menus; look at whole foods and plenty of fresh and colourful fruit and vegetables.�
Cut out processed and 'white' foods.�
Intake of sugar is to be minimal.�
No dairy foods.� This poses a bit of a problem as even in my Burgen bread there are milk solids!!� Initially cut out milk, yoghurt, cheese, butter and anything else that presents itself as predominantly dairy.�
Chocolate will be out, therefore Milo will be out!!
Everything I am doing I am doing for life.� I have said before that I don't want to be on a diet, I want it to be a lifestyle change.� I am going to follow Lyn's example and allow myself to live a normal healthy life but still have the indulgences.� These "basics" are for my day to day living.� They don't account for when we have occasions or indulgence.� On a Saturday night watching the rugby I may partake in a couple of beers or a couple of rums or a couple of wines.� I will live a normal life not one ruled by food.
PROTEIN����������������������������������� FATS
Eggs����������������������������������������� Cold Pressed Oils�����������������������������������
Soy Yoghurt�������������������������������� Avocadoes
Soy Milk������������������������������������
Lean Red Meat
Skinless Chicken
CARBOHYDRATES������������������������ FRUIT AND VEG�����������������
Wholegrain breads ����������������������� As many and as varied as possible
�� eg Burgen, Vogels���������������������� Lots of herbs
�� eg Ryvita
Brown Rice
Basmati Rice
Rolled Oats
Wholemeal Pastas
Minimum 2 servings of fruit
Minimum 5 servings of vegetables
Minimum 8 glasses of water
2 - 3 servings of lean red meat
1 - 2 servings of fish
This may seem rather limited but the basis of my diet is going to be around fresh fruit, vegetables, lean red meat, fresh fish, skinless chicken and good carbs!!�
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