As discussed in the previous two pages of Equine Aromatherapy, it is very important to emphasize how to maintain a safe environment for you and your horse while working and handling essential oils. Please use caution in every aspect when dealing with essential oils. It is very important to use top quality essential oils for optimum results. These do, however, have a price which often does not compete in the retail market.

Essential oils oxidize, so lids should be firmly screwed on. The oils are in one sense "living" and have a life span of approx. 6 months to 5 years depending on the oil and its quality. The lighter oils, especially citrus oils like Lemon, have the shortest life span, and the heavier oils, such as Sandalwood and Rose, have the longest. To determine if an oil has aged check for a slightly cloudy appearance which settles near the bottom of the bottle. Heavier oils should retain the full strength of the aroma.

Essential oils are also damaged by sunlight so should be bottled in amber (dark) bottles or glass that contains UV protection. They should be kept in a cool, dark place. This will help to ensure a longer shelf-life.

First Aid:
The following 16 essential oils are recommended for your first-aid kit.

Juniper, Peppermint, Garlic, Frankincense, Neroli, German Chamolie or Yarrow, Birch, Tea Tree, Jasmine, Rose, Great Mugwort, Violet Leaf, Roman Chamomile, Carrot Seed, Eucalyptus and Lavender.

Also, to have handy near your first-aid kit: water, bandages, a big bowl, wound dressing, tape, gel, base oil, spoon, scissors and a thermometer. Wounds:

The oils recommended here are suitable for wounds that do not require veterinary attention - if in doubt consult your vet. Vet advice should always be sought if a wound is over one inch long because it may need stitches.
Do NOT apply any of these oils in a base oil as it will not allow the wound to dry.

Tea Tree is a natural antibiotic and contains 4 constituents not found anywhere else in nature. It is highly antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral. It is very effective in the cleansing of wounds. Tea tree is a non-poisonous, non irritant antiseptic of unusual strength. Apply undiluted Tea Tree to the wound. The wound needs to be dressed 2 times a day, then, as signs of healing begin, once daily until it is dry to the touch and had no signs of oozing. At this stage apply Lavender.

Lavender offers antibacterial and analgesic properties but it is more renowned for its ability to accelerate the regeneration of healthy skin cells, minimizing scarring.Apply undiluted to the area. Lavender will also deter flies.

Yarrow - Azulene, the constituent responsible for the blue color in this essential oil, contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties while also having a soothing action on skin tissues, neutralizing excess heat and pain. It also acts like a protective dressing and is a very effective stimulant to the healing process. Apply undiluted on the wound. This oil is more effective in its undiluted state for this type of condition. German Chamomile may be used as an alternative to Yarrow.

First Aid for Aches and Sprains (also useful for arthritis)

Make sure to blend into 100ml of gel or base oil. DO NOT apply to broken skin!

Peppermint - use 30 drops - Action: Deep heat. Ice-pack effect. Anti-inflammatory.
Birch - use 10 drops - Action: Helps break down lactic acid (waste product of muscles that can cause stiffness and pain).
Juniper - Use 10 drops - Action: Helps clear the system of toxins and excess water retention. Effective for arthritis.
Yarrow - Use 4 drops - Action: Anti-inflammatory to swollen tissue.

Remedy for Rain Rot:
Make sure to use the following essential oils in a base/carrier oil.  (I used a small sprayer bottle.)

Rosemary - use 20 drops - Action: Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, this will aid in cleaning the rain rot.
Tea Tree - use 10 drops - Action: Antifungal, antiseptic, this natural antibiotic will clean and help heal the rain rot.
Lavender - 20 drops - Action: Antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, this will aid in calming  the itch and relaxing  the horse
Roman Chamomile - 10 drops - Action: Calm the itch and helps relax the horse.
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Disclaimer: Naturally Equine does not make any medical or veterinarian claims to any of the remedies listed on this site. The remedies are well known worldwide and are listed on this site for informational purposes only.
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