Anarchy, everybody thought it was a great idea. December 1999 Seattle and London. That's when it started. That's when authority blew it in a big ass way. It started slowly, it was three or four years later when the real shit hit the fan but then everything tumbled quickly. You can't control civil disorder with nuclear weapons, you can't shoot to kill. In the end the governments tumbled like dominoes. I hear Australia and New Zealand are good places to be but how the hell can anybody get there? Nobody talks about Africa, poor bastards.
Fuck this, I'm off home. Back out into the rain but not far to go. No one suspicious about. The bundle of rags has disappeared, the rain's washed most of the blood away. Home. The slimed walls of the corridor remind me of the gloves. Step over the body. Close the door behind me, bolt it, bar it. Leave it unlocked when I'm out, saves the door being broken down.

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