Left Column Text:

The text in this column is controlled by the style .leftcoltext. It is padded by 10 pixels to the left and right, but uses the same font as the main body text.




The above divider has been created by *&&* to be in a color and styles consistent with this theme.



This text is in the style called Heading1

The class .textwrap is applied to this text, a line break will be forced at 500 pixels.




A line of Sub-Heading Text

The text inside this panel is controlled by the style .paneltext.

The graphic border surrounding this panel will stretch horizontally and vertically.

  • diam nonummy nibh euismod
  • tincidunt ut laoreet dolore
  • magna aliquam erat





A line of Sub-Heading Text, constrained to a single line

Editing the panel headings:

The heading text within the panel border has a 'nowrap' style applied to it, this will constrain the heading text to a single line avoiding unsightly gaps in the graphic border.




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