S  A   D   I   E   '   S      A   S   K      T   E   N     P   A   G   E      C   O   N   T   I   N   U   E   D    .   .   .
   8. From a bellydancer's standpoint, what direction(s) do you see bellydance heading towards in the future?
''Well, it's hard to say, but I do believe that it will become more standardized. Some people are happy about that and others are not. I am very happy about it and hope it happens soon. When you think about it are certain standards and techniques involved in every other dance form or athletic field except belly dancing, which I will call it because I am referring the cabaret style of belly dancing and not the folk dances. Why some people don't want it to be standardized is beyond me. It won;t change much, but it will give belly dance a chance to move up in the world as a respected form of dance forms take.''
''People don't have to spend a lifetime training to enjoy it or do it, but at least those who do will get the appreciation and merit they deserve. Too many people out there do not know the difference between someone who takes a few classes at a studio or someone who dedicates their whole life perfecting  technique and educating themselves about the culture, music and history because anyone can call themself a professional. There should be a very clear distinction between a professional and an amateur.''
''Regardless, the dance is evolving and people are beginning to look at it more so as an art form of talent. Schools are popping up all over the world that are anything but easy when it comes to learning how to belly dance. I know, I have studied with some of them. A couple examples are Suhaila Salimpour and Leila Haddad. I know if they didn't make it as true professional dancers, they could have been drill seargeants. It's even changing in the Middle East. When I talk with my Middle Eastern friends, they say that the belly dancers are very slowly gaining a little more respect. The Middle East has always loved its dancers as long as she was not a family member, that is starting to charge a little bit now they say.''
9. Describe the importance of the musical selections
during one of your performances?
''Musical selection is very important. I choose music according to the type of show I will be doing. I like the use more upbeat music for restaurants and clubs. I may slow it down a little in a big performance or show! If I was to dance for a Turkish crowd, I would pick mostly Turkish music and rhythms, but wouldn't hesitate to play some Arabic music as well. While in Turkey, I learned that they like Egyptian-style dancing and music because it is different. It's a kind of the 'in' thing. I also try to get a feel for the age of the crowd and the occasion. If it's a younger crowd, I might play some Hakim or Oojami. If older, I would mix in a few classical songs. If it's a wedding, maybe a zeffa.''
''I really like musicals and drum solos without words, because they are almost universal and you don;t really have to worry about political issues between countries, accidentally dancing to a religious song or not matching
the mood of the words with your dance. I recently started taking Arabiclessons but it will be a long time before I can translate music to know what I am dancing to.''
10. The day will come when you perform live for the final time. As you walk off the stage, what lasting im-
pact do you want to leave on bellydancing?
''If everything goes according to my plans, I hope to be an old lady when that happens! I would really like to leave a message more than an impression, that music and dance promote peace, love, educateion, understanding and the ability to identifying with one another!''
         Q  U  I  C  K    P  I  C  K  S:
           Created January 8th, 2004.

*For a well-traveled youg lady and a fond student,
  she has been a professional only since 2001.
*She is a regular a FIVE Denver-area restaurants.
*Her flexibility and sensual movement is attributed
  to taking gymnastics since the age of 4.
* Never intended to making the art form a career.
* Well-known for her muscle control, especially the
   use of ''flutters''.
* Is a feature dancer for the band DEVOTCHKA.
* Hopes to add video clips to her site and release a
   performance video before the end of 2004.
*Frequently attends SUHAILA workshops at least
  once a year.
* Learning to play the doumbek (a Middle Eastern
* Is a stickler for authenticity of her Turkish cos-
   tuming selections, everything must be true to form.
* Could retire from bellydance and go into modeling
    right this moment. You think? :)
*She and her pal, KAYA STAR are about to be featured
   in a series of DVDs by PEKO/Hollywood Music Center
   in August 2005.
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