' I began belly dancing  and performing live at the age of  4 actual-
ly! I didn't choose this dance form, it chose me, due to my Middle Eastern heritage. Once I first heard the ryhthms in the exotic Arabic/Mediterranean music, I knew that was what I was going to do for the rest of my life.
My career at this stage is exactly where I want to be. I had envisioned it exactly the way it is now...after performing full-time for a living (my ONLY job) for so long, it entailed a lot of exhausting national and international travel, greuling dance schedules and running around. I worked myself through college and earned a BA degree in Cultural Anthropology/Sociology in Middle Eastern/Mediterranean studies. I felt that I wanted to know everything that there is about my rivh heritage, not only from an artistic standpoint, but also from an academic view as well. My art became too much of a ''job'', although I made a lot of money with it, when you dance as much as I did and not as a hobby, it takes on a different face.''
'' Since getting married a year ago to the most amazing man, life is just beautiful. I couldn't be happier or ask for more. I dance now ONLY for the sheer love for the art...period. I only take an event if the mood strikes me and I have become ultra selective in my choosing shows. I do not have to dance for a living anymore, now it is only for the fun of hearing the roar of the crowd and when I dance only when I feel like it.
I feel so incredibly fortunate. My husband thinks that it is nice that I enjoy to perform, since it is my culture, he tells me that I should dance only if I feel like dancing, then I should go for it, and if not, then don't! He knows that it was always my dream to dance only because I feel like it anf dor no other reason...it is music to my ears! I now have such a deeper appreciation for my art, more than I ever thought was possible. My husband is not in the arts, he is a prominent physician who works as a pharna-
ceutical executive.''
'' I made a very successful career out of the dance art of my cultural heritage in all ways that I had hoped for. Not only momentarilly, but also emotionally, physically and psychologically. Raks Sharqi now serves as an amazing, cultural, creative and artistic outlet for my non-stop energy! Just as my
dancing involves a full range of every human emotion, so did my
career and I could not be happier. It really actually wxceeded my wildest imagination (and I have a vivid one)!''
''I took belly dance to the highest level possible and did it MY way! I became an entertainment booking agent and event producer, not only an international dancer and choreographer. To my delight, my video collection is selling tremendously to rave reviews. I am performing in very elegant Arabic weddings in Philladelphia, the Main Line, NJ, DE and NY. I dance in prestigious hotel banquets, producing and performing for corporate theme parties, high-society functions, country clubs, casino shows, concerts and the like. I finally feel truly complete, I have really satisfied all of my entreprenuerral ideals and now my dancing is exactly where it should be in my life. It now serves as an amazing, cultural, creative and artistic outlet for my non-stop energy!''
1. You've been almost a belly dancer for nearly 25 years (starting at age 5). How would you describe the path bellydance has taken you so far?
2. Who are were your 1st and current inspirations in bellydance?
'' My mother and God, and they always will be. My mom is a great dancer and folk performer. I enjoy Madame Raqia Hasan who displays the drama, tight choreographic timing and movements that make this dance what it really is. My good friend was the late Ibrahim ''Bobby'' Farrah...I love Zohair Zaki, Mahmoud Reda, Samia Gamal and Fifi Abdou!''
3. One of your biggest accomplishments was performing for the late KING HASSAN and the Royal Family of Morocco. What was the experience like?
''' It was something out of a dream that became a reality. I couldn't believe that I was being given this great honor and privilige of being flown to Morocco by the Royal Family, the Crown Prince and his late majesty to perform a special concert. I was treated like a princess...I also recieved a lot of international press from my experience and memories that will last a lifetime. As great as it was, it was still not as magical as my wedding day! On my wedding day, I felt like I became the Queen.'' :)
4. You have a HUGE international following. How does it feel to be so highly regarded?
(BLUSH) '' Well, I really appreciate it very much! I am very happy to bring so much joy to all of my audiences. It is great to know that I have touched so many lives with my dancing. I feel the strength of the powers above go through me when I perform, as if I was destined to belly dance. I thank God everyday for my life, health and happiness, as well as for my husbands's and family's, too.
The destiny of dance that I was born into has made me so grateful. I do not choose to rehearse and I just found out that the great singer Frank Sinatra was the same way. I only like to do ''one take'' of a show and concert because art (especially ethnic art) should be ''felt'' from the soul. To go over and over something and to have to memorize it in order to drill it in to your head as an artist doesn't seem natural. The earthy quality of this dance is lost this way and this is the true origin and direction for Oriental belly dancing. This dance should flow from within, it loses something and becomes boring and contrived when it is over-rehearsed. If a performer doesn;t feel the music, then stop dancing and begin again when you feel inspired.
Great art should never be rushed. It's important to know the correct technique, execution of movement, use of space and proper posture, but the music is the glue to that brings it in all together in a ''show''. Also, one cannot learn timing that must be born into the dancer. There is nothing worse than seeing a dancer thinking too hard, not smiling, projcting and counting.
When I shoot my video collection, I didn't rehearse the music and choreographies. With Arabic music, I feel what will come next. I knew my music, but didn;t dance it out before the shoot on stage. Even with my TROPICANA SHOW video, I didn;t rehearse with the orchestra. I gave them a list of songs and danced naturally. Even with studio videos, I did each one only one time.
Arabic belly dancing is as natural to me as breathing, when I hear music, I move! Even sitting in my car, if there is a fabulous tabla solo on my radio, I isolate my hips to the beat of the drum. Now, if I am the passenger, watch out...I'm known to throw in a shoulder shimmy!  My mom told me that at 3 years old, whenever I heard a song that I loved, I would get up and dance.
I like to bring my audiences what comes naturally to me and I love to share it with them. I like to make my shows into a complete story with a beginning, middle and a dramatic ending. I like to build tension, anticipation and dramatics of the audience, but I never leave them hanging...I like to finish what I start with a bang! After a performance, it is my intention that they leave my show with the best image of belly dance possible. I pride myself on the fact that my shows are for everybody, both the young and old. A lot of very upscale and conservative families and clients only hire me because they have nothing to fear.
They know that the dancing will always be authentic, exciting, cutting edge, classy and my costuming always tasteful. When I work the dance floor, I like to hear the gasps to actually feel the energy of the people watching. I feel special that I'm held in such high regard because I aim to please as an artist. To see the people smile and clap and have the best time is my reward! I want them to leave my concerts saying, 'Wow, I'll never forget that, I've never seen the dance done with such intensity and integrity!'
I believe in always being a unique indiviual and belly dancer. I constantly challenge myself to grow and expand as a performer. Just when I think I know all of the answers, I like to change the question!''
5. What dvice would you give teenage girls and  young women who are experiencing and taking up belly dance now more than ever?
''' Use the dance for the right reasons, not be sleazy-looking Britney Spears or Shakira clones. They don;t do justice to the art at all. It's not good if they're flocking to the dance to dance for their boyfriends to turn them on. They see a few choppy movements on MTV and they want to imitate it. Do it for the love of the dance, fun, exercise, history, cultural, personal expression of the art...most importantly, do it for you.''
B  R  A  N  D  O  N    A  S  K  S    T  E  N    T  O  .  .  . 
She is a woman who was born to belly dance. She has dedicated the majority of her life to celebrating an art form. In return, she has developed physically and mentally into one of the world's best. Venture inside the mind of a future belly dancing legend...
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