This page wil be used as an archive for old messages from the index page, when

too many have accumulated there, and maybe an occasional diary entry.


7 Dec 99

Argghhh !!! What's happened to my guestbook again?! Now it's been replaced by some First Seagal Bank (goodness knows what)... Hope Geocities clears up this mess SOON... >(

6 Oct 99

I finally figured out the darn problem with my guestbook...I had put in the wrong html tag...well it's fixed now, so ..SIGN !!!!

4 Oct 99

I put the little lizard that's lived in my room for a week into the garden...think it'll be happier there. Visit the pets page for its photo. =)

Geocities seems to be giving me some problems with the guestbook, so just send any entries to my email add & I'll put it up for you.

Happy Holidays!

15 Oct 99




Well! My Promos are over...and it's time to unwind... =) P.S. I figured that I'll keep the old guestbook, there'll be a link to it.

18 Sept 99

Yep, the old page has been scrapped. The Kaleidoscope no longer exists now... (sorry Hongyi) I decided that webjump completely sucked and so I came back to Geocities. But I can't have old stuff lying around and obstructing my new pages, so I got rid of the old files.

Well, the guestbooks's gone too, so all you people who have signed, you'll have to resign. heh. =)

5 Sept 99

Yo! Welcome, or welcome back. This page has probably been reconstructed more times than I can remember. Hope this time round you guys can really get knocked off your chairs.


Cheerio, Karen



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