RESISTANCE IS FUTILE is the name of my Tuesday Mens Handicap bowling league team  (Blue Hen Lanes, Newark, Delaware). Star Trek fans will recognize it as the "motto" of the Borg. My good buddy Don Frank suggested using it and we "made it so". As you will see below, it's a pretty good team. What's really good though is the communication among us. If someone's struggling, we all watch and see if we can pick up if somethings wrong in their delivery, approach, etc. I would like to thank our "super-subs" Don Frank, Gale Johnson and Nate Grissett, they come in and do a great job!!!!!
LEADOFF : That's me. Right-hander. Current average = 193
SECOND : Steve Woodward. Right-hander. Current average = 192
THIRD : Drew Bowerson. Right-hander. Current average = 195
FOURTH : Jay Bowerson. Right-hander. Current average = 192
ANCHOR : Hank Von Saspe. Right-hander. Current average = 183
.We went 3-1 last night and except for the first game, we really didn't bowl well. We bowled the Sojourners and they just struggled worse than we did. We won by enough the first 2 games so we didn't lose total pins when they won the 3rd game. We had won 8 games in a row at that point, but they ended that streak. Jay bowled well, in fact, he was the only man on BOTH teams to bowl over 600, a very unusual occurence. This was Hank's first week, he had knee surgery just before the season started. All five of us are under 200 in average and that's VERY unusual. However, we know we're just off to a slow start and that won't be the case for very long. Our record is now 17-7, we're now in first place in our division. Next up is  NO LUCK, a new teamin our division, I don't know any of the guys on that team.

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