My Family
The family is your rock, your foundation. They're there for you through thick and thin. This is my family's five minutes of fame. I love them more than anything, and all of us are really close. You may come to see this through the few pics I have of them.
This pic means the most to me because it's 5 generations of first born girls. I hope to have another pic like this in the coming years with my baby girl. I was only six months old when this was taken and it's the only time I got to meet my great great grandma. From left to right in the back, it's my great grandma Grace, my mom, and my grandma. (9/80)
Just the 10 of us
Like I stated before, my family is close. On holidays, birthdays, and other events, there's an army of 10 around the dinner table. So without further adieu, meet the 10.
This is the backyard at grandma and grandpa's. It's where a lot of good times have happened and where we throw parties. Grandpa built the gazebo himself.
Meet grandpa, me, and grandma. This is the start of a new tradition, I guess, because my mom took the same picture 20 some odd years ago. (6/98)
Meet Julie V. She's a part of the family as is anyone else. She was my grandma's boss many years ago and she's aunt Julie's best friend. She treats all of us as her family too. (7/95)
This is my mom and me and the photo next to it is my aunt Julie. They're the only two kids my grandparents had. (6/98, 7/94)
Meet my brother Mike (left) and my cousin Chris (Julie's son). (1/99, 4/96) Meet Jordan and Jean. They are Julie V's kids. (8/95)
Now here's my dad and some of his side.
This is my dad and his new wife Lisa. My parents got divorced in 1994. I don't get along very well with my dad, but he's getting old, so I try to talk to him more. (1/99)
This is my favorite uncle and aunt. It's Bob (dad's bro), his wife Maureen, and Maureen's sister Jill. They're so cool. (1/99)
Now you've met my family. Lucky for you, you didn't meet them in person. But they all are really awesome and if you're nice, they just might be nice back.
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