Lynn N's Blog
Diary of a Family Tree Enthusiast
Entry for October 31, 2006

Came back from Dudley on Sunday, having had a very good time. Once again I found myself down a mine ( very low roof - spent two days bent over). The Black Country Museum was as I remembered it, friendly folk and a great half of Mild & Bitter in the pub). Unfortunately, missed the Nailmaker, who had a half-day by the look of it. Met Clive, a distant cousin, sort of 44 times removed, had coffee with him and his wife Sheila, exchanged notes about Isaac c1742 and walked round the musuem together. We had a 'lesson' in the Victorian school, by far the funniest event of the weekend! I certainly recommend a visit to anyone who has not yet been.We spent Sunday morning looking for Tipton Cemetery, driving round in circles until mum had the excellent idea of asking someone (duh), who sent us directly on our way. We found the memorial of the girls killed inthe Dudley Port Disaster easily, and laid some flowers. It was a sad moment, reflecting on the reason we were there, and thinking of the aunt we never had a chance to know. The Struggling Man pub was closed for renovations, so that will have to wait for next time.

Today I had an e-mail from my mother's cousin's (John Naylor)wife. Sadly John died 2 years ago. Very good news that they have 3 son's, so the Naylor name goes on, and I hope to have made a new friend.

2006-10-31 15:44:56 GMT
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