Greetings Students!
I have compiled the following list of links to websites that will be helpful to you both inside and outside of the classroom.  Enjoy!
Writing Help: Do you need help with your writing?  This site offers an extensive table of contents that offers suggestions for many forms of writing.

Online Writing Assistant: This site offers information on different styles of writing, the writing process, and can help you in numerous other ways.

Sparknotes: Good literary criticism is offered here, along with help for different reading selections; yet never use these in place of the actual text!

High School Hub:  This site provides an endless supply of information, including news updates, subject centers, and poetry collections!

Classic Literature: Here you will find tons of information about classic literature, as well as a lot of information regarding many authors.

Ploughshares: A writing journal that illustrates what current writers are publishing. A handy online dictionary/thesaurus that finds words quickly and offers other writing resources. 

Mr. William Shakespeare: This site offers everything you need to know about Shakespeare and it provides links to other websites on Shakepeare.

CNN: Need to get an accurate update on the news?  Check out CNN!

My Virtual Reference Desk: Your online helpdesk that allows you to search a huge database for what you're looking for!

Selected English Websites: Here you will find 62 categories of English related topics ranging from banned books to electronic texts.

Language Arts Online: This extensive site provides categories for students and teachers and offers help with everything from writing essays to different learning lessons.

MLA Documentation: Need to know the right way to cite sources?  Check this site out as it describes the proper forms and provides a link to other styles of documentation.

Vocabulary Builder
: Not the same as a dictionary website, instead it offers ways to build vocabulary through excerises and games.

Discovery School: A great resource for students and teachers, offering quality information, games, and fun activities for students.

Bibliomania: Study guides, reference materials, free texts, author biographies, the list goes on and on!

Harlem Renaissance: The importance and background of numerous authors, as well as links to their works.

Morrie: A website that details one of my most favorite books!  Come get a glimpse of what Tuesdays With Morrie is all about.  Discussion questions are also included.


THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe

Study Question
s: A helpful website that goes chapter by chapter through the book and offers study questions along with links to other sites.

Cultural Connections
: Offering links to other sites, this page highlights Nigerian culture and its role in the novel.

African Authors: Focusing on Achebe's novel, here you will find study quetions and information about Nigeria and different ethnic groups.

THE CANTERBURY TALES by Geoffrey Chaucer

Canterbury Homepage
: An endless supply of links and information about the Tales, including information about the Medieval Period and Chaucer.

: Offers information about the author, his life and times, as well as information about specific tales. 

Information on the
Tales: Here you can access specific tales quickly and easily.

THE SOUND AND THE FURY by William Faulkner

Monkey Notes
: As this novel is difficult to get into and get used to, these may be very helpful for a first time reader of Faulkner.

: Complete information about the novel, its charcters, the setting, as well as essays on the novel itself.

A Quick Reference
: This site would be helpful after reading the novel, as it offers quick background on the charcters, quotations, and a general plot summary.


Info to Know
: This is the site for the novel!  Tons of categories and helpful information in an organized format.

P & P Links: Wow, what can I say except here is a great list of links regarding the novel!
Last Modified on 5/14/03 by Lynnae J. Sale
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