Some Great Reads, Recommended by Ms. Sale!
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Last Modified 5/9/03 by Lynnae J. Sale
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Book images courtesy of Barnes & Noble and all of these titles can be purchased online.  Simply go to the B & N homepage, type the title of the book in the search box and click "search."
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Take the trip of a lifetime with Huck Finn and runaway slave Jim as they float down the Mississippi River in a novel filled with action, suspense, great dialogue and powerful themes.
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Set in Nigeria, this is the poweful story of Okonkwo, the leader of an Igbo community, and the events of his life.  The story chronicles Okonkwo's life from his banishment for killing someone to his exile to his return home. 
Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
Open this book and find yourself sitting next to an elderly professor named Morrie Schwartz.  This book is a great read for young and old adults alike and reminds us what life is really about and what is really important.  The book is written by Mitch Albom, an old college student of Morrie's.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Get to know Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy in this witty novel which is set in 18th century England.  The courtship of these two characters is heightened as Elizabeth deals with her pride getting in the way of her romantic feelings. 
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
This piece serves as a reminder as to how far women have come in the past century.  The life of Edna Pontellier and her quest to find her true spirit is detailed in this remarkable book.  See how this one woman searches for self-realization in the midst of an unhappy life.
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hursten
Take a trip through the life of Janie Crawford and see how she evolves into an independent woman after three marriages along with other remarkable events in her life.  This book is remarkable because it was was disregarded when first published in 1937, but is now recognized as one of the greatest African-American novels. 
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
See why this is one of the most successful Shakepearean comedies!  Complete with backstabbing, mystery, suspense, and false identities, this play has it all.  See how the characters play off each other and make this a comedy to read again and again.
Death of a Salesman by Aruthur Miller
The tragic and realistic story of Willy Loman, a 63 year-old salesman who searches for the moment that his life took a wrong turn.  Read how the false and fake life of excuses and exaggeration crumbles in front of Willy and his family.
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
A novel that is difficult to read at first glance, but offers the inner feelings of the Compson family.  See how Faulkner intertwines each characters' uniqueness with the central themes of this novel.  Set in the South, Faulkner plays off of the setting to show the nature of man through the differences in the characters.  
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
A younger adult novel, but worthwhile to anyone who desires to hear a remarkable account of a ten-year-old girl helping her friend during the German invasion of Denmark.  The story of Annemarie and Ellen is touching time and time again in this novel by Lowry.
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
A collection of humours and light-hearted poetry that will make you smile every time you open the book!  Laugh along with Silverstein as you read outrageously funny poems, complete with great illustrations.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
A novel that describes Angelou's coming-of-age in Arkansas. Read about her struggles in life and the horror that she faced as a young girl.  This story details how her life was shaped, as well as the political tensions of the 1930s.
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
We've all heard about it and it is worth reading over and over again.  A staple in many high school classrooms, this play illustrates the meaning of love and hate and the consequences of forbidden love. 
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Read about growing up in the South in a town that is shocked with crisis, violence, and prejudice.  Get to know Atticus Finch, Scout and Jem in this timeless novel that is highly regard and has won a Pulitzer Prize.  This novel has also been made into a classic film since it was first published in 1960.
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Another great young adult novel that is set in a future society.  This society has no conflict, unemployement, injustice or inequality.  Get to know Jonas as he learns about the Giver and the hidden secrets of his world of perfection.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Meet Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy March and take a trip into their 19th century lives.  This book is a timeless classic which illustrates the maturing and growth of these young women.
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
A timeless classic about a young boy named Billy who becomes the owner of two hounds.  Journey along with Billy as the values of hard work, honesty and loyalty are clearly displayed in this award-winning book!

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Join the adventurer Gulliver on his many travels to lands unique from our own.  Explore locations that include a land of giants and a country ruled entirely by horses!
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