Nazvee Zaman
Nazvee Zaman!...yes that's what my parents decided to name me...please dont ask me the meaning of it!...anywayss here's u  have a little more abour me..

I come from a family of four, mummy, papa, my sister and I. My father
Md. Kamaruzzaman is an employee of USAID, Though his background is that of a civil engineer, he is the Chief Engineer in the charge of  the Energy Sector in Bangladesh for USAID.My mother Shahper Hossain is a houswife....more or less a 24-hour profession needless to say it can be quite demanding at times! While papa is the breadwinner, mummy is in charge to keep the ball rolling smoothly and in harmony.

My sister,
Nasheen Quamar (yes! different last name but it's called thinking outside the box) is the baby of the family and undoubtedly makes sure that she takes advantage of such a priviledge! Is currently in Grade 11 and will be taking her A level exam soon

As for me I have completed my Bachelor's degree in Management and am working at a technical assistance firm known as Nexant
Music India Online
Smashits---Hindi Music Archieve
Search Engine----Google
My University
1111 Arlington Blvd, Apt# W 948
Arlington, VA 22209, USA
Email: [email protected]
Q What do I do?
Well instead of my wasting words just have a look at my resume and you'll know

Q When was I born?
I was born in the year 1979, 6th of August and for those interested in zodiac signs, am a true Leo in style and manner!

Q Where was I born and brought up?
I was born in Bangladesh(those that have no clue as to where that is take your atlas and find's high time that you did know!) was brough up in Kuwait until the Gulf War, shortly after which we moved to Bangladesh for good.

Q where did I study?
Being brought up in Kuwait, I was studying in an Indian school till grade 5 and once having moved back to Bangladesh, completed the rest education (O'Level and A'Level there), Completed two years of my college education at Taylor College in Malaysia and transferred to Bloomsburg University in the US bringing a successful end to the 4 years of Undergrad.

Q. My Hobies?
Have too reading, shopping, interior decoration, eating out.........the list's never let's not bother

Q Physical Attributes and Vital Stats?
All I can Say is am no super model

Now that I have answered all the necessary questions.......I hope  that you have found the synopsis of my life insightful and enjoyable!

My Resume
My Photo Album
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