Ms. Beck's Forest Scientists
Dear PS 220 5th Grade Scientists:

It was a great pleasure spending time at Black Rock Forest with you.  Your class did great work, was very cooperative, asked amazing questions and made many excellent observations.  Your singing,  attention to the scary stories and marshmallow toasting made the campfire lots of fun.

If you click on the links under the picture of the Red Eft you will find information about some of the things you were interested in at Black Rock Forest.  You will also find a correction.  The insect we called a Mayfly was actually a Crane Fly.  You saw them in flight, on the side of the Science and Education Center and on trees.

I know that you will be writing reseach reports later in the year and it would be just great if some of you decided to do research about something you saw at Black Rock Forest.

The Virtual Black Rock Forest Hike is something you might like.  It is based on the Habitat trail we explored.  Check out Transition Rock and the Vernal Pool as we did not have the time to get there. Scroll down on the linked page and click on the Virtual Hike to begin.

There is a link to a weather site in case you want to learn more about the connections between acid rain and where the rainstorm comes from. This would be a perfect research project.

If you would like any help with any of this just click on the email link and let me know what you are interested in learning more about.



Links: Use your browser's back arrow to
return to this page.
KatyDid Legs
Katydid Facts
Katydid's of Hilton Pond
Stream Foam
Red Eft
Red Eft Information
Crane Flies
Weather- acid rain
Virtual BRF Hike
Contact Info:
[email protected]
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