Ngrogga's Victory

Word has reached Colonel Hebler, that Ngrogga and a "small" band of dissaffected Zulu has been located. Previous attempts to capture him have been less than complete sucesses, due in most part by Ngrogga's unwillingness to stand and fight. This time he has made a mistake, he has setup camp in a valley bordered to the east and west by impassable escarpments. Colonel Hebler has dispatched two columns of troops one (the Hammer) to sweep through the valley and the other to be "the Anvil" on which the fleeing Zulu will be broken, or least that was the plan.

The "Anvil" column quickly encounters Zulus almost immediately as it nears the stream, where it is supposed to await the coming of the "Hammer".

But reseistance is more than anticipated.

Much more than anticipated.

Too much for the British to handle.


Here comes "Hammer" column though it should now be renamed "Help".

The remnant of Anvil cluster together for protection from the Zulu.

But there were far too many Zulu and not enough redcoats, soon there were none on Anvil's side of the stream.

Hammer is quickly confronted with its own hordes of Zulu

Its operations are a little more sucessful, the lancers on the right have just pushed back three units of Zulu, and on the left a Zulu Charge has just been shot to pieces.


they continue to move towards the stream pushing the Zulu back before them, but casualties begin to mount.

Realizing the chances of sucess are neglible Captain Silkin, Officer commanding Hammer column, orders a withdrawl.


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