My Wild-West (Old West) Page.

I have tried several different set of rules each got progressively simpler, I think I've settled on "Six Gun Sound" . Other rules tried were "The Rules with No name" and "Desperado I, II & III" though there is little difference between the three sets.

   All gamers tend to tweak rules, so I felt compelled to tweak Six Gun Sound. Modifications for Six Gun Sound

   I used to design Scenarios with every player having his own agenda, but they always devolved into every man for himself so that's what we play all the time now, much easier on the old noggin.

   All the buildings are scratch built by your humble correspondent (me),  Building evolution page

The majority of my figures are Foundry and Old Glory  and several figures of Unknown manufacturer (Possibly Britainna Miniatures and one RAFM or Ral Partha) all are ostensibly 28mm. All painted by me.

Scenario Name a lot of thought went into what to call it, (Rules Used)

Zombies of the Wild west. (Chain Reaction 2.0)

Zombie killfest. (Chain Reaction 2.0)

Robbery in Shinbone. (The Rules with no Name)

Just another day in shinbone. (The Rules with no Name)

Yet another day in Shinbone (Desperado III)

Jailbreak (Six gun Sound)

Its Mine and I want it Now! (Six Gun Sound)

The Rescue (Six Gun Sound)

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