A Shock To The System, Part 6
By Mari

Date Posted: March 13, 2001

Click here to hear "Jet Airliner" by The Steve Miller Band

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Josie sighed. She didn't want to disappoint him…but she didn't think it was right for her to go.

"Sam…honey, we talked about this last night…." She looked up into his face and saw the crushed look he had and was about to give in. She desperately wanted to go with him but she was convinced that this was something he had to do without her.

Sam's heart sank at her words but at this point he didn't insist anymore. "Okay Josie, I'm sorry. I just can't bear the thought of leaving you, even if it's only for a day."

He watched her beautiful face. He gazed at the ringlets of curls that were falling across her forehead. He reached up and took a lock and twirled it around his finger. With his other hand, he outlined her face and continued down and rested it at the base of her neck. His fingers melted into her soft skin as he caressed the back of her neck and then his hand reached up once again and cupped her face. He looked longingly at her lips and without saying a word he bent down and brushed them. Somewhere deep inside of his body the now familiar sensation of warmth and desired for her began swirling inside of him. He lifted his face barely above hers and saw that she had her eyes closed, tears stinging the side of her lids. He bent down and kissed them away with his lips and with both hands on her either side of her cheeks he silently continued to trail her face with light kisses until he reached her mouth. Once there he began to softly plant kisses on her lips until he felt Josie reach her arms up around his neck to pull him closer. He felt her dig her fingers into his hair with one hand and caress the nape of his neck with the other. Sam lifted his face and looked into hers.

Josie opened her eyes and gazed into Sam's tenderly giving him a shy smile. Then she bit her lower lip, looked away and sighed.

Sam watched the emotions crossing her face. He turned her to look at him and said," Josie, sweetheart…"

Josie looked up at Sam, her lashes wet with unshed tears. "Oh Sam, I can't bear to be with out you, either." she said, her voice cracking. She couldn't help the feeling of dread creeping inside of her. "What time does your plane leave?"

"At 10. I can be at the hospital early. Talk to this doctor, see Lara and be back here around 7 tonight," he said trying to smile comfortingly.

Josie nodded without saying anything. Looking at her alarm clock she noticed that it was already 7:00 am.

"Oh Sam, it's already almost time for you to go!" she said despairingly.

"Hey, you already want to kick me out?" he smiled teasingly.

"Never!" she said shaking her head and burying it in his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him even tighter.

They laid there for a few moments, holding each other not saying anything.

Then Sam lifted his eyes towards her and leaned over to plant a kiss on her forehead. He smiled down at her and sat up.

"How about some coffee?" he said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Okay," replied Josie. She reached over and grabbed her robe, which was draped over the edge of her bed.

Sam stood up and picked up the tray he had laid down earlier and placed it on the bed in front of Josie. He handed her a cup of coffee. Then he took a sip from his and picked up a croissant, broke it in half and fed her a piece.

"Mmmm, this tastes good," she said smiling up at him.

Sam smiled back and leaned over to brush her lips, " Not as good as you do, sweetheart."

Josie giggled and blushed at his compliment. Then, she reached up to touch his cheek, her eyes serious for a moment. " Sam, you know you are the most amazing man. You make me feel like I've never felt before. With you I feel as if nothing else matters, as if we're the only two people in the world."

Josie looked away shyly, shaking her head, "Last night was…. incredible! I was so afraid and insecure about being with you. Your tenderness and love made all my doubts disappear. I look in your eyes and all my questions are answered, all my dreams become reality. I love you, Sam Coulson, with all my heart, with all my being."

Sam smiled down at her without saying a word. His heart soared at her words. How could this beautiful, amazing woman love him so?

"Josie…" he touched her cheek with the back of his fingers and outlined her cheekbone with his thumb. "Last night was incredible for me, too. It was the first time for me also." He smiled tenderly when she looked at him with a question in her eyes and when she opened her mouth to ask he silenced her with his fingers.

"Josie, I've always believed that we're meant to spend our lives with one person. The joining of the heart, the mind, and the body as one is something very rare and very hard to find. Making love with you is that rare, amazing thing, something that can happen only with the one your meant to be with. My soulmate. Nothing for me has ever been more perfect, more right. Before I met you Josie, I was lost. Now, after last night I feel as if I have finally come home. You opened up the door to your heart and let me in. Now that I know what's inside there's no way I'm ever going to leave. So, Miss Josie Geller, your stuck with me," Sam grinned down at her, tracing his finger down her nose, and then kissing it.

Josie blushed at his words and Sam stared at her and without saying another word, he picked up the tray and placed it on the floor. Then he laid back down beside her pulling the bed covers up over both of then. He undid the belt of her robe and freed her body. As he began tracing the outline of her neck and shoulder and then on down to cup one of her breasts, he felt her shudder in response. Josie reached her arms up around his neck and pulled him to her. Looking into her eyes, the need for her crept back into his body as he bent down and kissed her hungrily on the lips. Josie responded eagerly and they made love again, this time slowly, as if wanting to stop the time at that moment. When their desire for each other was satiated, they laid content wrapped in one another's arms. It had begun raining and Sam stroked Josie's hair and kissed her temples. She snuggled closer to him wrapping his arms around her even tighter as they both watched the rain hit the window.

* * *

A little while later Sam and Josie stood at the door wrapped in each others' arms. It was time for Sam to leave, but neither wanted to let the other go. After kissing Josie's forehead Sam finally stepped back.

"Sweetheart I've got to get going," said Sam sorrowfully looking down into Josie's face, as he picked up his jacket and bag and headed for the door.

When Josie looked down at the floor nodding her head without saying a word, Sam dropped his belongings and took her into his arms again. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up and slowly kissed her on the lips.

Then he lifted his face away from hers. "Josie I have to go…" he said.

"You already said that, " replied Josie smiling up at him.

Sam shook his head grinning at her, " Josie, I don't think I'll ever say this enough, but you are amazing!" Then he kissed her once more and picked up his bag again and opened the door. " I'll call you as soon as I get to New York, okay?"

"Okay," said Josie nodding. She reached out and grabbed the doorknob holding the door open for Sam. He turned around and lightly brushed her lips, " I love you, Josie Geller." Then he turned and walked down the steps.

Josie watched his retreating figure and suddenly called out to him, "Sam!" Josie pulled her robe tightly around her and ran down the steps. It had stopped raining but the air was still damp. When she reached him she circled her arms around his neck and held him tight.

" Sam, please hurry and come back to me…" she whispered, her voice trembling.

" Hey…sweetheart…don't worry okay?" He turned his head to bury his nose into her hair. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. 'God, how she smelled good.' Her smell reminded him of their lovemaking and he inhaled even more deeply as if to memorize it and imprint it in his brain forever.

He pulled her closer and held her hard. Then he lifted his head and stared into her eyes and bent down to softly kiss her on the lips.

In a tortured voice Sam sighed and pulled himself away from her. "If you don't let me go, I'm going to pick you up and carry you back into that house and…!!"

"Okay, okay, " Josie giggled stopping the rest of his sentence. "Go!"

Letting her go, Sam bent down and picked up his bag and walked to his car. He took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door and threw his bag into the backseat. As he got in he looked over at Josie still standing there with her arms wrapped around herself holding her robe tight around her. He got in and started up the car and as he backed out of the driveway, he looked at her straight in the eyes and mouthed the words "I love you" to her. Josie stood watching his car drive into the road and put her fingers up to her mouth blowing him a kiss, while he waved good-by to her.

She ran back into the house and closed the door leaning up against it. Her heart was still thumping in her chest from Sam's embrace. She looked around her living room and saw the table still set from their dinner the previous evening. Her mind went back to all the things he had done and prepared for her. From the flowers, and the poem he had written and had sent to her at work, to the candlelit dinner and then the snowball and finally… she sighed just remembering their lovemaking. Never in a million years could've she imagined how beautiful making love to Sam would be. So many emotions and sensations swirling in her body, feelings she had never in her life felt before. He had caused her senses reeling in a way that she never thought possible. She never thought she could love and trust someone as much as she did Sam. She had been on the verge of telling him about Billy Prince…her darkest and innermost secret. All the pain and turmoil Billy had caused in her life as a teenager, had now magically vanished. Even now that he had reappeared suddenly, causing her to momentarily slip back into her old fears and insecurities. She knew that now with Sam by her side believing in her and loving her the way he did she would be able to overcome anything.

She thought back to the phone call he had received from the hospital about Lara, and then to how he had pleaded with her to accompany him to New York. She began feeling queasy about the whole thing now. Maybe she should've gone. After everything that he had done for her the least she could've done was to accompany him. Now that he had left she wasn't sure she had made the right decision not going with him. After all, Lara couldn't claim anything on Sam could she? They had broken up. All the more reason for her to be there with him. That way she would see the way things were in reality.

With these thoughts in her head, she began clearing the table and when she was finished she went into her bedroom to take a shower and dress. She stopped in the doorway and stood as if mesmerized staring at the bed that she and Sam had shared up until only an hour ago. She bit her lip and her body shivered slightly at the memory of Sam's hands and lips on her body and all the sensations he had evoked in her. She hugged herself tightly and smiled as she noticed the two candleholders on her dresser now only holding two pieces of melted wax. She remembered how beautiful Sam had looked with only the candlelight dancing in his eyes as he whispered how much he loved her.

Suddenly the phone rang and Josie jumped as she was startled out of her reverie.


"Josie?" said a feminine voice on the other end.

" Anita! Hi." answered Josie smiling glad her friend had called.

"Hello to you too," said Anita and then noticing her throaty voice she rephrased herself. "Or should I say good morning to you…Am I interrupting anything?" she said grinning into the phone.

"No…you're not. I was just about to shower and get dressed," said Josie. "What's up?"

"Your asking me what's up? Girl, I think you're the one that has to do the talking! How did it go last night with Sam? I want to know all the details!!"

Josie giggled at Anita's outburst. She would never change.

"Well!!!" insisted Anita.

"Well what?" Josie couldn't help laughing out loud now.

"Josie Geller! Is that gorgeous hunk of man still there with you…is that why you're not talking?"

"No…he's not here right now," Josie's smile faded remembering why.

Anita sensed the change in Josie's voice. "Hey, is everything all right?" she asked.

"Yes…everything's fine," said Josie but Anita was not convinced.

"Josie honey, it's me Anita. Your best buddy, remember? I can tell something's not right. Does it have something to do with that guy at work...Billy…. what's his name?"

"No," replied Josie. "Even though he did call me last night on my private cell phone."

"Your kidding, how did he get the number, and what did he want?"

"Work gave it to him. He said he wanted to clear up a few things with me," said Josie.

"Hmmm…." said Anita. "You watch out for this guy, Jos. He seems like an easy talker. I know the type."

Josie smiled at Anita's protective words. "Yeah, Anita I will."

"But if he isn't the problem then what's wrong? Are you and Sam okay?" asked Anita.

Josie sighed. "Sam and I are more than okay Anita, we're… " she paused thinking about the previous evening dreamily. "He's just… so… so wonderful!" she said finally.

"Okay, I'm not getting something here. Maybe it's because I can't see your face. I'll be there in 10 minutes." With that she hung up the phone.

Putting down the receiver, Josie walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower and dressed. She hastily made up the bed and grabbed the two candleholders and walked into the living room just as the doorbell rang.

She opened the door thinking to find Anita but instead she was surprised, "Billy!!"

Billy Prince was standing on her doorstep with a small bag in his hand.

"Billy, what are you doing here? How did you get my home address?" Then she put up her hands and shook her head. "No, don't tell me….work!"

"Good morning to you too, colleague," said Billy with a huge grin plastered on his face. "I was passing by this café and smelled the best croissants and I thought you'd might like breakfast. You offer the coffee, though."

"I already had breakfast, thank-you very much, Billy," said Josie with sarcasm in her voice.

"Oh," he said ignoring her tone of voice. "Well, I'll have that cup of coffee anyway," he said smiling. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" he said stepping into her apartment anyway.

Josie watched him walk in uninvited, speechless. She leaned on her door and opened her arm behind him. "Come on in, Billy."

Billy turned around grinning at her and holding out the bag. "Maybe you should warm these up a little."

Josie looked at him, annoyed ignoring the bag, her eyebrows furrowed together and her hands on her hips "Billy, look, you just can't come in here and…"

"Josie," interrupted Billy." I know I shouldn't have barged in here on you like this, but I really want us to be friends. I know how I treated you in high school and I'm sorry. But that was just kid's stuff. You not going to hold a stupid joke on me for the rest of my life are you? I think that if we're going to be working so close together for these next two months then we should at least get along don't you think? You understand what I mean don't you?" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Billy, I understand that, that part of my life is over and I don't even want to talk about it with you. It has nothing to do with me now. I thought I made it clear to you yesterday at work and last night on the phone. We can't be friends. We are co-workers for a while but that's it."

"So co-workers can't be friends? I mean, come on Josie, we've known each other since we were kids…"

"Billy, don't you dare say we've known each other since we were kids," she interrupted. You didn't even acknowledge my presence when we were kids, remember," she looked at him and then shook her head. "No you could never remember. Kids like you could never know how us geeks were right?! You made sure we never forgot who we were." She turned around panting as if she had run a race.

Billy looked at her back and maybe for the first time he realized just how much she had been hurt, mostly by him. 'Damn,' he swore to himself. This was not how he had intended the morning to go. He knew he had to leave now if he had any chance of creating some kind of a relationship with this woman.

"Josie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to… I'll see you at work on Monday." Billy turned and opened the door just as Anita was about to ring the doorbell.

Billy smiled at her, "Good morning, Anita."

Surprised to see him there, Anita jumped. "Well hello….is Josie home?"

"Yeah," he said as he made room for her to walk in. "She's….I was just leaving…see ya around."

Anita watched him walk away and then she turned around and looked at Josie.

"What's he doing here?" She asked Josie pointing her thumb in Billy's direction.

Josie looked at her friend and sat down on her couch, shaking her head and sighing, "Oh forget it Anita, I don't want to talk about it right now.

Anita walked in and went over to Josie's couch and sat down. She looked at her friend and put her hands on her shoulders turning Josie towards her.

"Okay, now you're going to tell me everything!" she said crossing her arms in front of her.

Josie looked at her, shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

"Come on Josie, I always tell you everything. Plus you've got me worried. Did something happen between you and Sam last night?"

Josie looked at her friend and smiled, then she looked down into her lap biting her lower lip shyly. Sighing she said, " Oh yes, Anita, something happened between Sam and I last night…!"

When she didn't go on, Anita bent her head and tried to look into her face, not understanding. Then the thought struck her!

"You did it! You did it didn't you?" she exclaimed. When Josie still didn't look at her she grabbed her shoulders and bent down on her knees in front of her so she could look at Josie straight in the eye. The radiant look on Josie's face was all the confirmation Anita needed.

"Oh Josie, honey. You did do it! Oh my God! Your first time!" She reached up and hugged her friend. Then she let go of her and asked softly, "Are you all right?"

"Oh Anita, of course I am. Sam was…perfect! He was sweet, tender, loving, understanding, romantic and…very sexy!" she finished blushing.

"Honey I'm so happy for you, but…now I'm really confused! Why did you have such a strange voice over the phone?" she asked.

Josie then went on to explain the whole evening to Anita. She told her about the snowball and the dinner Sam had prepared and then she told her about the phone call he had received from the hospital in New York about Lara. Then she even told her about the fact that Sam had wanted her to go with him to New York.

"Why didn't you go?" Anita asked.

"Well, I didn't think it was the right thing to do. You know?" Josie looked at her wringing her hands together.

"No, Josie I don't know. I would've never sent him off alone like that. Your place is with Sam, regardless of the reason this Lara asked for him. I mean for God's sake Josie, they've broken up. They're history. There's no reason why you should step back. You belong with Sam…even more so now after what you've shared," she smiled at Josie and put her hand on her nervous ones. "Josie being together also means sharing the hard things as well as the nice things. From what you've told me, I think Sam needs you there with him."

Josie looked away and stared at the floor, " I…don't know!" Then she looked up at her, "Do you really think so?"

"I don't think so honey, I know so," said Anita gently.

Josie thought for a minute and then her eyes lit up. "Oh Anita, you're right," said Josie hugging her feeling more confident now. "I know what I have to do now…"

* * *

Sam drove to his apartment to put down his bag and change his clothes. His place was still in an upheaval. He had spent the past few days at Josie's so he hadn't even begun to put his stuff back in order. He thought back to her and smiled to himself. How his life had changed. The knowledge of Josie's love for him warmed him all over. Even though she was inexperienced in love he had never felt so safe and secure before. Looking into her eyes and holding her in his arms made him feel so complete. The past night he had spent with her was incredible, amazing. She had given herself to him but he had also given himself to her completely. Now they belonged to each other forever. There was just one more thing that would make everything perfect and when this whole thing with Lara was over he was going to work on it right away.

Thinking about Lara made his eyebrows draw together and sigh. He had been racking his brain to figure out why in the world she would have had him called. He hoped she wasn't pulling one of her tricks. Well he would sure soon find out!

Sam grabbed his jacket and keys and walked out to his car and got in. He started the ignition and began driving towards the freeway that would take him to the airport. When he got there he looked for the Continental Airlines desk and when he found it he walked up to the airline agent behind the counter and smiled at her.

The agent looked up at Sam and smiled back, " Good morning. May I help you?"

"Yes," said Sam. " I have a reservation for the next flight out to New York City, please."

"Under what name?" she asked still smiling.

"Sam Coulson," he answered.

The airline agent fidgeted on the computer in front of her while Sam looked around him. The airport was busy with people running from one end to another. Businessmen with smart briefcases and tight suits talking on their cell phones running to catch a plane to who knows what meeting. A group of Asians, obviously part of a tour, gesturing to each other, looking as if they had lost their guide. He watched as a chubby woman lead a group of three children, all hand in hand, towards one of the gates. He smiled as he saw a man, clearly the father and husband, following them practically covered with what seemed like an infinite amount of bags, toys, blankets and jackets. Then his eye went to the couple standing beside him at the next counter. They were embracing and they seemed as if they couldn't let each other go. This scene reminded him of earlier that morning, when he and Josie couldn't seem to break apart. The memory made Sam ache for her. If only she was there with him now. How he wished he could've convinced her to come with him. He'd only been without her for an hour but to him it seemed as if it was an eternity. His mind drifted back to their lovemaking…

"Excuse me, Mr Coulson….sir?"

Sam was jolted back to reality by the sound of the agent's voice in front of him. He looked at her for a second not remembering where he was. Then he shook his head and smiled sheepishly at her.

"Sorry," said Sam, still glancing at the couple.

The young woman at the desk watched the play of emotions on the face of the handsome man in front of her. She had noticed right away how his expression had changed when he saw the couple standing next to him. She wondered what his story was. He looked vaguely familiar and wondered where she thought she had seen him.

"Mr. Coulson, Here is your ticket and boarding pass. Your flight leaves in 15 minutes, gate 25."

"Thank you very much," said Sam smiling at her. He took the tickets and walked in the direction of the gate she had indicated to him.

When he got there he saw that the entrance to the plane was still closed so he decided to got to the cafè to get a cup of coffee. When he sat down, with his paper cup he glanced at the paper laying on the table. He opened it up and noticed that it was "The Chicago Sun Times". It was from the day before and on the front page there was a picture of his and Josie's kiss on the baseball field. He grinned and ran a hand through his hair shaking his head. He hadn't even seen this. That kiss seemed like a lifetime away considering all that had transpired between then in only a few days. He loved her even more than he did that night when he had kissed her at the game. He wished with all his heart that she was there so he could tell her so. He looked at his watched and seeing that he had a few minutes still before boarding he decided to call her. He walked to a nearby phone and dialed her number. The phone rang and rang but no answer.

'Hmmm,' he thought. 'I wonder where she went….?' His thought was interrupted by the announcement that his plane was now boarding. He walked up and stood in line with the other passengers, and when it was his turn he gave the hostess at the counter his ticket and boarding pass.

"Oh, yes Mr. Coulson," said the hostess smiling sweetly up at him. She looked at her colleague and winked knowingly. "Unfortunately we had to rearrange some of the seating. There's a family with three small children and they all want to sit together. Would you mind if we change your seat? We'll upgrade you to business class without the extra charge."

"That's fine," replied Sam smiling, noticing the exchange between the two women but not saying anything.

The young woman gave him the ticket and indicated the door to him. Sam walked in the tunnel leading to the plane and turned around when he heard the two women giggling behind him. He shook his head and turned back around continuing his way to the entrance. When he got to the door he was met with another smiling hostess who took his boarding pass.

"Yes, seat 4B, this way please, Mr. Coulson!" She smiled at him outwardly staring.

Sam followed her wondering why the hostesses were all behaving so strangely. Then suddenly he thought, 'Oh maybe they recognize me from the paper.' She indicated his seat with her hand. Make yourself comfortable, Mr. Coulson. We'll be leaving shortly. Would you like something to drink before we take off?" she said winking at him outwardly grinning.

"No, thanks," said Sam, now beginning to feel slightly self-conscious.

Sam sat down and groaned inwardly noticing they had given him a window seat. He began feeling a little queasy. He would have to remember not to look out if the window when they took off. Maybe he would ask the person in the seat next to him if he'd switch. Sam sat back and fastened his seatbelt and closed his eyes, smiling to himself. He knew that if Josie were with him he wouldn't give his fear of heights a second thought. He recalled the time on the Ferris wheel and slowly began to relax…

Suddenly he smelled a familiar perfume. He thought he was dreaming when he felt someone caress his cheek ever so lightly and his eyes fluttered open when his lips were brushed with a feathery kiss.

"Hey…what…?" When Sam opened his eyes he found himself gazing into Josie's big blue ones and had to blink a couple of times to make sure he really wasn't dreaming. But it wasn't a vision; she was actually there smiling at the surprised look on his face.

"Josie….!" He said incredulously. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, my love. Surprise!" replied Josie grinning.

Sam stared at Josie, stunned. He had been thinking about her so much and just like magic she appeared. How could it be that she was there?

"Sweetheart…I can't believe it" You're here…ar…are you…how…?" Sam began.

Then he was interrupted by a voice calling out to Josie.


He looked up and saw the three hostess's that he had seen earlier walk up to Josie and hug her.

Now he was even more confused!

"Kris, Cheryl, Caroline!! Oh you guys it's so good to see you again!" said Josie smiling.

"Josie, look at you. I can't even recognize you. You look great!" said Kris appreciatively.

Josie gazed over at Sam and blushed smiling sheepishly, "Thanks! I'd like you all to met Sam…my boyfriend." She felt warm all over as she said the words.

"Oh, we already recognized him when he arrived. Nice to meet you, Sam," said Cheryl.

"Yes, Sam. We're sorry we stared so much but when Josie called for a last minute ticket asking to be seated next to you, we were so excited to see you in person. We did you see you on T.V. the other night. Josie, Sam that was the most romantic thing I've ever seen. Congratulations to you both!" said Caroline smiling at them.

"Thanks, you guys. You're so sweet. I never would've been able to get on this flight without you. I know it was all booked."

"It was our pleasure to help," replied Kris.

Then a buzzer went off and the Captain's voice announced that they were about to take off.

"Hey, that's our cue!" said Cheryl. "You guys settle in and we'll see you a little later."

"Enjoy your flight," said Caroline smiling.

"Thanks," said Sam smiling back at them.

Thank you, guys," answered Josie grinning. Then she turned around and beamed at Sam who in turn was still dumbfounded by her presence there with him.

"You did this?" he asked.

"Uh huh!" smiled back Josie sweetly. Well, I told you I couldn't bear to be without you. Plus, Anita helped me realize that I was making a mistake not coming with you."

"Remind me to thank Anita when we get back," he smiled.

" I called the airlines and they told me the flight was booked. So I remembered that Kris and Cheryl and Caroline worked for Continental Airlines. I called them and I lucked out when they told me that they were going to be working on this very flight. They were total sweethearts in finding us these seats without charging us the upgrade," finished Josie grinning.

Sam watched her eyes light up as she spoke and grinned back at her. "Honey, you never cease to amaze me."

He locked his eyes with hers and reached up and touched her cheek and then traced her jaw line looking at her lips. Then his gaze went back up to eyes and he cupped her face in both of his hands and pulled her towards him to softly kiss her. He pulled back and smiled, still astounded that she was really there. He sat back and rested his head on the seat and turned toward her. He looked at her smiling his hand still caressing her cheek.

"Josie…I still can't believe you're here with me," he murmured softly "Thank you…I…" Josie put her fingers to his lips silencing him.

"Shhh, Sam, I'm here. That's all that matters. I want to be with you, Sam. In the good as well as the bad. I don't know what's waiting for you…for us in New York, but I want to be there to share it with you. I love you, so much, and I want you to know that I'll be here for you… forever!"

* * *

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