( Bass, sayer of all things profound.)
The second to last member added to this powerful group of four. Soop was brought into the band when Rob realized he needed a "right hand man" to help fill out the Munson sound. Soop can be heard playing with his low end by day, and keeping the ladies sexually pleasured by night (you can hear it, trust me).
Name:  Josh "Soop" Suprenant

Age: 21

Role in Munson:  Bass, backing vocals, contemplating the duality of man.

Influences:  Primus, Social Distortion, Zack Wylde, Weezer, Black Sabbath, Rob Givens, Kiss, Queen, Greenday, Edward Van Halen, Luther Vandross (lovemaking influence only), Deb Garrison (anger inducer), Mandi Humphreys (kick in nut, voice go high).

Equipment: Transparent Green BC Rich Warlock Bass, Crate 40 watt Amp. (Temporary Equipment, this shit is borrowed.)

Hobbies:  Movies, Music, Video Games, not rockin' The Ganj.

Favorite Food:  Chicken Wangs.

Favorite Color:  RRRRRRRRRRoyal Blue.

Favorite Domesticated Animal:  Moo
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