Hello Sxanners, and those who wanted to become one. First of all i must thanks everybody which has created such good and amazing infomaterial about this. I was checking a lot on the www and have found some good sites were i just tho, eh why are you doing this , anyhow it comes those ways and as we see, not bad.

I was from the beginning excited about this sxanning stuff and today iam a completely sxanner for a good board in the www. It gives a good plattform and starting grid to have ftp's were you gain anonymous access. They are the real mystirious creatures i named them so , that we need to have a content and stable trade thing. That i dont wanna mention that sxanning is one of the most black listed actions for a provider that you can do and they say somethink about to cut you off (never heard somethink about this). In case you will have one or two times left before they real cut your head off from the screen.

It is so , the provider dont really mention this think , in case youre sxanning , ip packets will be sended to servers pc's call them as you wanna to and the server reacts as far as the ip is on and the anonymous account is active so, someone on the screen see you break in and log it or not , i think they log all. This would come so far that this fucked and pissed person , he see this everyday , calls the provider that ip is mentioned to and so they know what to do next. So it speak for itself that the best sxanner must have a indepentend provider is not quiet right. As my infos the best way to sxan anonymously as it can be is by dial-in connections from a modem. Here gives the provider temporary accounts for each user that uses this service and its hard to follow later the list, the other hand people with stable ip's seems to be fucked up soon and trust me it is.

So let us go back to the sxanning object, far it has come these days many people of many boards are sxanning more or less the www for anonymous ftp's. A war is outside on the sxanning szene and if you feel right to join us than go ahead and browse the side for more infos, in that way i wish you the best for the feature and we see us ,



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