The CSCC Show

A CSCC Show will be run once or twice a month, and will only be official when 6 or more dogs are entered.
To enter,
email me this information with the date and "CSCC show" in the subject line.

Dog's name:
Dog's registration number:
Dog's gender:

Make sure you tell me what class you want each dog to be entered in, or they will be entered in Open class. If you want your dogs to be permanent entries, say so in the email. :) (Permanent entry means the dog is always entered in the show (you don't have to send in their info again) unless you say otherwise. When your dog reaches the 100 show points, you can only enter it to special veteran shows (will be held once or twice a year). There's a maximum of 20 dogs per breed per show! So check the shows in progress page to see if there is a spot left for your dog! :)

Show Classes

Puppy Class
A dog can only be shown in puppy class one time.

Puppy class point system:
Best puppy (5 points)
1st Best Puppy (4 points)
2nd Best Puppy (3 points)
3rd Best Puppy (2 points)
4th Best Puppy (1 point)

Open Class
Open class point system:
Best in Show (7 points)
Best of oposite sex (6 points)
Best of Breed (5 points)

1st Best Dog (4 points)
2nd Best Dog (3 points)
3rd Best Dog (2 points)
4th Best Dog (1 point)

Champion Class
To be a Gr. Ch. the dog needs to have 40p. When a dog has won Gr Ch. it has to be shown in champion class.

Best in Show (7 points)
Best of oposite sex (6 points)
Best of Breed (5 points)

1st Best Dog (4 points)
2nd Best Dog (3 points)
3rd Best Dog (2 points)
4th Best Dog (1 point)

Breeding class This is a class for a male/female dog and 4 of its offspring, at least two of the 5 dogs have to be Gr Ch. The dogs don`t have to be owned by one person, but they have to be shown in either open class, champion class or puppy class too.

Breeding class point system:
1st best (each dog gets 4 points)
2st best (each dog gets 3 points)
3st best (each dog gets 2 points)
4st best (each dog gets 1 point)

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