Taco Ring
2 cans crescent rolls lettuce
1 pound ground beef tomatoes
1 pkg. taco seasoning salsa
� lb. cheddar cheese sour cream

1. Brown ground beef, drain off any fat.
2. Stir in taco seasoning & grated cheese. Stir until melted.
3. Place crescent rolls on a pizza pan, leaving an empty circle in the center. Points of crescent rolls should point toward outer edges of pan. (should resemble a sun with a hole in the center!).
4. Press edges of crescent rolls together where they overlap.
5. Place ground beef mixture in a circle on widest edges of crescent rolls.
6. Bring up the pointed ends of the crescent rolls to overlap the ground beef, which will form a ring.
7. Bake in 375 � oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
8. Top with lettuce, tomatoes, salsa and sour cream. Enjoy!

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� Linda Jaques
Last Updated: 2-6-98

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