One of ITV’s Saturday morning children’s shows, including celebrity guests, features (such as the history of lava lamps, or a guide to acne treatments), pop performances, sketches, and Warner Bros. cartoons (hence the name).

What’s Up Doc? was presented by Andy Crane, Pat Sharp and Yvette Fielding. It was on in winter, 1992-1994, from 9:25-11:30.



15/03/09 – Following the closure of previous host AOL Hometown last October, I am in the process of re-housing my website. As well as uploading this page again, I have also updated the Clips section below: look how many clips of What’s Up Doc? are now on YouTube!


26/10/06 – Laurence Akers, who worked on the programme, has been kind enough to email me:


‘I’ve just been looking at your What’s Up Doc? Site. Brought the memories flooding back. I was Music Associate on the show for half of series one and most of series two until Vanessa [Hill – see below] and Ged left. I have to say it was the most enjoyable experience of my life. Every week I’d have to approach the bands or music guests and ask if they’d mind having the characters dance with them at the end of the show. Most of them said yes and ironically it was the one’s who said no that looked stupid.


Thank you to Laurence for this, and also for drawing my attention to the fact that many What’s Up Doc? clips are now available to watch on YouTube. There are links below.


19/08/03 - After emailing Andy Crane some time ago, I’m delighted to have received an email from Vanessa Hill (kindly referred to the site by Andy Crane), who also worked on the programme:


Andy Crane just forwarded me the details of your website entry/site on What’s Up Doc?. My partner and I were responsible for most of the stuff you mention with the contributions of John and Don who did the wolves, Stephen and Peter who did most of the characters, the presenters who were game and lots of others who pitched in (Peter’s brother used to come down on Saturdays and do Billy Box and a lot of the production team featured as well).I produced series 1 and half of series 2 before leaving the show. I’d forgotten half of the stuff we did but it all came flooding back and made me laugh!


Thank you for emailing, Vanessa, and thanks for your contributions to this page!


Cast Photo Available. To see a marvellous photo of all the presenters and characters from the show – a scan of the postcard sent out to everyone who writes to What’s Up Doc? – click here. To see the heartening message printed on the back of the postcard, click here.


What’s Up Doc? back on TV! On Friday 3rd January 2003, a CITV showed a Birthday Bash, looking back on 20 years of Children’s ITV. This included several clips from What’s Up Doc? Read on for more details.

Earlier, on Saturday 28th October 2002 (and the repeat on 28th December 2002), the first clip to be shown on Denis Norden’s out-take show More Kids From Alright On The Night was of What’s Up Doc? The presenters got Lulu to give a shout out to a girl from Coventry who was ill, then realised that the card had been misread and she was not ill but 11!


Opening sequence

The opening was in the style of a Warner Bros. cartoon, seen through the eyes of Bugs Bunny. He wakes up late, just before 9:25, and has to rush to the TV studio. He passes many other Warner characters on the way. He reaches the studio, rushes up to pose in front of the What’s Up Doc? logo (see picture above), then collapses, exhausted.


What I liked most about What’s Up Doc? was the huge array of bizarre puppets/ costumed characters who popped throughout each show. There were almost too many for the programme to handle. Some interacted with the presenters and guests and each other, some didn’t. I found them all very funny. They inspired me so much that I sent in a letter with little presents stuck on for each character; and Andy Crane read the letter out! (I’ve since been struggling to find new lifelong dreams.) Here’s what I can remember about them:


The Wolves (Bro & Bro)

The most frequently appearing characters were these two wolf brothers. They spent most sketches enticing children or guests then eating them, dragging them below the screen in a flurry of growling and clothes. At some point their voices changed. After a while, they got their own spin-off show on CITV. Apparently, their double act was recreated as the leprechauns on BBC’s Live And Kicking.


Gaston LeGaston

A rotund, human-sized French frog (why a frog? I just can’t think), complete with beret and striped shirt. He used a wheelchair. He was a chef, and occasionally presented a cooking segment. Aware that the French for bread is pain, Gaston once jabbed Andy Crane with a baguette to give him ‘pain’.



A sort of pet furball with yellow eyes and a mouth, who often interacted with the presenters. At one time, Baljit went to Azerbaijan on a charity trip and met some children. At another time, Baljit had a baby.



A large Cockney earthworm. He later became the star of a soap...

The Undergrounders

An EastEnders parody, right from the opening sequence, where Pasty crawls down a tunnel that curves like the river Thames at the beginning of EastEnders. Undergrounders featured a marketplace and a pub. Other characters included Mrs. Pasty, the Pastys’ son Nick (who said “‘allo Ma, ‘allo Pa” like Nick Cotton), and Nan, who had a heart attack at the end of each episode (“Oooh me ‘eart!”). In one episode, Nan was prescribed royal jelly by Doctor Arm (a parody of EastEnder’s Doctor Legg), but overdosed and turned into a bee.


NOTE: The above characters all had their own clips during the CITV Birthday Bash, in a section called ‘Presenters’ Assistants’.


Simon Perry

By far the funniest character, in my opinion. Played by Stephen Taylor Woodrow, he was an anorak with a cheese obsession. Every so often, he would nominate Cheese Rangers, and award them diploma scrolls, in a segment introduced by the following song (to the tune of In The Navy):

‘It’s the Scrollies, so it must be Saturday,

I’ve got the Scrollies, and they will not go away!’

He once had a supermodel girlfriend called Hilda, who was seemingly forgotten about in later episodes. Simon Perry was shown leaving What’s Up Doc? shortly before the series ended.

The Simon Perry character was later seen on a series of Twix adverts under the name Norm (‘a break from the Norm’).


Sam Sam

A man who wore a long fur coat and had a Halloween pumpkin for a head. Here is a clip.



A grey-haired troll-woman. Here is a clip.



Vanessa Hill remembers him as a strange man made of bits of old wool who couldn’t talk but sort of whistled at you.


Billy Box

A man made out of boxes, with one for a head and another for the body. He lived in a house backstage, with a box family.


Anthony The Aspidistra

A large, green, talking pot plant with a Home Counties accent. Vanessa Hill reveals that he overstepped the mark once by calling Yvette a ‘council house cow-bag’....he didn’t last.


Mr. Spanky

This character, a velvet-clad man with a mask, was introduced when he came over to a table laden with Batman prizes and marvelled at the “jew-ells”. He used to run amok squirting children with a kind of yellow foam (“ghee” – melted butter maybe) from a small plastic tortoise, and blaming the tortoise, shouted “naughty torty” or ‘the ghee, the ghee’ in a high-pitched voice. The character later became a giant tortoise, who squirted people with a doll. Thank you very much to Michelle Davies for most of these details.

Thanks very much to Neil, who goes one stage further with this detailed description: Dressed like a Dandy - 3 cornered hat, white wig, long 3/4 length velvet riding coat, riding breeches, white knee length socks and big buckled shoes. His face was covered in what looked like a thin yellow sheet of latex, the mouth and eye holes looked partly cut & partly torn. The mouth hole had red lipstick to give the impression of ‘lips’ but it was a bit ‘smeary’ … If that wasn’t scary enough - I seem to remember that on at least one week’s show, he had a waistcoat made of ‘Roast Beef’ … only it looked more like a selection of Italian Hams . I remember Andy Crane being shown the garment in question. Don’t really remember him speaking much, but I do remember the screeching of ‘Naughty Torty’ and flouncing/prancing about a bit, when he wasn’t squirting over people or wrecking things on the planet thru the telescope. Thought he went downhill when he actually ‘became’ the Tortoise.’


Life With The Amoebas

A soap that ran for a while on What’s Up Doc?. It began with a theme song:

‘Life with the amoebas, no-one can see us, because we’re small (yes, we’re very very small)

Mum, Dad and the Baby, we’re the one-cell family… on your television set.’

A narrator introduced each episode. We see a photo of a living room. We can’t see the amoebas; they are indicated by arrows, which jog up and down when they talk (in squeaky Northern voices). In each episode, one of the amoebas wants to do something (e.g. join the circus or blow out birthday candles), but one of the others points out that it is impossible, because they are amoebas and have no arms/ legs/ mouths etc. Then all 3 amoebas go “wa, wa, waaa” in disappointment, before the narrator tells us to tune in next week. Believe it or not, the idea eventually ran out of steam.

NOTE: An episode of Life With The Amoebas was shown during the CITV Birthday Bash, within a What’s Up Doc? clip in a section on Saturday morning shows.


Interactive Touch-Tone Games

A contest where viewers were able to phone in, and use their phones touch-tones to play a specially tailored video game scenario as it was displayed on TV. The first one available was...

Hugo The (TV) Troll

Hugo had to perform typical heroics, like locating treasure or rescuing his girlfriend (Hugolina) or defeating a baddie. Hugo rode a cart along railway tracks, and had to switch between tracks (left-hand, middle or right-hand) to avoid obstacles and reach the end. This was later changed to involve Hugo flying a plane. As well as affecting direction, the caller’s touch-tone buttons allowed for Pause, or Map Display. Click on this link for more information.

Joe Razz

This game, with ‘jazzy’ music, had more video (slick graphics) and less direct control over the character. Joe Razz was a time-traveller stuck in the Jurassic (hence the name, perhaps), on the run from a Tyrannosaurus Rex. At one point, he had to jump over a log that appeared ahead. Later, the setting became Ancient Egypt: Joe Razz had to avoid falling boulders and a statue-monster with laser-beam eyes. Here is a link to more Joe Razz facts.


Guess The Girth

This was a short-lived feature about Yvette, introduced in the weeks preceding her maternity leave.  See picture of presenters


Loopy Lottery

A competition which ran for a few shows. Viewers could apply for a free Loopy Lottery ticket with numbers on (sorry to state the obvious). There was a draw during each show.


Crack The Safe

A short-lived phone-in competition. In the studio was a locked safe containing a phone and prizes. During the show three questions were posed with single digit answers (e.g. how many dwarfs did Snow White know?). The answers formed the last three digits of the phone line (the rest of the number was given); the first viewer to ring that number unlocked the safe.


Pat Sharp’s Charisma

Viewers sometimes wrote in asking to be sent a sample of Pat Sharp’s Charisma. This was dispensed in perfume bottles, which, when opened, triggered the sound of Pat saying “Seeensational!” in the studio.


Greg & Max

Two cooks, Greg Robinson and Max Schofield, who were frequently guests on the show, and who entered into the studio spirit. Occasionally impersonated by Bro & Bro. Here is a clip.



A large coin-operated telescope; when someone used it, we got to see a view of an alien landscape, accompanied by ghostly music. The aliens on the planet were puppets dangled in front of the camera, and sometimes included the show’s characters interfering.


Spam and blooms

Thanks to Warren for remembering that whenever someone mentioned or offered ‘spam and blooms’, the studio went wild. And here is a clip of it.


In case you were wondering, when my letter was read out, I got sent a What’s Up Doc? pin badge, and a What’s Up Doc? ballpoint pen.



Thanks to users of the website YouTube, there are now several What’s Up Doc? clips online. Many are pop star performances, but there are plenty of videos of the series’ wonderful and weird characters. Here are the links:


First of all, thank you so much to theukarchivist for uploading 16 brilliant clips, featuring sketches with the Wolves, Greg & Max, Cassie, Sam Sam, Simon Perry, Gaston…


Simon Perry, Andy and Pasty as Cheese Rangers


Opening sequence & Cal McCrystal’s What’s Up Doc? segments, posted by the man himself


Matt Hoffman bike stunts with Pat (in drag)


Magician Darryl Rose (list of clips)


End of episode with Andy as Simon Perry; Kylie Minogue’s Better The Devil You Know


Technical breakdown during Batman, 1992


Hank Marvin feature with Andy and Simon Perry


Last episode of 1992 with Boney M's Megamix


10 minutes of LWT music before What's Up Doc? begins


CITV continuity 1993, with What’s Up Doc? trailer


Dannii Minogue:

End of episode with This Is It

This Is The Way; Dannii chats with Pat & Baljit; Simon & Dannii at black tie event


Take That:

First 8 minutes of an episode, including Take That posing as presenters, and Wolves & Gary Glitter sketch

End of episode with I Found Heaven

Take That jackets competition (poor quality). Gary Barlow praises What’s Up Doc – for a specific reason, according to the programme’s Wikipedia entry.



Movin’ On, Hallowe’en 1992

I Want You Back, Hallowe’en 1992

The above two performances in one video


The Farm:

Pasty & Andy; Don’t You Want Me, 1992

End of episode with Rising Sun, 1992


Tori Amos interview, 1994


Gary Glitter, Another Rock And Roll Christmas



Thanks to Satkids.co.uk for some of the information on this page. Many thanks to the superb knightmare.com for allowing the use of various images.


I’m always grateful to hear from people with memories of What’s Up Doc? and how excellent it was, so if that’s you, please feel free to email me (removing ‘nospam.’ from the address before you send). Thank you to all those who have done so.




Mike &




What’s Up Doc?










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