Beautiful World
Beautiful world

Like an animal staring, wide eyed
that confused look, the knowledge of its demise
like humans, till the very last breath
from the beginnings of time have searched the meaning of death

a benevolent creator, a dimensional shift
or are we to stare through the eyes of a cricket, a bird, a swift
whenever and wherever we go
i am just happy to have gazed on planet earth, its highs, its lows

drawing life from her bounty
and playing amongst her children
I marvel at its past, live the hope of today
and look to the future bewildered

to those of you from tomorrows world
with your new breakthroughs, discoveries, virgin pearl
I hope you too can absorb its vision
left habitable, and blessed with peace and wisdom

Then you too can pass on this gift
dream of people from your future, paths unknown, time adrift
And pray that what you will leave
will lend the earths beauty to new children and new dreams

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