       Personal Sites
This is Kida's site, nyo! It's still under construction like mine, but you'll enjoy it! ^^
Angel Synthesis is the best!!! ^^ It's a great RPG that the notorious Leviathen made! You should really check it out! (I'm applying to be an angel! ^^)
Angel Synthesis
       Video Games
  Ninteno is the greatest gaming site, ever! It's the best source for games and the latest news, screenshots, and other stuff! ^^
IGN is a great site with more news and updates than imaginable! ^^
Kingdom Hearts 2
  Kingdom Hearts 2 is an awesome website dedicated to KH! There is multimedia and a forum!
Sailor Orion's Refuge is a great board where you can chat about anything you can possibly think of! The members are great and are like a family to me! ^^
Sailor Orion's Refuge
Duklyon Cafe
This site is not only a forum but a whole big media/affiliate site dedicated to CLAMP! ^^
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