

I had good luck since my father worked as a projectionist for years. Thus I spent most of my childhood in the cinema. Later I learnt this profession as well. So, if I didn't have a job as a chemist I would not have to be dismissed.

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A real cool picture from Return of the Jedi

Oh, yes! My favorite film is Star Wars and its sequels. My main hobby is in connection with these six films: I collect photos, articles, pieces of information regarding them. If you have a similar disease, please, don't hesitate to get in contact with me! In the meantime I suggest to try some of the following links. All of them lead to a Star Wars related database or Home Page.

* The Official Star Wars Web Site
* The Internet Movie Database - Star Wars
* One of the best Star Wars related Home Pages


And, of course, you mustn't miss these sites:

* The Internet Movie Database
* Academy Awards(r)
* The late Agr�r Cinema, Debrecen, Hungary (I was the projectionist!)
* Secrets of projecting films in pictures

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Last modified: 28 December, 2005
Copyright © Attila Nemes, [email protected], Debrecen, 1996-2005. All rights reserved.

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