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Emergency Medical Services
             (EMS) History

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1.  1796 , Napoleon Bonaparte's surgeon in chief - Percy and
    Jean Dominique Larrey are historically credited with
    establishing the Original Emergency Medical Services

2.  Trauma patients were evacuated from the battlefield to aid stations ,
     using crude makeshift carts , hence as the
first Ambulance.
Crimean War , 1853 , the EMS System concepts were practiced.
4.  1861 - The
American Civil WarThe American nation were
     shocked facing the neglected wounded soldiers , and only a year
     later , the
US Army EMS-System had began to operate.
5.  During late 19th century , medical evacuation gained acceptance
     in the civilian community.
6.  In 1864 , the
Red Cross Organization was established.
7.  During
World War I , evacuations of trauma patients took almost
    18 hours , although the mortality rate was high , some progress did
     occur: Femor bone closed fractures were fixated , a treatment
     which reduced the mortality caused by this trauma from 80% to
     20% !
8.  In 1865 , the
first hospital-based Ambulance Service originated at
Cincinnati General Hospital.
4 years later , the first city Ambulance service was established at
Bellevue Hospital in New York City.
9.  For nearly a century , those EMS ambulances were staffed by
     non-professional teams which could only provide transportation
     and limited BLS (Basic Life Support) actions.
10. In 1947 , the
New York Port Authority began using Helicopters for
     surveillance , transportation
     and rescue.   The US army reduced the mortality of wounded
     soldiers from 4.5% in
World War II to 2.5% in Korea war and to
     less then 1% in Vietnam.
11. In 1966 , the
National Academy of Sciences , medical research
     headline was: "Accidental Death and Disability: "The Neglected
     Disease of Modern Society".  This research had determined that the
     pre-hospital care level was low and did not provide the community
     medical needs. 
     They have created new standards for ambulances to be operated by
     Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs).
12. In 1967 , Belfast ,
Dr. Pantridge & Dr. Geddes , were operating a
Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICUs) for the first time.
      The medical staff was based upon the hospital Cardiologists.
13. In 1967 ,
Dr. Nagel in Miami , Florida (USA) , established the
      first Paramedics Unit that provided ALS (Advanced Life Support) ,
      and he is considered to be "The father of the
14. In 1973 , EMS & Paramedics Act was authorized by the American
     congress. 185 million $ budget was spent to develop the districts
     EMS system.
15. In 1982 , there were more than 300 organization which trained and
     operated paramedics units.*

*** In 1979 - The first Israeli paramedics course was born.

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Paramedic Neomi Zvi - Feb 2000

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