
This creates a burst of light. The secret of which is a scattering media.

#declare shine_size = 3; // size of burst
#declare approx_rays = 41;
#declare ray_factor = 44; // 44 gives an accurate approx_rays == real ray count
union {
  sphere {
    0,shine_size hollow
    pigment { rgbt 1 }
    interior {
      media {
        scattering { 1, .2 extinction .1 }
        samples 50,100
  light_source { 0, 1 fade_distance 2 fade_power 2 }
  sphere {
    0, 1
    clipped_by {
      union {
        #declare Angle1 = 0;
        #declare Angle2 = 0;
        #while(Angle2 < 180)
          sphere { y, .1 rotate <Angle2, Angle1> }
          #declare Angle2 = Angle2 + (180/approx_rays);
          #declare Angle1 = Angle1 + ray_factor;
    no_image no_reflection
    scale .1
  } // this sphere would look like a wiffle ball
  translate 5*z // this moves the burst away from the camera
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