Learn some Neopets Tips

I would like to take a moment
and thank the people at Neopetropolis
for help on what to list on this page.
Thank y'all very much! :)

Icon Read Everything in Neopets!
A good neopian is a SMART neopian. Read everything on Neopets. Knowledge is a very powerful thing. Read the Wall of Shame, You will be preventing your account from being hacked if you know what to look out for. Read the News to find out what's going on. Read the Neopian Times when it comes out because there's usually valuable information in there. Read, Learn, Use the information! :)

Icon Search the marketplace before you buy from the main Neopet Shops!
Don't immediately buy an item from a main neopet shop. Always check the Market Wizard to see if the same item is being sold for less by users. Chances are, It's always lower in the marketplace instead of the main shops. Get a general idea of certain items you're interested in before you buy! :)

Icon Take advantage of free offers!
Stop by to get your free daily omelette! Visit the Healing Springs a few times. Sometimes the faerie gives you free potions and heals your pets after a battle! It may not seem like a lot but it does all add up in the end. Look around and if Neopets has a free offer, Get it!

Icon Death of a Pet will never happen.
People are afraid of doing the battledome or afraid of their pets starving or getting a disease. This will ease your mind. No matter what happens, Your pet will not, can not, NEVER die. So don't worry about it. :)

Icon Don't buy cures for your pets.
If your pet catches a disease from a random "Something Has Happened!" or something like Dachoo from Wheel of Excitement, Don't rush out and buy them a cure. They won't die from it and the other pets won't catch it. Visit the Healing Springs. The faerie may not heal your pet the first visit so you may have to keep visiting until she cures them!

Icon Don't beg...
One of the sad things I have noticed from plenty of neopians is that they tend to beg for items and try to make the rest of us feel guilty. The truth is we have WORKED to get where we are now. If you beg, You will ALWAYS be poor! Play games, Do quests, and you will rise!

Icon The Secret Lab Map
When you assemble all nine pieces of this Secret Laboratory Map, you will be given access to the lab where once a day you can zap your pets and anything will happen from gender-changing to increasing/losing stats. A very risky, but also helpful, thing.

I can't emphasize this enough. If you come across a shop with an item leading to a fake login page, or someone neomailing you to get your password, REPORT THEM! REPORT THEM! REPORT THEM! Don't ignore them or block them. REPORT THEM! You want to shut them down as soon as possible.. You'd be saving future neopians from a lot of anger. E-mail Neopets at "[email protected]" with the correct information, username of the scammer, every information as possible.

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