Bout this site: hm... not much to say... and i dont understnad 4 the life of me why u r even reading this far.

History: this site started, say... last year summer i guess. the first stage of this site was called The Dragons Liar. yeah, that pretty much sucked. it did get about 90 visitors though! it had stuff bout digimon, CCS, and some random junk. it was made w/ pagebuilder.

then, when i got swept into the UgO craze, i made the duelist kingdom. that did VERY well!

then came what it is today, Liquid Silver(man i sure need to make up my mind w/ this naming the site thing...)

how i made this site:i made it PURELY of my own HTML skills! er... xept the layout was kinda stolen... (click here to see the layout i stole it from. ) quite different looking huh? well, i changed it alot so technically its not stealing :). and i made my graphics from paint shop pro 7 and 4, and Microsoft animation shop,and the music i stole from various places, but i did take the liberty of uploading onto my own server :). and to think, last year, i didnt have a clue as to how to make an HTML code for a link... well, adios people, i gotta go 2 chinese school now (shit)

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