Character Bios
Yugi is the Star of yu-gi-oh (obviously) and owns the melinium item the millinium puzzle that his gramps gave him. Hes (in my opinion) a big dork and is bullied very much at school. Then he finishes the milinium puzzle and tuns into Yami Yugi which means Yami yugi  in Japanese. and he also has a crush on Tea (Anzu) ps the milinium puzzle contains the soul of the pharoh
Yami Yugi is the seemingly unbeatable vesion of yugi that appeared and came when Yugi solved his Millinium puzzle. He beats anyone at any game even if the opponent cheats. dont be fooled. Yami Yugi IS evil. Yugi later faces his evil side (Yami Yugi) in a duel in the shadow realm and normal yugi wins (no duh)and Yami yugi dies.
English name: Yugi Motou
Japanese name: Same
This is the charecter bios page and tells bout the charecters in Yu-Gi-Oh. I dont live in Japan so I dont know all the charecters but I know som of the japanese charecters. OK so i only have 3 charecters down but ill have more dun.
English Name: Yami Yugi
Japanese Name: Yami Yugi
English Name: Seto Kaiba
Japanese: Seto Kaiba (means sea horse)
In the first season of yugioh kaiba had green hair. talk about chlorine hair. anyways hes a rich bastard. he only cares about machines, revenge, computers, revenge, his bro, and did i mention  revenge? well, he hates yugi and pegasis boy. he pushed his foster dad out of a window and his foster dad died. (see why i hate him?)
Japanese name: Jounouchi katsuya
american name: joey wheeler
joeys a street-wise new york accent talkin duelist. not much to say bout him. lost against yugi, kaiba. hes a friend of yugi (no duh) although in the first season he bullied him. in america, he has a cool new york accent.
american name: tristin taylor
japanese name: honda hiroto
hes stupid and pointy in my opinion hes a friend to jou and yug.
american name: gramps
japanese name: sugoruku motou
hes yugis grampa. (no points 4 guessing) well, he gave yugi his milinium puzzle.
***Warning, this bio of anzu is going to get crazy, for those younger or more sensitive viwers at home please, read it anyways***
american name: tea... um...
japanese name: anzu
*gasp* *starts throwing various objects at anzu* Your going to steal Bakura and Malik from MeEeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! DIE YOU  B*TCH!!!! *we are sorry. this paragraph is experiencing technical dificulties. please stand by while the author takes some Ridilin.*...................*thank you* NE ways, anzu has a crush on yami yugi. and is a cheerleader. and wants to become a dancer. and seriously folks, i dont take Ridilin. Unless the government is putting it into lucky chaRms so children wont say cartoon charecters r cute and deticate web sites to them...
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