send ur stories to me. i shall put it on my page.

this was sent in by :Sailor-Angel

Summery of Fanfic: Yugi's class is going on a trip! But weird things start to happen there... Bakura keeps seeing some dreams and visions that he can't stand... and they come true in real life... will Yugi and the others stop this evil madness?... or what if they... can't? What if it's... to late?

Authors Note: I don't own any of the characters except the ones that don't sound familiar to you people. (e.g. Airey, Tatsuya...) Other than that, enjoy my fanfic! (^___~) signed,
Sailor-Angel (^ ___ ^);

Sometimes when you wake up on the start of the weekend, on a Saturday, and you're boared, you end up sitting on the sofa in your living room with nothing to do for the rest of the day. When you wake up on Sunday, you might want to finish your school-work that dues the next day, and prepare for your upcoming lessons. But when you get up on Monday, you know that's it's the start of school again, and you wished that the weekends would never end. And that's like how it is for our hero, Yugi Moto, and his friends. Yugi had woke up on Monday morning, and wished that the weekends would never end. Hesitating, he got out of bed, rubbed his eyes, and made his bed neatly. (Yugi wasn't the type of guy that messy, but the type of guy that's neat, and trust me, there are some guys like that!). Anyway, Yugi went towards the window, and looked outside. As you may know, sometimes when you look outside of your window, you may find out that it might be raining, and you won't be able to go out until the rain stops. Or if you look outside, it's foggy, you may find it impossible to see where you're going. Or if you look outside, and you realize that there's a hard wind blowing and it's too cold to even go outside. But when young Yugi Moto had looked outside, there was no rain, no fog, and absolutely no hard wind blowing. It was a sunny and beautiful day out, the birds were chirping and singing, and there were busy people going from places to places, and cars driving on the transportation routes. Yugi heared his Granpa's voice from the hallway. "Yugi! Breakfast!" Yugi looked back and replied, "I'm coming, Grandpa!" And with that, Yugi went over to his closet, and got his school uniform he always wore to school (Hint!: he wore this in the deulist kingdom!), wore them slowly, and went downstairs. He looked around the living room, and saw his Grandpa reading the Domino Star newspaper, and drinking cofee. "Good morning, Yugi," he said, smiling. "Had a good sleep?" "Good morning Granpa," Yugi replied, smiling back at him, "and yes, I had a good sleep, thank you." "Well, that's good to hear," said Solomon. "Come, sit, my child." Yugi accepted and sat down on a chair beside his grandpa. Solomon gave Yugi breakfast and he began to eat it. Today, was large pancake with honey. Yugi loved the taste. As you may know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you eat your breakfast, it gives you energy to do your school-work, and pay more attention in class. Yugi ate his breakfast, taking time to chew properly as his grandfather drank his cofee beside him and read the newspaper. It was only 8:20 in the morning, so Yugi had a lot of time to get his backpack, and go to school. After brushing his teeth, Yugi decided to call his friends so he could walk to school with them. He first dried his face with his towel, walked out of the bathroom, and went towards the phone. Just as he was about to dial a number, he heared a knock on the front door. Yugi wanted to answer it, but Solomon had already opened the door, and began to talk to the person. "Yes, he is here," said Solomon, looking back and saying, "Yugi, theres someone here to see you!" Yugi smiled. "Coming, Grandpa!" he ran excitedly towards the door and smiled at who he saw. A white-haired boy with dark brown eyes was standing right in front of him, wearing his school , blue, uniforms, holding his bag with one hand, and touching his Millennium Ring with the other. He smiled at Yugi. "Good morning, Yugi," he said, in his British accent, (I love that ACCENT!!). "Good morning, Bakura," Yugi said, smiling back at him. "Come in, and make yourself at home." Bakura paused for a moment. "I dunno," he said, "we should be going to school, and I'm not sure if your grandpa would want me here..." Solomon blinked before speaking. "Not want you here? Why, that's the silliest thing I've ever heard from anyone! I'd be happy to have you hear, friend of Yugi's! I'm sorry, what is your name?" "My name is Bakura Ryou," said Bakura. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Moto." "It's nice to meet you, too, Bakura," said Solomon. He reached for his hand, and they shook hands. Then, Bakura turned to Yugi. "Yugi, do you want to walk to school with me?" "Sure, Bakura. I was just getting ready!" said Yugi. "You wait here, until I get my jacket, then we can hit the road. Grandpa? Is it okay if I leave now, even thought it's a bit early?" "Of course," said Solomon. Yugi ran excitedly to his room to get his backpack while Bakura looked as he ran. He rolled his eyes and looked at Yugi's grandfather as he said, "Yugi's always runs like that when he's really excited." Bakura nodded in agreement, and took the time to look at Yugi's house. The house was not to big and not to small, but it was medium and the walls and ceilings were colored in white. In one corner there was a television, and the in other corner was a comfortable looking sofa. On one wall on a huge bookshelf, stood tons and tons of books on Duel Monsters like The History of Dueling and Rules on Dueling, also there were books on how the card game was related to Egypt like Egypt's History and Why was Egypt the country that 'Duel Monster's' were discovered?. Just when Bakura was about to ask Yugi's grandfather where he got the books, Yugi quickly came back running with his backpack on his back. "Bye Grandpa." "Bye, Yugi," said his grandfather, "careful, not to trip on a rock as you run, like last time. Don't get too excited." "Oh, I won't," Yugi replied, and waved to Solomon. "Bye, Grandpa!" "Bye, Yugi! Bye Bakura! Come visit us anytime!" "Bye, Mr. Moto! I will, later!" Bakura waved, and turned back as Solomon closed the door. Yugi and Bakura began walking together on the pleasant sidewalk. For a few minutes, they weren't speaking to one another, because nor Yugi or Bakura had something interesting to say. As they continued walking towards the buss stop, Bakura broke the silence with the most pathetic subject. "So... hows life for you, Yugi?" Bakura asked, feeling stupid. Okay, that was a pathetic way to start a conversation!, Bakura thought, Now, Yugi's going to say I'm weird! But Yugi didn't. He simply smiled and replied, "Life is pleasant for me, Bakura. How about you? Is life plesant for you?" Bakura looked at his Millennium Ring, then thought for a moment. The answer was no. Life for him was full of misery, sadness, and disappointment. He hated life, all because of his stupid Ring, and his Yami. He got tortured every year, every month, every week, and every day. His mother would always find him with either with cuts or blood on his forhead, leg, and stomach, and Bakura always lied, because he couldn't say, "My other half did it!" or else she would never believe him. Bakura tried getting rid of the Milllennium Ring every day, but somehow, it kept coming back, and that was when he remembered something his Yami had said to him long ago, 'No matter what you do with the Millennium Ring, I will still return.' Now, Bakura's eyes was suddenly filled with small crystal tears, but he looked at Yugi, smiled at him, and replied with a lie, "Yes, life is plesant for me, Yugi. I'm glad you asked." Yugi smiled a little, but his smile had faded when he saw Bakura's eyes. They were in tears. "Bakura, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" "Nothing's wrong, Yugi. I'm not crying," Bakura said suddenly, as his smile faded away, and more tears began falling down from his eyes and down his cold cheeks. Yugi paused for a moment then asked, "Is it because of...?" Bakura looked at him for a moment and nodded. Yugi saw as he really started crying. Yugi had never seen anyone cry like that in front of him before, well... except for Joey Wheeler, his friend. Yugi looked at Bakura, and thought of something he could do to cheer him up. He didn't like it when his friends were upset, and he would do anything to cheer them up. Yugi now knew what he had to do to make Bakura smile again. Looking back, he saw that there were not many people walking around, so he turned back to Bakura again, sat near a chair near Bakura, wrapped his arms around his waist, and hugged him. When Bakura saw Yugi hugging him, he knew that he usually did this to his friends Tea Gardner, Joey Wheeler, and Tristan Taylor whenever they were upset about something, and it made them feel a little better, because they knew they had Yugi for a friend that could always cheer them up. Bakura hugged him back placing his arms around his waist, as Yugi asked, "Will this make you feel better, Bakura?" Bakura stopped crying and replied, "A little. Thanks Yugi, I appreciate it." He cleared away his tears with his fingers and sniffed two times. "Want me to tell you one of Joey's jokes to make you feel even more better?" Yugi asked Bakura, waiting for an answer. "No, Yugi. You know how much I hate his jokes. They don't even make any sense at all," Bakura replied, blowing in his white handkerchief. Yugi sat back and said, "You have a good point, Bakura." Another five minutes of silence between the two as they were both waiting for the buss. Bakura then asked, "Are you ready for the Math test today, Yugi? Did you studied?" "Yeah... although, I did have some trouble memorizing all the rules for measurement... I don't think I got those right... but I'm sure I'll do fine on the algebra and the integers part of the test!" Yugi replied. Bakura then smiled and asked, "Do you want me to help you on the buss? That way, we can both be prepared." "Great idea!" Yugi replied. "You can help Joey, too! Although, he didn't studied for the test and he might fail -- " "That lazy bum always fails!" said a voice behind them. Both Bakura and Yugi looked around to find Tristan Taylor and Tea Gradner, and they were both holding their backpacks, ready for school. Tea waved at Yugi and said, "Hi, Yugi! Hi Bakura!" "Hi!" Yugi said. Tristan and Tea walked towards Yugi and Bakura. "Hi, guys!" Said Tea. "How are ya doing?" "We're doing fine," Bakura replied. "Where's Joey?" "He's coming," Tristan responded. "Ya ready for the math test?" "Yes," Bakura replied. "Tristan, I'm gonna wack your ass sooo hard that you'll end up in Mars before ya know it!" yelled Joey Wheeler, running towards them. As soon as he caught up, he began taking deep breaths. "Tristan... you're... dead!..." said Joey, then he looked up at Joey and Bakura and Yugi. "Hiya, Yug! Bakura! What'sup, guys?" Just then, the Domino School Buss arrived with a loud noise, as the door opened for them to get aboard. The buss driver, Mr. Maika, looked at them with a smile. He was an old chubby man with white hair, and everyone called him 'Mr. M' instead of Mr. Maika. "Good morning, Mr. M!" said Bakura, as he went into the buss, with Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan behind him. "How are you doing on this fine Monday morning?" "I'm very delighted!" Mr. Maika replied with a smile. "How are you, Bakura?" "I'm doing very fine, thank you," responded Bakura, taking a seat near Yugi and Tea. Joey and Tristan sat together behind them. "Congradulations on your new job, Mr. M!" "Thank you, my dear boy," said Mr. M (a.k.a Maika). "Although, my boss was so pleased with my work that he decided to give me a reward!" "Really?" said Bakura, pretending to be interested. "That's great!" After Mr. Maika had finished talking about his boring day at his new work-place, Bakura then began to talk with his friends. Years ago when he had came to Japan from London, he had no friends and had been counted out on everything. Nobody really payed no attention to him or even talked to him, and they all thought that he was a demon from another planet. He was qite a loner, but when he had meet Yugi, it changed. Yugi was a generous and lovable person, and he would do anything for anybody. He was Bakura's first friend then later, he had introduced him to Tea, Joey, and Tristan. Soon, all the guys from his class were his friends, and that left Bakura with nothing to worry about. Well? How'd u like my first chapter? WELL-L-L??? I'll be writing the next chapter, shortly, so check back real soon!


k, this is a seprate fan fic: I was walking to Domino high and bumped into Bakura "whats up?" I said with a smile "I have no friends." Bakura replied as tears ran down his face. "are you new here?" "yeah, I am a transfer from London." Bakura said. "my names Brittney,yours?" I ask blushing. "Bakura." he said laughing slightly cause I was blushing. we run to Domino high and sit at a table were no one was at and Tristen and Joey walked up"hey who's the twit?" Tristen said. "his name is Bakura and he's new here,so just go away!" I said annoyed. " Bakura and Brittney settin' in a tree kissing first comes love then comes marrige then comes Bakura with a baby carrage, thats not all, thats not-" Tristen and Joey sing. "shut up!" I said and beat Tristen and Joey in the heads with my book bag. the bell rang for us to go to our lockers I opend my locker and a small piece of paper fell out I picked it up it read:

Brittney, meet me outside school 12:00 sharp there is something I gotta tell ya your friend, Yugi

I thought 'what dose Yugi want to tell me.' I met up with Bakura and showed him our homebase I sat at my desck wile the teacher mrs. Brooks introduced Bakura to the class when Bakura walked passed a student they'd wisper to eachother saying "he must be from mars just look at his eyes." we took each class in the homebase. when the day was over I stood outside waiting for Yugi I sat at a bush waiting and looking at my wrist watch for a minute I sat then a pair of hands grabbed my neck and pulled me in the bushes I woke in an hour I heard Bakura say "BRITTNEY,BRITTNEY WERE ARE YOU BRITTNEY?!" I looked at a person and screamed loudly Bakura heard my cry and pulled me out of the bushes . then the person came out and made a grab for my uniform sleave and ripped it off Bakura pulled on my other and they both lost their grip and fell backwards Bakura got up and killed the person with a knife that he had in his pocket. "oh, Bakura." I said crying. "I love you Brittney." Bakura said.

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