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104. Vile
Creator: Dr.Cain
Description: He's the Sigma Force commander and he is a skilled expert with Ride-Armor. Spark Mandrill is his only friend.
105. Chill Penguin
Creator: Dr.Cain
Element: IcePower
WT: 237 lbs.
HT: 162.7632 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. He is skilled at sliding.
106. Spark Mandrill
Creator: Dr.Cain
Element: ElectricPower
WT: 646 lbs.
HT: 304.8 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. His attacks are electric punching and spark throwing.
107. Launch Octopus
Creator: Dr.Cain
WT: 348 lbs.
HT: 237.744 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. He shoots homing torpedoes.
108. Sting Chameleon
Creator: Dr.Cain
WT: 169 lbs.
HT: 176.784 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. He is covered with stingers, has an iron tongue, and can completly blend into his surroundings.
109. Storm Eagle
Creator: Dr.Cain
Element: WindPower
WT: 275 lbs.
HT: 249.936 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. He can shoot tornado beams and can also swoop and dive.
110. Armored Armadillo
Creator: Dr.Cain
WT: 510 lbs.
HT: 193.8528 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. He is covered with armor and loves to roll around.
111. Flame Mammoth
Creator: Dr.Cain
Element: FirePower
WT: 719 lbs.
HT: 320.04 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. He's a really big reploid. He can shoot fire or oil from his trunk.
112. Boomer Kuwanger
Creator: Dr.Cain
Element: CutterPower
WT: 206 lbs.
HT: 241.7 cm
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick. His cutter can come off and be thrown like a boomerang.
113. Crystal Snail
Creator: Dr.Cain
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick.
114. Wheel Gator
Creator: Dr.Cain
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick.
115. Bubble Crab
Creator: Dr.Cain
Description: A Reploid that went Maverick.
116. Morph Moth
Creator: Sigma
117. Wire Sponge
Creator: Sigma
118. Overdrive Ostrich
Creator: Sigma
119. Magna Centipede
Creator: Sigma
120. Flame Stag
Creator: Sigma
121. Toxic Seahorse
Creator: Sigma
122. Tunnel Rhino
Creator: Sigma
123. Volt Catfish
Creator: Sigma
124. Crush Crawfish
Creator: Sigma
125. Neon Tiger
Creator: Sigma
126. Gravity Beetle
Creator: Sigma
127. Blast Hornet
Creator: Sigma
128. Blizzard Buffalo
Creator: Sigma
129. Storm Owl
Creator: Sigma
Description: He was made to conquer the sky and left with a space fortress to do so.
130. Cyber Peacock
Creator: Sigma
Description: He was made to destroy the network system and can go in cyberspace to do so. He is actually a Maverick NetNavi.
131. Split Mushroom
Creator: Sigma
Description: He occupies a laboratory and will attack whoever visits it.
132. Slash Beast
Creator: Sigma
Description: He was made to protect Sigma's secret weapon in the Jungle Base. He was made by using SlashMan's blueprint plans.
133. Web Spider
Creator: Sigma
Description: He was made to protect the train that carries supplies to Sigma's army.
134. Jet Stingray
Creator: Sigma
Description: He was made to conquer the ocean and he destroyed a city and then escaped to the sea.
135. Frost Walrus
Creator: Sigma
Description: He was made to protect Sigma's secret weapon hidden in the Snow Base.
136. Dragoon (Magma Dragon)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He betrayed the IrregularHunters and hid himself in a volcano. He worked for General, but now works for Sigma.
137. Grizzly Slash (Crescent Grizzly)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He enjoys fighting with his Drill Arm. Fighting strong enemies and winning their weapons is what made his life worth living for him, but now he sells the weaponry on the black market. He burrows anywhere he likes with his Drill Arm. With his tremendous claws he can fire his Crescent Shots, which can slice through just about anything.
138. Squid Adler (Volt Kracken)
Creator: Sigma
Description: A former IrregularHunter, like Magma Dragon. He later resigned after having doubts over the nature of his duties. After that, he got a job researching energy engineering and now lives away from battle. His Tri Thunder is a super-electromagnetic bolt shot from his experimental tentacles.
139. Izzy Glow (Shining Firefly)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He is the authority in laser engineering. However, the results of his research remain secret, as he fears they would be used for weaponry. His Will Laser can remote-control firefly units that cover for his low mobility.
140. Duff McWhalen (Tidal Whale)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He is a Coast Guard Captain who also serves as the director of a marine museum. There are times when he ignores all danger and his quarrels with the Repli-Sea Force still haven't ended. His Jel-Shaver runs along the surface of the ground with enough force to break off the ground's top layer.
141. Skiver (Spiral Pegasus)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He is a young commander of the Repli-Air Force, but because of his youth, he also has too much enthusiasm and commits mistakes. He looked up to his colonel and has not forgotten him. His Wing Spiral is a powerful whirlwind. It instantly whisks what it touches up into the air.
142. Axle the Red (Spiked RedRose)
Creator: Sigma
Description: A rare sudden mutation Reploid. Axle was born from the fusion of a jungle nature control unit and a Reploid with the Sigma Virus. Much about him is a mystery. His Spike Rope is full of thorns with high attack power that inflict repeated damage.
143. Dark Dizzy (Dark Necrobat)
Creator: Sigma
Description: One of the Irregular Reploids who saw a chance to escaped from Sigma. No one could find where he had escaped to, even Sigma. His Dark Hold is a powerful skill that stops time for a fixed period.
144. Mattrex (Burn DinoRex)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He was once a member of the Repliforce Natural Disaster Response Team. He was assigned to Sunhouse Mountain, but he built his own hidden storehouse secretly within the mountain. He used the magma energy to produce his weapons. His Grand Fire is a wicked weapon that spits a scorching flame which continues to burn after it reaches the ground.
145. Commander Yammark (Commander Dragonfly)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He's a dragonfly Maverick who is in command of a Maverick base in the Amazon Jungle.
146. Rainy Turtloid (Rain Turtle)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He's a giant turtle Maverick who lives in the hidden Temple of Inami.
147. Shield Sheldon (Shield Shellfish)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He's a shellfish Maverick who is in command of a special laser research laboratory similar to that of Izzy Glow's laser research laboratory.
148. Blizzard Wolfang
Creator: Sigma
Description: He's a wolf Maverick who lives in the North Pole Arctic region.
149. Blaze Heatnix (Blaze Phoenix)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He is the legendary phoenix Maverick. He lives in the lava area of a volcano.
150. Infinity Mijinion (Infinity Flea)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He's a water-flea Maverick who is in command of a weapon research facility.
151. Metal Shark Player (Metal HammerHead)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He's a hammerhead shark Maverick who lives in a recycling plant.
152. Ground Scaravich (Ground Scarab)
Creator: Sigma
Description: He's a scarab beetle Maverick who lives in the Central Museum.
163. Double
Description: He was originally a Reploid that supplied X and Zero in their missions, but he is actually Sigma's spy and has another true form. His first form was just a disguise.
167. Dynamo
Creator: ??????
Description: He is a mercenary Maverick hired by Sigma. He will work for anyone that will pay a high enough price. He's irresponsible and moody, but his skills are better than A-1 class. He was hired by Sigma to be his new right-hand man. He has disrupted the Maverick Hunters' plans. He is skilled with both busters and beam sabres, but he doesn't take battle seriously. To him, life is just a big game.
173. Farnible
Description: One of MegaMan W's generals.
174. Harpy
Description: One of MegaMan W's generals.
175. Leviathan
Description: One of MegaMan W's generals.
176. Phantom
Description: One of MegaMan W's generals.
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