Gary Cherone/Tribe Of Judah/VH - News

On the Gary Cherone/Tribe Of Judah/VH front:

l a t e s t - n e w s

Don't know what's going on with them right now. I know Gary Cherone is doing JCS again in Boston, Mass. Regarding a new album, not sure. I don't know anything about what is going on with Mr. Cherone and his talented band, Tribe Of Judah.

last news report

n e w s - from 10/01/02 through 2/01/03

Tribe Of Judah has finally been signed to a record label, Spitfire Records, which will present us with Tribe Of Judah's long awaited debut cd, titled, "Exit Elvis" on October 22nd, 2002. The cd itself will be made available to us the fans at most music retail shops, as well as online music shops on that street date. Here is the final artwork (which is great, btw) for the cd and the official track listing:

::Exit Elvis::

(1) - ::Left For Dead
(2) - ::No One
(3) - ::East Of Paradise
(4) - ::Thanks 4 Nothing
(5) - ::Celibate
(6) - ::Ambiguous Headdress
(7) - ::In My Dreams
(8) - :: 2 + 2
(9) - ::Suspension Of Disbelief
(10) ::My Utopia
(11) ::Exit Elvis

I have a feeling that this is gonna be a great record, a work of art, perhaps a classic. When the cd comes out a review will be posted here. Until than you can checkout a review for Exit Elvis at The

last news report

n e w s - from 2/01/02 through 10/01/02

Tribe Of Judah, which features three members of Extreme (circa 1995), is completing their new CD in the studio - which they plan on shopping for a record contract. They also have been nominated for some awards at the Boston Music Awards. This band has some serious hitmaking potential. Awesome stuff.

n e w s - from 6/01/00 through 2/01/02

There is talk on the net that Gary Cherone is currently working on a movie in Boston, with an independent director named Tracy Glynn. Also mentioned was that Gary besides acting in the movie, is also an executive producer and he and Nuno Bettencourt will collaborate for a song on the soundtrack of the movie, titled "The Habit". I don't know how accurate this information really is, or if it's really true. It was mentioned on and now the Van Halen News Desk has mentioned the story on their snippets section. I am starting to think that there may actually be some truth to this report. Though, I cannot really confirm it. I'll keep you all informed as I learn more about this situation.

n e w s - from 12/01/99 through 1/01/99

Okay, we all know by now that Gary has left Van Halen to pursue new musical ventures. I have to say that Van Halen version 3, had just a little chemistry going, but, it was obvious that there was something lacking with this group. I think that it was their musical differences that clashed, Gary is more suited for an Extreme/Queen like rock band. Van Halen is more of a mid 80's, feel good till you drop, party all night kind of rock band. Gary sings songs about important subjects in human culture, Van Halen rarely sings about important subjects. Van Halen has this macho, road derby image, and while Gary can sing like a mad man, something just wasn't working here. So this is all for the best, and everyone should hold onto Van Halen 3, since it was the only one they made together.

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