Nuno/Mourning Widows/Population 1 - News

On the Nuno/Mourning Widows/Population 1 front:

l a t e s t - n e w s

Hi guys. I saw the VH1's Bands Reunited: Extreme - Show. And as expected, Nuno Bettencourt was a no show. As a matter of fact, Nuno did not want to even be seen on camera. As big of a fan I am of his artistry, I must say that I will refuse to purchase any future albums he releases in any market. Why? Because I am offended so much by this act, that, it just makes me look at him differently. And believe me, it took alot for me to get this upset. Now had he showed his face on camera for VH1 and said 'no' like a man, well, than I'd have a little more respect for him than. So, I guess as a fan of his, I can say no to. Anyway, this is just plain awful of him. I have lost tons of respect for him because of this. Maybe all of you will continue to support him and buy any future release, but me personally, I don't see the need to support somebody like that, who does he think he is? The president of the usa?

Nuno didn't lose me as a fan, I love his work in Extreme, and what he has released since the breakup. But after buying $hundreds$ of dollars worth of merchandise by him, his albums in Japan for instance, this is the thanks I get as a fan of his. And why does he have fans period? Because of Extreme. Sure he was the mastermind behind the band, but to not even appear on that episode, and acknowledge a band he once embraced with a passion, just leaves me very disappointed in him. As a fan, I ain't buying any of his future releases unless it's with Extreme. I will buy any future Tribe Of Judah album, because Gary and Patrick I still have tons of respect for as a fan.

last news report

There is an article I managed to find on the net regarding info on Nuno being on the upcoming VH1 Bands Reunited: Extreme - episode. Apparently, judging from that article, Nuno refused to be on the show or even perform with his former bandmates.

Here is the link:

My thoughts:
Well, I already had felt that this would be the case. Nuno just doesn't get it. This is just a show, and regardless of the aftermath, if he wants to continue to try to be successful as a solo artist, away from the band, than this would have been a perfect oppurtunity to gain some publicity, and get some respect back from any bitter Extreme fans. Well, things have just gotten worse. Me personally, I am outraged by this decision, on his part (not to appear on the show). What can you do though, it's his life, and if he wants to be a stuck up arse, he's entitled to it I guess. Well, as an Extreme fan, I will be just happy to see the other bandmates on the show. That would be good enough for me as a fan, because we all know by now that Nuno isn't a fan no more. Hypocrite.

last news report

Latest Crazy Nuno Bettencourt Assumptions:

As a fan of Nuno's, I can honestly say that I am somewhat disappointed in him at the moment. To me, it looks as though with the hype surrounding the VH1 Bands Reunited show, featuring Extreme (don't know if he makes an appearence in it at all), that it would be a perfect time to go in and record that 5th Extreme record, tour maybe, but just go in and experiment and see what happens and release it and become famous once again. Speaking of capatilizing on a perfect oppurtunity, now would be the time for it. Though, it appears that Nuno would prefer to continue to stay away from any association with his former band, almost as if he thinks he is to cool for Extreme, in a rather silly way. Nuno broke the band up, so I could imagine that it is him that is stopping a reunion from happening. I am sure Gary and Pat, and whatever drummer, would jump the gun and do it in a blink. But Nuno seems to be on his own little cloud 9. Anyway, I have nothing personally against Nuno, I am a fan of his, but just because I am a fan does not mean that I have to approve of his descisions for his career. And at this point, I think alot of his fans are getting fed up with his current musical direction. Nuno will always be Nuno. It's Nuno's life and he's entitled to live it how he wants to. But why can't he make a fifth Extreme record and still do what he's doing now? I see no reason why he can't. The only thing I can assume is that he wants nothing to do with Extreme, or anything it ever stood for. Which pretty much is sickening. So, here is proof of this, take a look:

Note the pic of him today, and him when Waiting For The Punchline was first released. It just seem like he's cooler now, right, hehe. Later, Funky Metal Fans.

last news report

As expected, Nuno is still doing his Population 1 project, with gigs popping up and new songs being created for possibly a new album, with this, ridiculously, his third band since Extreme (if you count his Schizophonic project). Yippe. Wake me when it's over.

last news report

According to HMV.Japan the "Best Of Nuno" Album has been changed from the original Dec, 3rd, 2003 date now to Dec, 25th, 2003. Alrighty than.

My comments on the best of nuno release:
I already own most of these remixes, so this release really isn't getting me excited at all.

My comments on what nuno should do now with his career as a musician:
Anyway, let's hope to hear a new Extreme record someday from Nuno. I think it is time for Nuno and the guys to construct something in the studio for all the fans. Than after that, maybe I'd be excited about hearing something new from this brilliant guitarist/musician, we all know, as Nuno Bettencourt. I dig all his stuff that he has done since leaving Extreme. Schizophonic, is a gem, so is Mourning Widows (the debut japan only cd), Furnished Souls For Rent, I thought rocked all the way, and Population 1, was a step ahead for Nuno again, but since that was so great (almost better than Schizophonic), I can't say that any of them even come close to the perfection we know, and love, with Extreme. It's obvious that Nuno loves working and running the show now, with or without the Mourning Widows. So I guess we as fans, can look forward to more of the same old, "Severed" tune or a Mourning Widows reunion. Surprise us Nuno, because at this point, an Extreme record would be the biggest surprise possible.

general comments on nuno:
To make a long story short about Nuno, what more do you have to prove as a singer/musician/guitarist/songwriter away from Extreme, that you haven't already proved to your fans? What? More cool sounding songs, that you can put your shades onto and drive 90 mph to and say your into alternative music? We have heard that from you already. What more do you have to prove as a solo artist or with a band like Mourning Widows (could've been a nuno solo project in disguise, who's billy vegas on drums again?) so to speak, other than fame and success away from Extreme (musical legends) and his last band, Mourning Widows?

why do I think an extreme reunion would be so great for him?
Think about it people, why do we really love Nuno and his music so much? Oh, yeah, that's right, that Boston based band Extreme. Remember them people? duh Does Nuno? Sure, so what does he have to prove still with Extreme anyway? Well, from a fans standpoint, I think that Extreme is Nuno's biggest challange as a musician. They are musical legends so to speak, so to reform them and reinvent them and their sound and make more songs, yet maintaining some of their originality is quite a challange and task for any singer/musician/guitarist/songwriter, and even for Nuno. Would he still be able to tear the guitar apart like he used to with Extreme? I am sure the answer is yes to that question. But retooling Extreme is such an amazing musical experiement for him. They have all grown as musicians since "Waiting For The Punchline" was released, and as fans, we have grown with them. For them to come along and recycle that formula we have grown to love, yet, challange it, reinvent it, is so appealing and exciting to any fan of his, that in my eyes, anything less than this would be considered a let down. He has more to prove musically with Extreme than he does as solo artist or in a band like Mourning Widows. So that is why I think this band owes it to themselves to do this as musicians. It's taking a step forward and ahead for all of them. That's what would make it all so truly special.

Anyway, I am as bored (same old song and dance) a Nuno fan right now as you'll find. Peace out everybody, and have a "funky" holiday.

last news report

(Mr. Population 1) as we know him, Nuno Bettencourt, continues to support his Japanese only release of "Population 1". With gigs popping up here and there. Universal Japan is scheduling a "Best of Nuno" (cat #:UICE-1069) release on Dec, 3rd, 2003 to be released on that date. This will feature songs from Schizophonic, Mourning Widows, Furnished Souls For Rent, and Population 1. As well as 1 Cheap Trick cover track, and an unreleased Nuno track, On & On. Remixes for All Automatic, Upside Downside, Air That U Breathe, 667, Monkey Paw, and, No Regrets.

Here is the tracklisting I got from HMV Japan's website:

(1) - All Automatic (remix)
(2) - Gravity
(3) - UpsideDownSide (remix)
(4) - I Wanna Be Your Friend
(5) - Severed
(6) - Air That U Breathe (remix)
(7) - Monkey Paw (remix)
(8) - Crave
(9) - 667 (remix)
(10) - Spaceman
(11) - No Regrets (remix)
(12) - Sick Punk
(13) - High
(14) - Swollen Princess
(15) - Flow
(16) - On & On
(17) - Surrender (Cheap Trick cover)

last news report

n e w s - from 2/01/03 through 7/01/03

Apparently, Mourning Widows is history, their official site is down for good. Nuno is most likely at home raising a new baby with his wife Suze, and working on musically god knows what. So basically nothing at all is going on with Nuno. I guess you can call Nuno now, Population 1, well, Pop1, is going to tour in Japan for a couple of dates in March of 2003. That's all I know. Don't take my word for it now, I am only going by the buzz I have heard. Apparently though, as we all have speculated to so much, Mourning Widows is history. And nobody knows what Nuno has under his sleeve next. To be honest with you, I could care fucking less at this point.

last news report

n e w s - from 10/01/02 through 2/01/03

The new name of Nuno's new solo album is "Population 1" which is scheduled at this moment for release in Japan on October 23rd, 2002. It looks to be a second solo release from Nuno, but it's not for sure. It may in fact be a Mourning Widows collaboration with Nuno's name used as the bands name now. It's not for sure. The information I am about to provide you is by no means official, but it may in fact be close. Here is the cd artwork followed by the tracklisting for ::"Population 1":: - catalogue #: UICE-1031

(1) - ::Flow
(2) - ::Spaceman
(3) - ::High
(4) - ::Iron Jaw
(5) - ::Un- Happy Birthday
(6) - ::If Only
(7) - ::Ordinary Day
(8) - ::Rescue Me
(9) - ::QPD
(10) ::Stiff
(11) ::Dedication Breakup
(12) ::Sick Punk

At this point this is the only info I have on this release. You can preorder it at HMV Japan.

n e w s - from 2/01/02 through 10/01/02

The Mourning Widows have finished recording a new album for Japan. Expect a Japanese release possibly by late Sept, early Oct/Nov - 2002. Will keep you all posted as details follow regarding the new Mourning Widows album. For more info please link to the bands official website: m o u r n i n g - w i d o w s.c o m

n e w s - from 6/01/00 through 2/01/02

New Mourning Widows CD set for release on June 14th in Japan.

CD title: Furnished Souls For Rent

Track Listing

  • Furnished Souls for Rent
  • No Regrets
  • UpsideDownside
  • Monkey Paw
  • 667
  • Space
  • The Swing
  • Fuck You
  • War Paint
  • Angerrexia

    Expected release date: June 14th in Japan

    Special thanks to Hotel Asylum for bringing this information to my attention. The album just might be a classic. One thing is for sure, with Nuno in the mix, it won't suck.

    n e w s - from 4/01/00 through 6/01/00

    I have heard that the new Mourning Widows CD is set for release in Japan in late 'May. The CD's track listing and title has not yet been confirmed. They are supposed to be on the front cover of a Japanese music magazine called Young Guitar Magazine. I will definitly keep you all informed.

    n e w s - from 2/01/00 through 4/01/00

    There is not a whole lot going on with Nuno & company at the moment. There has been talk that the Mourning Widows will do some surprise gigs in the USA sometime soon, and that they are working on a new record. Also recent talk of Nuno working with Gary on a song for a movie of his (titled "The Habit"), has been about the only news report with Nuno's name on it to come up in ages.

    n e w s - from 12/01/99 through 1/01/99

    Nuno Bettencourt's first starring role, in a full-length motion picture "Just A Little Harmless Sex", has been released on video, here in the USA. The film is available on the VHS & DVD formats, this film was released in the summer of 1999, it stars Robert Mailhouse, Alison Eastwood, Lauren Hutton, Jonathan Silverman, Rachel Hunter, Kimberly Williams, & of course, others. "Just A Little Harmless Sex", was directed by Rick Rosenthal. I have seen this film, and I think that it's definitly worth a look.

    In the film, Bettencourt portrays, this young guy named Vince, who delivers pizzas for a living. It just so happens to be, that Vince, is single and looking, and while delivering pizza to three very fine babes, Vince takes a liking to one of them. Which, by the end of the film, will unravel itself. Bettencourt, is only in the film for a short while, but when he's on camera, he shines. I'd like to see him star in more films, he's talented.
    Please check into Hotel Asylum for the latest news on Nuno & the Mourning Widows.

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