AFC West
Denver Broncos: John Elway and Bobby Humphrey provide bright spots on offense, and Steve Atwater can defend most receivers.  Overall, a shitty team with shitty colors. Listen to the Charlie Daniels Band when you use the Broncos.

Kansas City Chiefs: Two words describe the utter utter shittiness of Kansas City�s offense - "Christian Okoye." One of the best defenses in this game saves this team from being completely morbid ass. Dan Saleauma, Neil Smith, Derrick Thomas, Percy Snow and Kevin Ross run most offenses into the ground.

Los Angeles Raiders: They have the best 1-2 punch with Bo Jackson and Marcus Allen, and Jay Schroeder to Tim Brown is another good combination. On defense Greg Townsend, Bob Golic (of Saved by the Bell; the College Years) and Howie Long (of some shitty fire fighter movie) are the deadliest front three in the game. Unfortunately, trying to play with the rest of this defense makes you want to kill a sick puppy with a 2X4.

San Diego Chargers: Thinking about this offense makes me want to cry, so I�m skipping that and going straight to the defense. Leslie O�Neal and Junior Seau hit the middle, and some shitty guys who have eaten too many chicken wings hit the sides.

Seattle Seahawks: Chris Warren is the fourth string halfback. Put him in immediately.  Dave Krieg is the eternal poop lord of the universe.  Brian Blades and Tommy Kane are both equally shitty, and contain the same athletic ability as a rhubarb pie.  Rufus Porter, Cortez Kennedy and Eugene Robinson combine to make another AFC team not so shitty, with a strong defense.
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