Violent Femmes
Add It Up (1981-1993)
1993, Slash records

A well formatted album with the Femmes' best songs. Mostly up tempo, with acoustic guitars, and the classic hit "Dance, M.F, Dance. Includes with Gone Daddy Gone, which has a solo that sounds like music from a Nintendo game. Simple but catchy riffs and lyrics. Buy this cd immediately.

Ninjas eat some pizza pies and blow up Mcully Culkin's lego collection.

LD 50
2000, Sony/Epic

Feces can be defined as one of two things...
1. Waste matter eliminated from the bowels.
2. Mudvayne.
This band sucks hairy nut sack and should be tortured by ninjas before being killed.

Ninjas torture and murder anyone who buys this collection of putrid shit.

Disraeili Gears (remastered)
1998, Polydor

Psychadelic blues with the best power trio in history. This cd includes Eric Clapton's best work, and is among the greatest albums ever recorded. Includes Sunshine of Your Love, Swlabr, and Strange Brew, among others. Destroys all the hippy records of the 60's, even the Greatful Dead.

Ninjas flip out, wail on Jackson guitars, and eat Edigan's suicide wings. Then they street bash on bar street.
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