Sentinel Wars

Sentinels are enormous constructs infused with technomantic magic. Often used as instruments of war these magical/machines can level large cities in hours. Instruction in tactical use and destruction of these monstrosities is common practice on Omega. These exercises normally take place far from the Installation, where missed shots and explosions won't damage anything.

Mercs would be wise to familiarize themselves in the destructive art which is Sentinel Warfare. Never know when the practice might end and outer world fighting with these behemoths might begin.

Sentinel Operation

Sentinels are operated from within like a normal vehicle. They seat only one operator.

The cockpit has few gauges or buttons. Operation of a Sentinel is very simple thanks to a neural interface. This interface is worn like a helmet and actually reads the operators mind to control movement.

Weapons are fired manually however aiming them is done through the interface.

Sentinel Combat

Sentinel combat is fairly simple. It is handled just like quest combat for regular characters.

Sentinels my fire their weapon 4 times per round.

The technomagical power core of Sentinels disrupts all spells cast from inside them. In other words, spells are useless in Sentinel Warfare.

Bonuses to hit are determined by the type of Sentinel being used (See Sentinel types below) and the operators Level. While intelligence and dexterity are useful to Sentinel operation, they are not benificial enough grant bonuses. Smaller Sentinels recieve bonuses to hit because of their speed and manuveurability. The largest Sentinels recieve no bonus because of their massive size and the difficulties controlling them.

Damage is determined by the Sentinel type being used. (See Sentinel types below) Smaller Sentinels are not sturdy enough to carry heavier weaponry. The largest Sentinels are armed to the teeth.

Hit Points are determined by the type of Sentinel being used. Smaller Sentinels can not support the thickest armors. The largest Sentinels are covered in very thick armor. When a Sentinel reaches 0 hit points it becomes non-operational. After reaching 0 hit points there is a 10% chance each time it is hit that the Sentinels power core will explode, destroying the Sentinel and killing its operator.

NPC Party Vs. Player Party

The GM starts by rolling initiative for the NPC Sentinel party and player Sentinel party. High roll goes first.

If the player Sentinel party wins initiative, the GM will call upon each player to take his/her turn attacking.

If the NPC Sentinel party wins initiaive, the players will be given a chance to guard one another.

Level skills are useless in Sentinel Warfare.

Each side attacks back and forth until one side is decimated, or surrenders.

Player Party Vs. Player Party

The GM starts by dividing the players into two teams.

Optionally the GM may allow the players to form their own teams. Each side should contain the same # of players. (One extra on one side if there are an odd # of players participating)

The GM labels one team Team 1. The other is Team 2.

The GM rolls initiative for both parties. First dice = Team 1. High roll goes first.

The GM calls upon one member of the team that wins initiative to take his turn.

The player called upon takes his turn attacking. He may fire 4 times at one other player. Because of the difficulty manuveuring even the smallest of Sentinels, players my not split their attacks up to fire at multiple targets. If this is attempted they simply miss.

The player attacked gets a chance to dodge. Bonuses to dodge are determined by the type of Sentinel being used. (See Sentinel types below) Smaller Sentinels recieve bonuses to dodge because of their speed and manuveurability. Larger Sentinels recieve no bonuses because if the dificulties controlling them.

There are no counter-attacks. Attacks occur during the players attack turn.

Both attacker and defender roll the dice.

The GM compares the rolls. 15 or higher is a hit unless the defenders dodge roll is equal or higher than the attackers attack roll.

Example: Player 1 shoots at Player 2.

Player 1 rolls a 15 11 20 and 16

Player 2 rolls a 10 15 18 and 19

Player 1's 15 is a hit because its 15 or higher and Player 2's 10 was lower

Player 1's 11 is a miss because its lower than 15 Player 2's 15 doesn't matter

Player 1's 20 is a hit because its 15 or higher and Player 2's 18 was lower

Player 1's 16 is a miss because Player 2's 19 was higher

After damage has been calculated the GM calls upon a player from the team which lost initiative.

He attacks and the process begins again.

Attackers alternate between teams until everyone has attacked. When everyone has attacked the GM returns to the first attacker and begins working his way down the list again.

Level skills are useless in Sentinel Warfare.

Each side attacks back and forth until one side is decimated, or surrenders.

Spoils of War

In Practice Missions
Winning side will recieve 125/125
Losing side will recieve 100/100

GM's recieve 100/100 for running practice missions involving 4 or more players.

In Real Missions
Reward for completed missions will vary from 100/100 - 175/175

Reward for failed missions will vary from $0/100 to $175/175 depending on the groups employer and his generousity.

GM's recieve 150/150 for running real missions involving 4 or more players.

Sentinel Types

Hermes X-7
Size: Small
Hit Points: 5,000
Bonus to Hit: +5
Bonus to Dodge: +3
Weapon: Technomantic .50 cal Machine Gun 500 Dmg
Weapon: J-3 Self Replicating Missiles 500 Dmg

Descript: Though the Hermes X-7 stands nearly 20 feet tall it is extremely quick and agile. It walks upon two legs which can carry it over 70 mph reaching top speed in just over 1 second. Its compact rounded chassis is protected by 3 inch titanium armor. Twin machine guns are mounted near the front of each side of this sentinels body giving it the appearance of arms. These guns are infused with magic allowing them to fire 500 rounds per second. A single J-3 Missile is mounted on its roof. Replication technomancy produces a new missile each time this weapon is fired.

Apollo J-63
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 7,500
Bonus to Hit: +2
Bonus to Dodge: +1
Weapon: Technomantic .50 cal Machine Gun 500 Dmg
Weapon: Pulse Cannon 750 Dmg

Descript: The Apollo J-63 is a favorite of those that want a balance of speed, durability, and firepower. Standing over 35 feet tall this sentinel moves on tracks which can carry it over 60 mph reaching top speed in about 5 seconds. Its chassis resembles a tank covered in 6 inch titanium armor. Twin machine guns are mounted on swiveling turrets near the top of this sentinel, allowing them to fire 500 rounds per second in virtually any direction. A single pulse cannon is mounted on the front of this war machine. This weapon is extremely powerful capable of leveling large structures with a single shot.

Titan A-13
Size: Large
Hit Points: 10,000
Bonus to Hit: +0
Bonus to Dodge: +0
Weapon: Technomantic .50 cal Machine Gun 500 Dmg
Weapon: Cobalt Rocket Launcher 1000 Dmg

Descript: The Titan A-13 is an instrument of destruction at its finest. This massive construct stands over 50 feet tall. It moves on gigantic spiked wheels which by themselves can knock down structures and easily crush conventional land based weaponry. Though it can only reach a top speed of 40 mph this sentinel rarely has to worry about being destroyed before reaching its objective. Its 10 inch titanium outer hull can withstand a massive onslaught before being penetrated. Its twin machine guns can fire 500 rounds per second cutting down anything that its cobalt rocket launcher doesn't outright obliterate.

�2001 Joe Pombo

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