Title: Nobody Drinks Alone
Song: �Nobody Drinks Alone� Keith Urban
Disclaimer: Everyone is owned by their respectful owners.
Distribution: Please ask before taking it.
Rating: PG

You brought that bottle home in a paper sack
Drew the blinds and locked the doors
And there's nothing but empty there inside that glass
So you pour a little more
And there's no one there to judge you
At least that's what you tell yourself, but

Benji took another drink of the wine. He was glad Joel was gone when he got there. It would make less explaining for the moment. This was his curse and he would deal with it his way. Even if he knew it was the wrong one. His head started to spin after half the bottle was in his system. No one with him to tell him to stop. He liked it that way. No one judging him by how much he drank. Locked away in his room for the third time that week.

Don't you know
Nobody drinks alone
Every demon, every ghost
From your past
And every memory you've held back
Follows you home
Nobody drinks alone

He looked at the wall next to his bed where pictures of his past hung. The flashbacks were coming strong this time. "Not tonight." He took another drink of the poison. "Thanks dad. I always wanted to be just like you." Looking down at the bottle he realized it was empty. He threw it against the wall smiling as it smashed into tiny pieces.

You remember whiskey on your daddy's breath
So you always stick to wine
And you scared your little brother half to death
You just kept it all inside
You can hear your mama cryin'
Only now she cries for you, and


Benji walked into the house only to see his twin brother fight with their father. He walked over to where Joel stood and looked his father in the eyes. 'Drunk again.' He thought to himself. Glancing over at Joel he saw his brother�s eyes already starting to turn black. That was the night his father had left after the beating that both twins just took.


Joel was always worried about Benji now. He thought Benji was becoming their father and it was killing him inside. Their mom knew too. It was too hard for him to hide it from them.

Don't you know
Nobody drinks alone
Every demon, every ghost
From your past
And every memory you've held back
Follows you home
Nobody drinks alone

Benji looked at more of the pictures on his wall. The band, they were his family. Joel� His mom� Sarah�. Josh�. His girlfriend. He was becoming his father. Getting drunk every night was killing them all. They knew he was in pain but he would not let them help him. He looked at the shattered bottle. Picking up his phone he dialed the number to Joel�s cell.

�Hello?� Joel answered.

�Dude can you come home? I need some help.�

�Yeah Benj, I�ll be there in a few.�

Though you're only
Hey don't you let that feelin' fool ya

Joel walked in the house only to see the whole band and Benji�s girlfriend sitting there.

�He�s still upstairs. He said he had to think for a minute.� Billy said as Joel headed for the stairs.

Don't you know
Nobody drinks alone
Every demon, every ghost
From your past
And every memory you've held back
Follows you home
Nobody drinks alone

Benji was sitting on his bed and didn�t look up when Joel walked in. �Benj, what are ya doing?�

�I need help Joel. I don�t want to be like him.� His eyes meet Joel�s. �Please help me.�

Joel sat down on the bed next to his brother. �I will help you bro. You know that. You just proved that you are not like dad. You want help� that is something he never wanted or tried to get.� Benji nodded and looked back at the shattered bottle. �Let�s go down stairs. You have a lot of people who will help you through this. Me� The band� a girl friend who loves you. We will get you through this.�

Nobody drinks alone
The End
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