Title: Finding You
Disclaimer: I own Lindsay .The rest is owned by their respectful owners.
Distribution: Please ask before taking it.
Rating: R

Chapter 1

�Hey dude.� Randy looked up from lacing up his wrestling boots. He looked up to the 6 foot 1inch man wearing baggy blue shorts and a �Word Life� t-shirt. Randy�s brown eyes meet his old friend�s green eyes. �What Randy? Does Evolution have you so tied up that you can�t talk to me?�

Randy laughed. �No bro. Take a sit. What�s up John?�

�Nothing I just wanted to talk to you for a few minutes.�

�About what?�

John looked down. �Well maybe the fact that since I told you how I felt about her, you have not talked to me.�

�Come on dude. She is my little sister� I don�t think you and her together is right at this moment. Think about it if you hurt her we are not gonna talk anymore. Plus right now she needs time....�

�We are not talking now.� John got up. �I guess you also won�t tell me where she is.�

�No John. I am sorry. She wanted a clean start�. I would if she would let me though.�

*Ring Ring*

�One sec John.� Randy picked up his phone. �Hello?�.. Hey sweetie�. Well to tell you the truth I have someone here how would really like to talk to you�John�Ok hold on.� Randy turned back to John. �She wants to talk to you.�

John grabbed the phone as fast as he could. �Hello?�


�Hey Johnny.� The words made his heart skip a beat.

�Lindsay where are you?�

�Uh uh uh. I am not gonna tell you that Johnny.�

�Baby please. I just want to talk to you face to face.�

Lindsay thought for a few minutes. One more night with John would be heaven. He was the only man she ever loved. �Give the phone to Randy please Johnny.�

�But Linds�.�

�Trust me babe.� John dropped his head and gave the phone to Randy.


�You got it Lindsay.� Randy hung up the phone. �Be ready to leave at around 11:00. Paul has a match I need to be ringside for.�

�Where are we going?�

�You�ll see.�



�Hey.� John looked over and saw Randy coming up to him.

�Hey Randy. Now where are we going?� John had been praying all night it was to see Lindsay.

�I can�t tell you. Here put this on.� Randy handed him a blindfold.


�Just do it but get in the car first.� John did as he was told.


Lindsay was trying to make the bedroom look perfect. It had been almost a year since she had seen John. The room was filled with candles and black and red roses.
�Now,� she thought. �To get ready.� After her shower Lindsay brushed her blonde and dried it. She carefully did her eye makeup. Putting black eye liner around her eyes then doing the tear strikes. She looked in her closet for what to wear. �Hmmm I think he�ll like this one.� Lindsay thought as she pulled out the blood red skirt and a black tank top. Then she reached up to the top shelf of the closet. She pulled down an old hat and a sliver ring on a chain.. John had given them to her when he first told her that he loved her. �Maybe there is still something between us and not just me hopping.�

*Honk Honk*

Lindsay went down the stairs and saw Randy walking in the door with a blindfolded John Cena. She whispered a thank you to her brother and he left.

�Randy where are we?� Lindsay didn�t say word. She just took his hand and led him to the couch. John sat down when he felt the couch touch his leg. Lindsay smiled and sat on his lap. �Can I take this off?�


John reached up and removed the blind fold. The second he set eyes on her he kissed her. She returned the kiss and parted her lips. John smiled to himself as his tongue entered her mouth. It had been so long since he had kissed her. His tongue explored her mouth for a few minutes before he pulled back. �I missed you.�

�I missed you too. You�re still the best kisser I have ever met.� Lindsay sat on John�s lap facing him.

John was so happy she was with him again. �Have you been waiting for me? Or did you go play with someone else?�

�Johnny I told you I would wait for you. I meant it.�

�Lindsay before I kiss you again or anything else I need to know something.�


�Is this a one night thing or will you be with me forever like you always said you would be?�

Lindsay looked away from him. �I don�t know yet Johnny. I mean�� John pulled her lips to his and gave her another passionate kiss.

�Look me in the eyes and tell me how you feel then.�

Lindsay looked into his green eyes. �I love you. I want you to be with me again�.� She looked down. �Forever,� she whispered.

John pushed her hair off her shoulder and for the first time released she was wearing his old hat and the sliver ring he had given her. �You kept them?�

�Yeah stupid. I said I would.� Lindsay slid off his lap and took his hand. She pulled at him and he easily stood up and followed her.

�Remember the first time we were together?�

�Yeah baby. You and Randy had a big fight because you told him you love me. You came to me crying��

�And you took me in your arms and kissed me.�

�Then you said you would show me how much you love me.�

�I did, didn�t I?� Lindsay nodded as she opened the door. �Wow. You have been working huh?�

�Yeah.� Lindsay went and sat on the bed.

John sat next to her. �So why do you want a new start if you want to be with me?�

�Cuz Johnny. I love you and I always will but I need to get my life in order before I can ever be with you forever.�

�So this is just a one nigh thing?� John was getting mad. He didn�t want to only have her in his arms for one night.

�For now.�

�Fuck Lindsay! I don�t want to leave you again so why in the hell are you gonna make me leave in the morning?�

�You have a show to go to tomorrow.�

�Then come with me.�

Lindsay knew John�s temper was taking over. �Not right now John. I will come back but I need time.�

�God damnit. You think I am just gonna do this tonight then let you go?�

�No. Because I knew you would not do anything.�
Chapter 2
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