Title: Overcoming
Disclaimer: I own Emertx .The rest is owned by their respectful owners.
Distribution: Please ask before taking it.
Rating: PG-13

�Em over here.� Joel yelled to get her attention. 

Emertx walked over and sat with her friends.  �Where's Benj?�

�He is still trying to get Summer to go out with him.�

�He is just gonna get his heart broken. Her friends would never let her date him. She wouldn�t be the little princess of the school anymore if she did.� Emertx rolled her eyes and got out her notebook.

�Someone is bitter,� Billy said looking up.

�I am sorry that I want my only friends to have girls who like them for how they are. None of you need to change for some stuck up girl.� She was writing up a storm in her notebook.

�It is just cuz ya like Benj,� Billy grinned. �OWWWWWWWWW,� he screamed as the pen she had been writing with hit him in the head.

�New story Em,� Joel asked trying to change the subject. He knew Emertx didn�t want to talk about her feelings for Benji. She had been burned by her ex-boyfriend. That is why she didn�t want Benji to date Summer. They were different people� He was a punk and she was prep. Emertx had been down that road and it was not fun from her or the guys.

�Yeah. It is a fan fic bout Steph and Trips.�

�When is your dad coming home? He said he was bring tickets to Raw.�

�Yeah he is� backstage passes to get in the locker room. He will be home in about 3 months. But he said that Shane was gonna stay with us for a week so I guess I can wait.�

�Well if things get bad with your mom and her boyfriend you are always welcome at our place. Our mom said it was ok.�

�Thanks Joel.� Emertx looked behind her and saw Benji flirting with Summer. �Hey guys I am gonna go. I need a quite place to write.�

�Ok later Em.� She walked away and Billy looked at Joel.

�She always writes in loud places.�

�Yeah Billy but she doesn�t always turn around and see Benj and Summer together.�



�Looks like they are getting along,� Paul said walking with Emertx in to band practice.  Emertx looked over and saw Summer and Benji sitting on the couch.

�Yeah,� Emertx said sourly. �I am going back upstairs to my room just lock up when ever ya guys are done.�

�Ok Em.� Paul watched her walk upstairs. �Yo Benji I need to talk to you.�

�What�s up?� He asked as he walked over to Paul.

�What the hell are you doing? You know Em hates Summer and you bring her over to her dad�s house? Dude that is messed up.�

�This is the only time Summer and I could meet� Should I go talk to Em?�


Benji walked upstairs and knock on Emertx�s door. �Em can I came in?�

�Sure.� Emertx said typing on her computer.

*One sec Ceren� Now he wants to talk.*


�What do ya want Benji.�

�Why are ya up here? Ya don�t want to hang with us.� He sat down and picked up one of her tiger stuffed animals.

�I just wanted to talk to Ceren, Plus there is a stuck up bitch in my basement.�

�Emertx! Don�t talk about her like that.�

�You know what? Just go down there and sleep with her. Then you will have what you want and she can get away from all of us!�

Benji got up and threw the stuffed animal at the wall above Emertx�s head. �You little bitch! I don�t even want to see you again.�

�WHATEVER ASSHOLE!!� Emertx slammed the door and sat back down at the computer desk.

*Ceren I don�t think I can take this. Why did I have to fall for him?*

**Don�t worry Em. He will come around. **

*No we just got in a big fight he threw a stuffed animal at me. Maybe I should just put up with Summer.* 

**Don�t do anything you don�t want to. **

*Ok Ceren. I g2g ttyl*


Emertx got up and went to the kitchen. She made a few sandwiches and took them down to the guys. �Here Joel. And here is my key. Give it back to me tomorrow.�

�What�s wrong?�

�Nothing. I am fine. I just feel really sick all of a sudden.�

�Why are you crying?�

�Nothing. Just don�t ask ok?�

�Alright sweetie. Night.�


~*~*~*~*~*~*~A few weeks later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

�Hey Summer.� Benji said walking up to her.

�What do you want punk,� Her friend glared at him.

�Summer we will have to go to my house since Emertx is still not talking to me.�

Summer smiled, �That was the plan.�


�The only girl that would ever love you and you made her cry herself to sleep last night. It is so fun to mess with you freaks.�

�What was that?� A guy asked.

�Shane stop Benjamin is a big boy�. And he can mess up his own life. You are only here for a week so don�t waste you time.� Emertx took Shane�s hand and they walked off.

�Nice job Benj,� Summer said sarcastically. Benji lowered his head and walked to where Joel, Paul, Billy, and Chris were sitting.

�I messed up didn�t I?�

�Benji you didn�t just mess up.� Billy said.

�Joel are you gonna talk to me?�

�Benj you�re my brother and I love you. What you did two weeks ago was really wrong. I will make this up to Em later but she was in love with you!�

Benji put his head on the table. �Here,� Emertx said slamming a note right by Benji�s head. �Joel, Shane and I will meet ya at the club at 7:00.�

�See ya then.�

Benji picked up the note. �Dear Benji, you know the only why I can say how I feel is to write it. So here goes. I can�t do this. I can�t look at you and know how much I love you then try to stop you from getting your heart broken only to have you yell at me and throw things. I just can�t take it. I called my dad last night. He said that Scott was not wrestling anymore and I can move down to Cali with him. Ceren is there so I will have a friend.. I am going after Shane leaves. Since Vince didn�t want him to go right now since he has things to do here. This is good bye for good. Love always Emertx.� Tears filled Benji�s eyes. �I lost her didn�t I?�

�Yeah Benj ya did.�

�What if I don�t want to lose her?�

�Midnight club at 7:00. It will be your last chance.�

�Thanks Joel.�


Emertx walked up to Joel. �Why is he here?�

�Because he is my brother and plus dad is drunk. He would have been alone with him.�


�Em just have a good time ok?�

�Yeah.� She walked over to Shane and started talking to him. �So what do ya think of my hometown?�

�It is cool Em.�

�I like it.�

�Then why leave?�

Emertx�s eyes fell on Benji then she looked back at Shane. �There is something here that I don�t want to be around.�

�But he is your best friend.�

�Was.� Emertx felt someone tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw Benji.

�Come with me.�


�Sorry Em but this time I am not givin ya a chose.� He took her hand and started to pull her.


�Please stop fighting I need you to come with me.� Benji looked in her eyes. �Please.� Emertx nodded and walked with him out to his car. �Em I am sorry. I know I was being a jerk. I don�t want you to leave. You were right about Summer. She knew how you felt about me. She just wanted to hurt you and keep us apart.�

�It worked.�

�I know it did. It did because I am an idiot. I don�t want you spend your last night here listenin to me talk so go back in and have fun.�

She started to walk away as he got in the car.  �I can�t believe I am doing this.� She mumbled. �Benj wait.� She got in the passenger side of the car. �I don�t know why I am doing this because I said I would never trust a guy who has hurt me� but there is something the makes it different when it comes to you. I guess it is that I love you.�

�I love you too Em. Will ya please stay here with me?�

�Benj I don�t know. I�� She was cut off by Benji kissing her.

He broke the kiss when they were both breathless. �At lest now if you leave I can remember what it was like to kiss you. Will ya stay?� Emertx was just starring at him. �Sorry I bet that was the wrong thing to do.�

�No.� Emertx leaned over and kissed him again. �It felt right.�

�It always has with you.� Emertx smiled. �So ya gonna answer me?�

�I will stay. IF you�� Benji smiled and kissed her again. �Yeah that.�

�Let�s go back in baby girl.�

�Ok Benji.� They got out of the car and walked back in to the club. Joel walked over.

�What is going on?�

�Nothing.� Benji said innocently making Emertx giggle.

�Are you two going out now?�

Emertx looked at Benji. �Yeah bro we are.� Emertx�s smile got bigger.

�Bout time.� All of them laughed and restarted the party to celebrate Emertx staying.
The End
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