Title: Betrayal
Disclaimer: I own Emertx and that's it. The rest our owned by their respectful owners.
Distribution: Please ask before taking.
Rating: PG-13

Chapter 1

*Knock Knock*

�Chris? Chris I need to talk to you.� The door opened and Trish looked in. �Damn.�

�What�s wrong Barbie? Did you miss your boyfriend?� Trish turned around to see Victoria and Jazz.

�Looks like you�re all alone.�

�Just leave me alone. I am not in the mood to play your games.�

�We�re not playing,� Jazz said hitting her.


�Chris turn off your cell,� Jay said taking Chris�s phone.

�Jay I can�t turn it off I am waiting for a cell.�

�Let me guess, Trish?�

�No Emertx. She was going to Scott�s after her match. She was really upset that Hunter and Shawn were throwing cheep shoots when Kevin can�t wrestle and Scott is drinking himself to death. She is gonna try to help him.�

�Ok,� Jay handed Chris back his cell. �Think she is gonna be ok?�

�She has known the Clique since she was 16. X-Pac is no where to be found, Kev and Scott are in bad shape, and then she has Hunter and Shawn fighting all the time. She is a fighter though so she will be ok.�

�Ok then. Let�s go party.�

*Ring ring*

�Sorry Jay.� He picked up the phone. �Hello?�

�Can things get any worse?�

�Em things can always get worse. What happened now?�

�Scott is in rehab again. Then I came to the arena and Stacy got Trish to go talk to you but you left with Jay.  So I was wondering why I couldn�t find Trish and I found out that Jazz and Victoria jumped her outside your locker room.�

�Is she ok?�

�Don�t know yet. I am going to the hospital now.� She said as she walked down the hall to the parking lot.

�She is in the hospital?�
Chapter 2


�I will met you there.� Chris hung up the phone. �Sorry again Jay. I got to go.�

�What? Why?�

�Trish is in the hospital.�

�Oh really? Severs her right.�

�What the hell?� Chris asked his eyes wide.

�That is what she gets for hurting you.�

�Wait a second. She got jumped outside my locker room. No one but you knew I was not in there and they would not follow her just for thinking I might not be there. They are not that stupid. You set her up. You got me out of the locker room and building knowing I would help her because I love her. You have been trying to keep me away from her. You are the one who changed the signs last week so I would not go to her locker room... didn�t you? But why is what I want to know.�

�Because you are to good for her.�

�You don�t believe that so why?�

�I lost Amy. Why should you get Trish?�

�Because I fell for Trish and you just wanted Amy so you could throw it in Matt�s face. You know I can�t
believe you. I can�t call you my friend anymore. You�re just a piece of shit.� Chris walked out of the club and started on his way to the hospital.

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