Title: Someday
Song: "Someday" by Nickleback
Song on the radio: "Even Angels Fall" by Jessica Riddle
Disclaimer: I own no one. They are owned by their respectful owners.
Distribution: Please ask before taking it.
Rating: PG-13

How the hell did we wind up like this?
Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missed
And try turn the tables

�I am sorry Trish. I love you and I don�t want to live without you.� It was his last plea to her. His heart shattered when Mae came out of the bathroom. He couldn�t get up the courage to try again. He got out of the locker room as fast has he could. �Well I guess that was it.  Shit!� He punched the wall. It wasn't suppose to be like this. He wasn�t supposed to be in love with her. He looked at his bloody hand as the tears filled his eyes. He looked back up and she was in front of him.

I wish you'd unclench your fists, and unpack your suitcase
Lately there's been too much of this
But don't think it's too late

She still had the rage that made his heart break in her eyes. �I heard what you said,� A shred of hope came to his eyes. �Stop playing these games. What I thought we had is over and I never want to see you again. "


�Save it Mr. King of the World. I am done with you.� She walked away and he reached out to stop her but the pain in his hand was to bad.

�I guess then I am too,� he whispered He went and grabbed his stuff and walked to his car. He took off with tear still flowing down his face. He turned on the radio to drown out his thoughts.

�You found hope, you found faith
Found how fast she could take it away
Found true love lost your heart
Now you don�t know who you are

She made it easy made it free
Made you hurt till you couldn't see
Sometimes it stops some times it flows
Baby that is how love goes

You will fly and you will crawl
God knows even angels fall
No such thing as you lost it all
God knows even angels fall�

He was lost in the words of the song. He never saw the guy run the red light. The other guy hit the side of his car. It flipped over and he was thrown out. He heard the sirens all around him. He just lost his will to live and he stopped fighting. �Hold on sir. Your gonna be fine.� The doctor said as he was rushed into a trauma room.

�I love you, Trish.� With that he let go. Gave into the darkness around him.

Nothing's wrong, just as long as
You know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)

�Yes sir thank you for calling. It is a great lose to us all.� Vince looked at Shane after hanging up. �That was Chris Irvine�s father. Ummmmm Shane, a drunk driver hit Chris after the show last week. He passed away an hour later.�

�Oh my god.�

�He asked if I could tell the superstars. He also said that Chris�s last words were �I love you, Trish.� He thinks Trish should know. I will make the announcement after the production meeting tonight. After will you pull Trish aside and tell her?�


�Tonight is gonna be a sad night on Raw.�

Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when

All the WWE superstars were in the ring for the production meeting. �Don�t leave just yet,� said J.R. �Vince has sad news for you all.�

�Ok it pains me to say this but� Chris Irvine was killed last week by a drunk driver.�

Trish got up and ran out of the room. Shane followed her. �Trish, Chris�s dad wanted you to know that his last words were he loved you.�

Trish burst into tear. �Shane my last words to him were �I never want to see you again.��

�He knew you didn�t mean it.� Trish just dropped to the floor crying.

Well I'd hope that since we're here anyway
That we could end up saying
Things we've always needed to say
So we could end up staying
Now the story's played out like this

"Amy I miss him so much. I can�t stop thinking about him the last time I saw him he had busted his hand and crying because he lost me and� and I� I told him I never wanted to see him again. I don�t know what to do,� she sobbed.

�I know. You were in love with him. But he did hurt you first.�

�I wish I could turn back time and forgive him.�

�Get some sleep. We will talk more tomorrow.�

Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror

Trish fell asleep that night. She kept replaying her last talk with Chris. She saw him in her dreams but she couldn�t change it but it never ended. She was just a bystander with no power. She opened her eyes. �It�s been a month and I can still remember that night.� She got up and got ready to go to Raw. When she got there Vince asked her to come to his office.

�Trish are you ok? I am worried about you. You look like you have not slept in weeks and your ring work is getting sloppy.� She just looked away. �Look Trish if you want some time off you can have it. You have taken Chris�s death pretty hard.�

�I am sorry Vince. I just need a little time. I loved him.�

�Ok do your match tonight then take as long as you need.�

Nothing's wrong, just as long as
You know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when

She went out to her match with Jazz. She just couldn�t get her mind on the match. She didn�t want this pain anymore. She just wanted Chris to hold her again. Vince had told them to be careful because part of the barricade padding was torn off by Kane. Her head was not in the ring it was with her heart and that was with Chris. She was only taking bumps, not fighting back. Jazz got her in the chicken wing to throw her over the top rope. Trish was not thinking and tried to push off of Jazz�s grip. She fell farther then she should have and her head hit the barricade. Everything went quite but for a slip second she smiled. The ref stopped the match and he and Jazz went to her. The ref called for help but it was to late. She was gone.

How the hell did we wind up like this?
Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missed
And try to turn the tables
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror

�I shouldn�t have sent her in there. I knew she needed time.� Vince blamed himself for what had happened to Trish.

�Dad it was not your fault. Plus she is with Chris. They both had a lot to live for. It is a big lose but now they are together again.�

�Yeah Shane your right.�

Nothing's wrong, just as long as
You know that someday I will

�Hello?� Trish looked around. It was so white. Then she saw someone coming close to her.

�You had your whole life to live baby. I am so sorry that this happened to you.�

�Chris.� She choked out.

�Yep baby girl. I was watching over you.� She hugged him. �I am never letting you go again Trish. I love you.�

�I love you too Chris.�

Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
I know you're wondering when
The End
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