Title: Surprise
Disclaimer: I own Lindsay, Jenn and Ryan are owned by themselves. .The rest is owned by their respectful owners.
Distribution: Please ask before taking it.
Rating: PG

She sat in her room with her headphones on listening to her favorite CD, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, when it started all over again. �JENNIFER GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW!� Sighing she put her book down and pushed herself up off the bed. She put a lock of her brown hair behind ear.

Her mom was standing in the doorway as soon as she opened it. �Yes?� She asked trying not to give her mother a dirty look. �Great I can�t even get one night of peace.�

�Sarah tells me you have been talking to that boy in Canada again.�

She looked her mom right in the eyes. �He has a name mom.�

�DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT WHAT HIS NAME IS?!� Her mother�s eyes were full of anger. �Jenn I have told you I don�t want you calling him on the house phone.�
This time Jenn could not help but roll her eyes. �I used the calling card I got with me own money!� She had to bit her lip to keep from saying anything else she was thinking.

�DON�T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOUNG LADY! You disrespectful little shit. All you care about is that damn computer, your stupid friends who will never make it, and the phone!� Her mom looked around the room.

Jenn closed her eyes for a split second. �My friends? YOU DON�T EVEN KNOW MY FRIENDS! And the computer and phone are the only way I can talk to them!�

�You would be better off without them!�

�Just because you have no friends doesn�t mean I can�t. I need to get out of her for a while. She looked over at her dog. �Kelsey come on girl let�s go for a walk.� Walking over to the door she put the leash on Kelsey.

�Where the hell do you think you are going?!�

�I am not fighting with you right now mom.� With that she walked about of the door. When she knew she was fair enough from the apartment she pulled out her cell phone.


�Hey dude.�

�Hi. Um Lindsay are you talking to Ryan right now online?�

�Yup I sure am talking to the lil freak. Why?�

Jenn looked around as she walked. �Can you tell him I won�t be able to call him tonight? Sarah got me in trouble again.�

�Sure. Everything all right?� Lindsay asked worried.

Jenn sighed. �Another fight. Nothing new anymore.�

�You ok?�

�Yeah. Hey I got to go my mom doesn�t know I am on the phone and if Sarah sees me I will be in big trouble.�

�Ok bye dude.�


Lindsay looked back at the screen where she was talking to Jenn�s boyfriend.
tigluvr93: jenn wants me to tell you she can�t call ya tonight
chrono_trigger31: y?
tigluvr93: she got in an another fight with her mom
chrono_trigger31: damn it
tigluvr93: i wish we could get her out of there
chrono_trigger31: me to my friend me to

~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ When everything starts to fall apart all you need is the one you love~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!

Ryan tossed and turned that night. He was worried about Jenn. This had been the forth fight with her mom that week. At that moment he would do anything to get her out of there but for now there was nothing he could do. He was to far away. �One day. One day she will be safe and we will be together.�


The next day at school Lindsay pulled Jenn aside. They sat on the edge of the table in Jenn first class of the day. �Not much longer

�What do you mean,� Jenn asked.

Lindsay laughed and shook her head. �Tell you are 18. Only two more months. Then we can both get out of this hell hole.�

�What about John?�

Lindsay looked down. �I guess there is nothing between us.� She pushed Jenn a little bit. �So you think you are ready?�

�Ready for what?� Jenn asked looking her friend in the eye.

Lindsay sighed. �Ready to get out of here. I think I am going to go to Canada with you. Drop you on Ryan�s door step then go to The Dungeon.�


�I don�t care what anyone says I will make it dude. So will you with whatever you want to do.� Lindsay looked toward the door as she got up. �But you are one step a head of me.�

�What does that mean?� Jenn asked moving her head to watch Lindsay walk over to the door.

Lindsay shook her head once again. �All I am gonna say is you better fucking love me.�

Jenn watched as Lindsay went out the door and told someone to get their ass in the room. She thought what she was seeing was a dream at first. There was no way he was there. �Elo hun.� That was all he could get out of his mouth before she tackled him locking her arms around his neck.

�Ryan� what� why�. How are you here?� She mumbled before kissing him.

�I guess I should never tell Em I have nothing to do for a week. She told me to check the mall box. When I did there was a plane ticket.� He said hugging her tightly.
�How long have you been here?�

�Since last night.�

�I didn�t think she could save that much so fast.�

Lindsay yelled from outside the room. �Don�t even think I am getting you a birthday gift now!�

Both Jenn and Ryan laughed. �I am so glad you are here.�

�Me too Jenn, me too.� He wished he never had to let her go at that moment. Everything felt so right. Ten minutes later the bell rang and Lindsay came back in the room.
�Ok I will see you two later. Ryan don�t deistic her or else you will have to follow me all day� and neither of us want that.� She smiled and left the room again.


It was Jenn�s eighteenth birthday party. Ryan had stayed for a few days then had to leave. �Hey dude,� Lindsay yelled over the people. �Sorry all I could get was a card.

Jenn took it from her smiling. �Trust me you gave me the best gift.�

�Just wait,� she thought. �Open it.�

�Ok.� Jenn opened the envelope and pulled out the card. When she opened it a set of plane tickets fell out. She read the inside.

Jenn- Ok so I lied and I did have another trick. Our flight leave Friday at 8 a.m.�

She turned back to Lindsay. �You�re a brat. Does he know about this?� Lindsay just smiled. �Thanks.�

�Not a problem Jenn.�


It was late that afternoon when Ryan�s dad asked him to go check the mail. He walked out the door and couldn�t believe his eyes��..
The End
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