Title: Why Do We Do This
Disclaimer: I own Madden .The rest is owned by their respectful owners.
Distribution: Please ask before taking it.
Rating: R

Chap 1

�Ok just get on his good side�
. She checked the mirror. This was her favorite outfit. Baggy black pants with a red seem. Her shirt was black and in blood red letters the words 'I used to scare my own family... In till their accident.' Then in the center under the words there was a dark blue coffin dripping blood. No one would know about her past her. Or her family... Ha! Like any of them would come near a ring after what had happened to her brother. They would never come to get her here. Now it would be different. This time she would not fall in love. She put her blonde hair up in two pigtails and made sure the black eyeliner was perfect. After putting the black 'Deadman Inc.' hat backwards she put the crimson lipstick on. With one last look in the mirror she headed out to the boss's office.

*Knock Knock*

Vince looked up from his paper work. "Come in." The young girl entered the room. "Hello Madden. This meeting is for me to fill you in on your character. Your name will be Tiger like you picked out with J.R. I am going to start you in a romantic angle."

"That's cool. With who?"

The door opened and a man walked in wearing a black suit and with his black hair spiked in the front. "Hey Vince. Ric said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Randy, I would like you to meet your on camera girlfriend. Randy this is Madden."

Madden stood up to the guy she was going to get very close with on camera. "It's very nice to... OH MY GOD! RANDY!?"

"Madden what the hell are you doing here?!"

"Sorry Mr. McMahon I can't be his girl."

"Why not?"

"Because he is my brother."

"Then yes you are right you can't be with him." Vince looked down at his papers.
�Hmm. Madden Orton. I missed that part�. She was getting nevus knowing she had to get away from Randy. "Ok. I will put you with Triple H."

"Ok. I will go find him now." Madden took off out the door but was caught by the wrist.

"We need to talk."

"Go to hell! Bro get this.... I am old enough to buy my own beer. I am an adult. And I can do whatever I want." She twisted her arm around like he had taught her to if she needed to get away from some one.

"You used to tell me everything. I guess that has changed and it has to be my fault." Randy looked down has he turned around. "Sorry kid but you know I am always here for you. The will never change no matter how old we are." He walked down the other hallway away from his little sister.

Madden pulled the gold chain with her name on it out of her shirt.
�No Randy. You used to be there for me. But then things changed�. She walked the hall to her locker room. Her mind was replaying the last 6 years. So many things had happened. Things no teenager should have to live. Being so lost in thought she didn't see the 6' 4'' man walking toward her in till she was on the ground. The man put his hand out to help her up. She rolled her eyes and got up by herself. When she looked up at him she froze. �Oh God. Please don't know it is me�. She turned to walk away but the man slipped his arms around her waist. Before she could fight he was holding her against his chest. Even though she wanted to kick and scream she started to relax. Goosebumps started to appear as he put his head on her shoulder. "Paul," she said softly.

"Hey baby. Did you really think I would not know it was you?" He whispered softly in her ear making her shiver. "What are you doing here?"

Madden turned in his arms so she was facing him. "I got a job. Paul, I have to go find some dude named Triple H. I will......" Before she could finish Paul kissed her softly.

"Babe you are standing in Triple H's arms. So I guess you are Tiger? It fits. You�re my Tiger."

She pulled away as far as she could. "Look on camera we are fine. Back here though I am not yours. You gave up on us when you..."

"I told you I was going to get a job." Paul was angry. Why was she so pissed?

"I was 18! You said you would be gone for less then a year. Paul I didn't care about the damn money I just wanted to know where you were and for you to be with me!� Paul released her from his arms.

"PAUL! Get away from her."

Paul turned to see Randy. "Dude what's wrong with you?"

"Leave her alone in till you two are on cam. My sister doesn't need that shit from you."

"Sister?" Paul turned to where Madden had been. "Madden you�re his... Madden get back here!" It was too late, she had taken of down the hall.
Chapter 2
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