Jason: Well ladies and gentlemen. Here we go, this is it this is what it is all about, this is the biggest prize in our industry, The Heavyweight title match. Now there are those that say that nothing is bigger nothing stands prouder than the prestigious honor of holding the heavy weight championship. But this match is made bigger, made even more potent than our usual title match due to the unique stipulations that have been placed on this match up here tonight.

Brian: You have a point there Jason and for once it is not on the top of your head, this match up is not just about titles, it is not just about bragging rights this match is about a mans career, and that�s a big thing if Dead man loses he is out, he is gone, he will no longer be employed by New England wrestling, and you have to know that that is weighing heavily upon his mind right now. Personally I think this sucks that a great man like Dead man needs to worry about his job with his title on the line.

SaraAnn: Brian, as always you one sides mentality seems to be blinding you from the larger issues, this match leaves Joey Rival with a lot to think about as well, Here he is in the main event going for the big one, and he also has a lot on his mind, if he loses he has to become a salve to the Horsemen, a slave, and that has to put a lot of pressure on Joey Rival, this match is not jus about gold to him, this match is about his self respect as a man, if he wins he is the champion, if he loses he is nothing more than the horseman�s personal bitch.

Brian: Well, you are right there Sara and I can see how you would feel for Joey in this match up, with the outcome putting you and Joey is such close standings.

Sara: What do you mean by that?

Brian: Well if Joey loses he will find himself flat on his back looking up at the ceiling counting lights, and after he loses he will find himself as you so put it being someone�s personal bitch. And I am sure that�s a felling you are all to familiar with, you know being flat on your back as some mans personal�

Jason: Hold on there that�s enough of that. Lets talk about the match as it stands, Brian how do you think this match will play itself out.

Brian: Well Dead man has said it before, and I will say it again, Joey Rival is a ok wrestler, but he has no real stamina, he is great coming out of the gate but he tends to fall to simple rookie mistakes, when he sees that his opponent is down he tends to go for a high risk maneuver, and more often than not this flashy showmanship tend to get Joey in a great deal of trouble, With victory close at hand Joey tends to try to put on the old dog and pony show, trying for moves he never has a chance of hitting instead of doing the smart thing and putting his opponent away . And that�s why I think Joey will walk away a loser in this match up.

Sara: maybe so Brian, but you seem to be forgetting that Dead man has suffered a few monumental Loses in the last few months need I remind you of his loss to Jim In H.W.A in just this kind of match up, his loss to Jim was an unthinkable thing but it did happen.

Brian: No Sara I did not forget that, however Deaman is an iron man Veteran, this is the kind of match that brings out the best in this guy, yes he may have lost to Jim, but he more than made up for that with his victory over Bret Logan here in the new. Plus lets not forget the vicious beating that Rival took at the hands of Deadman, in what I now refer to as the infamous wheel chair incident. Now you have to wonder is Joey 100% after that. Because if he has any weakness left over from it Deaman is going to smell it and use it to his advantage.

Sara: Well Brain you make a valid point but I still think that Joey has more heart and has shown that heart every since he returned, So I guess we art just going to have to watch the match to find out whose right and who�s wrong.

Jason: And with that having been said I thank my two co-host for there sparkling analysis of the match up, but it is now time for this match to get under way. And it looks like out Ring announcer jack Darling is ready to get this thing underway

(Joey Rival is already in the ring as Deadman prepares to make his entrance....)

Jack Darling: Introducing his opponent�.. From TORONTO, ONTARIO CANADA�� WEIGHING IN AT 333 POUUUNNNNNNDS��. He is the N.E.W. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION�����. DEADMANNNNNNN!!!!

(The lights obscure into darkness and the crowd cheers vociferously.)

Jason: Listen to this capacity crowd here in the Fleet Center, on their feet!!!

Brian: How do you know they're on their feet if you can't see them?? Idiot�.

Jason: Well they've got to be on their feet cause we're set for the main event!!! This is the biggest spectacle, the biggest stage in New England Wrestling as we know it. THIS IS New England Wrestling, and THIS IS LIVE PAY PER VIEW ACTION!!! They damn well BETTER be standing!

(A large explosion detonates at the stage and lights flicker towards the live band of MuDvAyNe: Ch�d on the microphone, G��g twanging wildly at his guitar, R-�D strumming his bass, and Sp�g pounding ferociously on the drums as the opening guitar riffs are played to the tune of "Death Blooms.")

Jason: It's MuDvAyNe playing Deadman's theme song, and they're LIVE, RIGHT HERE Back Home at the Fleet Center, Boston, Massachusetts� REBIRTH 2004!!!!

(The crowd goes nuts. After playing the opening prelude with G��g and Ch�d both head banging and jolting with energy; R-�D thrusting on every chord, while Sp�g pummels his drums with his head jogging with force; G��g holds his mouth to the microphone and begins to sing.)

G��g *singing*: Cold seems crippling�

(The rest of the band answers with a wavering tone.)

G��g *singing*: lame meander through corridors�

(Another dithering tone retorts.)

G��g *singing*: aroma's thick with age�

(One more reverberation answers G��g's words.)

G��g *singing*: mark off the day�

(The band elevates the amplitude of the sound, and go completely mad with intense immensity.)

Pull me out of body don't want it� don't want in!
Feeble frail and rotting descending� I'm lost in!
A structure that's collapsing don't want it� cast into!
Maker take the body don't want it� wants MEEEEEEE!!!!!

(The band returns back to its wavering chord.)

G��g *singing*: Past has found its place�

(Dithering tone.)

G��g *singing*: salvation is no more�

(Dithering tone.)

G��g *singing*: will God accept my peace�

(Dithering tone.)

G��g *singing*: bleached will pardon me�

(The intensity picks up once again and G��g screams the chorus.)

Pull me out of body don't want it� don't want in!
Feeble frail and rotting descending� I'm lost in!
A structure that's collapsing don't want it� cast into!
Maker take the body don't want it� wants MEEEEEEE!!!!!

(The amplitude alleviates.)

G��g *singing*: I just want to ruuhhhhn fly kites wrestle jump and play
Swim through waves that crash to shoooooooooooore memories in meeee
cocooned in miseryyyy�.

(G��g jolts and begins blaring his voice throughout the arena to the crowd's approval.)


(Guitar quiver.)

G��g *screaming*: ...GOD PLEASE TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!

(The intensity picks up even more.)

G��g *screaming*: RESISTANCE� FUTILE!!!!! Suicidal ideas� I will crucify my own being!!! Satisfy selfish needs!!! Fuck the deities justify my own right to what's waitingfor MEEEEEE!!!!!!!

(The guitar plays three introductory chords, and G��g responds.)

G��g *singing*: On the other side�

(The three chords repeat�.)

G��g *singing*: The time has come�

(�And one more time�.)

G��g *singing*: Lock and load�..

(The amplitude gradually intensifies as G��g sings.)

G��g *singing*:
I'm coming�
I'm coming�
I'm coming�


(The crowd goes absolutely� unromantically�unmanageably�uncontrollably�unruly wild as Deadman emerges from behind the curtain. The intensity of the song reaches its peak as lights of midnight blue cast down the aisle accompanied by a gust of smoke that forms at the base of the arena.)




(As the song seems to come to an end, Ch�d moves to center stage and looks about the crowd.....he then speaks into the mic...)

Ch�d: Every godamned day I get up, I look at myself in the mirror and I say to myself.....
Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in,
Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in,
(As G��g continues to sing, Deadman walks towards the ring with the song at its peak.)

G��g *screaming*:

(Deadman stops in front of the ring, and looks up at the house lights, before glancing at Diamond Mine and Joseph who prepare inside the ring. He climbs onto the apron and steps over the top rope.)

G��g *singing*: I just want to ruuhhhhn fly kites wrestle jump and play
Swim through waves that crash to shoooooooooooore memories in meeee
cocooned in miseryyyy�.

The darkness overcomes soul soars to the other plain�

Existence past the doooooooooooor I sail through purgatory's baaaaaaaaaay�

(Joseph and Diamond Mine clear the ring as Deadman positions himself in the center.)

G��g *singing*: I asked a god for poison cradle me sown to my dreams souls searchingdeath blossoms where clouds lie over MEEE!!!!!

(Deadman looks to the right�.)

G��g *singing*: Held in God's hands death blooming
death blossoms where clouds lie over MEEE!!!!!

(� And then to the left�.)

G��g *speaking*: Dark for fear of failure an inner gloom as wide as an eye and
fermenting roiling hate death grip in my veins unveiling rancid
petals flowering forth foul nectar the space between a blink and a tear�

(�.and strait ahead.)

...death blooms.

(Deadman raises his arms instantaneously, simultaneously tilts his head backwards, and the lights turn on with a HUGE explosion.)

*BOOM!! *

(G��g points towards Deadman in the ring, and the crowd cheers as Deadman solutes him back with a "thumbs-up.")

Jack Darling: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the main event of the evening!!! But first, the special guest referee for tonights match!!!

(A blinding while light emanates from the NEW-Tron and "Awake" by Godsmack begins to play in the arena. After about twenty seconds, the white light from the NEW-Tron begins to flash in timing with the guitar beats.)

Jack Darling: Hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is the Commissioner of New England Wrestling, this is DIAMOND MINE!!!!!

"Wait another minute, can't you see what this thing has fucking done to me?
I'm alive and still kickin', what you see I can't see
and maybe you'll think before you speak.
I'm alive, for you I'm awake, because of you I'm
alive, told you I'm awake, swollowing you...."

(The white light stops flashing and standing in the entrance way is Diamond Mine and the crowd is booing him out of the building. Diamond Mine has on black tear away pants and his striped referee shirt. He has a smirk on his face as he looks around at the crowd. He stands in the entrance way to soak everything in and then slowly makes his way to the ring, brushing fans off who are trying to reach out and touch him.)

"....Take another second, turn your back on me and make believe
that your always happy. It's safe to say you're never alive,
a big part of you has died and by the way,
I hope your satisfied.
I'm alive, for you I'm awake,
because of you I'm alive,
told you I'm awake, swollowing you.
I'm alive, for you I'm awake, because of you
I'm alive, told you I'm awake...."

(Diamond Mine makes his way to ringside and slowly makes his way up the ringsteps. He looks around at the audience and just laughs off their boo's. He enters the ring and stands in one of the corners of the ring and awaits the bell......)

Jason: Diamond Mine now going over to check the Heavyweight Champion to see if he has any foreign objects on him.

(Diamond Mine walks over to the corner where Deadman is standing and begins to point at his referee shirt, making the point that he is an NEW official and not to be touched. Diamond Mine pats down Deadman and finds no objects.)

Sara Anne: Now check Joey Rival aswell.

(Diamond Mine walks over to check Joey Rival but stops before he gets to the corner and just shakes his head. He turns to Deadman and we can see him mouth the words "He's fine." Deadman just shakes his head in disgust.)

Jason: How is that fair??? How is that clean refereeing???

Brian: Diamond Mine is here to ensure that everything goes down as it is supposed to, nothing more, nothing less! If you don't like it Jason, I'm sure that Diamond Mine would have no problem finding a replacement for you.

Jason: Shut up Brian!!!

Jason: Well all three men are in the ring now, as Jack Darling rings the bell and this match up is under way, Joey and Deadman slowly circling each man trying to get a sense of each other, neither man wanting to make an impulsive move that might give his opponent the upper hand too early in this match up. Deaman now holding up his right hand he is draing Joey to take it..

Brain: HAHAH Oh this is funny Look at this Deadman has his hand so high Joey Cant even reach it to take it.

Jason: I hate to say this but this is great ring psychology on deadmans part, he is using this basic power struggle as a way to get in the mind of Rival and maybe psyche out his opponent.

Sara: And Deadman continues to lower his hand until it is at a place where rival can reach it, booth men know lock hands and the power play begins witch man will have the power to wear the other down.

*** 55:24 Remain ***

Brian: Come on guys are you going to dance with each other or fight?

Sara: I think both of them are trying to use a bit of strategy here Brian, I know that is a big word and hard for your tiny brain to comprehend but it often works in match ups like this.

Brain: Strategy smat-agey, this is not a power struggle as you call it Deadman is clearly just toying with this kid.

Sara: How do you figure that? Joey is a very strong young man, with a lot of heart.

Brain: Oh please Look at what we have here Joey Rival is giving up at least a good 14 inches to the champion not to mention the huge weight difference, Joey is outweighed by 116 pounds if I was Deadman I would just pound on this little kid until he could not get up.

(Joey and Deadman continue the lock up and for a brief moment it appears that Deaman may win, but in an instant Joey delivers a powerful kick to the midsection of Deadman doubling the big man over, Joey than grabs Deadman�s neck and goes for a ddt, and connects it with force.)

Jason: Well the Dance as you call it brain has ended and Deadman finds him self flat on his back.

Brain: But it is only a temporary thing, look there you go quick as can be Deadman is back on his feet, a little wobbly but no worse for the wear.

Jason: Joey gose for a left but is blocked buy Deadman. Deadman now on the attack with a massive barrage of rights and lefts to the head and body of the challenger.

Sara: Joey is real reeling and is so fare unable to mount a defense, but no wait here comes Joey firing of a few rights and lefts of his own.

(Joey and deaman begin to exchange a series of punishing blows, woith neither man showing any signs of wear and tear.

Sara: o and that last left jab from Deadman has sent Joey to the canvas.

Brian: See this is what I was saying you Deadman has to take it to Joey early and often.

Jason: You may be right, o wait drop to hold applied by Joey and Deadman is unable to take advantage of the moment as he too goes crashing to the mat.

Brian: Joeys back up�

Jason: And quick as a cat so is Deadman, Joey goes for the spinning heel kick, may be a little early for that and yes it is Deadman grabs Joeys Leg and whips him into the corner.

Brian: Get him, kill that little punk!

Sara: Oh for the love of god will someone turn of this dickheads headset I am tired of hearing him talk.

(Deadman rushes at Joey and attempt to deliver a Knee to the stomach but Joey Moves and Deadman�s knee crashes into the ring post, Deadman goes crashing to the ground, and Joey takes advantage delivering a double ax handle blow to the back of Deadman�s neck.)

Jason: OOOOh I guarantee you that did not feel good.

Brain: Oh shut up.

Sara: Joey now using a bit of STATAGEY�By picking away at Deadman while he is down, using the heel of his foot to stomp away at the lower back of Deadman.

Brain: That is not strategy you twit that is common sense.

(Joey goes for a standing Elbow drop, but Deadman rolls out of the ring and Joeys elbow finds only canvass, Joey scrams and begins to hold onto his elbow, as Diamond mine begins to count out Deadman.)

Diamond Mine: One��.Two�..

(Deadman reaches into the ring and grabs hold of Joey�s injured shoulder than placing over top of the bottom rope he begins to slam down Joeys elbow onto the rope causing Joey to scream out in pain each time., than taking the middle rope he pulls it under the bottom of joeys ram looking him down, slowly Dead man scrambles to the other side of the ring and begins to grab at joeys other arm in an attempt to look the other arm in the ropes.)

Jason: What is Deadman doing?

Brain: Simple he is trying to immobilize Joey by locking him in the ring, now that is an effective strategy.

Sara: Well that strategy may back fire if Deadman dose not get back into the ring soon�He is about to be counted out�

Diamond mine: 7�8�..

Jason: Diamond mine back into the ring now�. and Joey is still locked in and is struggling to get out. Dead man grabbing the foot of Rival�o he has lifted Joey�s whole body off of the canvass by his foot and sends him crashing to the ground�o this is just a merciless beati8ng what kind of sick twisted beast is Deadman to use such a dirty maneuver. I mean this is not even legal someone stops this. Oh and thank god Diamond mine has ordered Deadman to back off and break the hold so Joey can get out.

(Deadman continues to pick up and drop Joey completely ignoring Diamond mine, he places his boot in the crock of Joeys knee and begins to pond his foot into the legs of Rival�Diamond mine begins to count for Deadman to release the hold.

Diamond mine: 1�2�

Brian: Well I say this is just smart on the part of deadman He has Joey in a bad way so he is going to punish the young upstart till the five count and break the hold right before it causes him to gain a disqualification.

Diamond Mine: 4�fi.

Jason: Deadman breaks the hold, and begins to back off. Diamond Mine begins to assist Joey trying to pull him out, but Joey is stuck in there tighter than the hold of a Blue tick.

Brian: �What is Diamond Mine doing it is not his place to help anyone he is jut there to count Pitfalls and points.

Sara: Joey still locked in as we watch the clock winds down we are now at 49 minutes and 59 seconds and the clock is winding down.

Jason: Well while Diamond mine helps Joey, we will take this time to remind all of you at home the rules of an Iron man match, The iron man match is to last one hour, with each man gaining points for pin falls or submissions, the man with the most points at the end of one hour wins.

Brian: who cares about all that all I want to know is why Diamond mine is sticking his nose in this.

Sara: Oh shut up Brain�We need also remind you that being counted out, or sustaining a disqualification is a point in the other mans favor, witch means that on two occasions Deadman has placed himself in a position to gain two points against himself.

Jason: Well Joey has been freed from the ropes and this match is underway again.

Brian: Oh look at Joeys arms they are so red they look like two cooked lobsters have been sown on to his body, I don�t think he can even lift his hands at this point.

Jason: Joey and Deadman make there way to the center of the ring, a lock up and Joey goes for a side toss it is almost successful but deadman uses his weight advantage to toss Rival down.

Sara: Joey unwilling to stay down�.gets back to his feet, Joey rushes at Deaman, Deamn feeling a bit cocky just standing there what a ego maniac.

Jason: Oh missile drop kick Joey pulling a missile drop kick and sends deadman crashing to the ground.

Brain: That may have done just as much damage to Joey, as it did to deaman. Joey is still got to be felling that hard stomping that Deadman out on him.

Sara: He sure is not acting like he is hurting Joey back onto his feet and is rooling deaman over Joey Going for a cover.

Diamond Mine: One�Two.

Jason: No two count and Deadman Forcefully shoves Joey a good two foot into the air.

(Joey lies on the ground for a moment. Deadman is back on his feet and grabs joey up by the hair and scooping him up pulls a military press holding Joey a good 8 foot in the air. Joey becoming aware of his surroundings begins to punch Deaman in the top of the head, his punches become effective and deadman loses his balance and falls to the ground with Joey landing on top of him.)

*** 47:36 Remains ***

Jason: Joey to his feet, he pulls Deadman up with him...OUT OF NOWHERE, DEADMAN CLOTHESLINES JOEY INTO THE MAT!

Brian: He damn near took his head off!!

Jason: And what is going to happen now, I can�t believe this! Deadman is climbing the turnbuckle! He�s going to fly! He is on the apron, and he�s putting foot over foot, up the ropes! Those ropes already reach about 5 feet, and he stands over 7 feet tall, he�ll be over 12 feet in the air!!!

Brian: I don�t believe this! I never thought I�d see the day, but then again, this is Deadman�s career! And Rival is up and rushes over to the turnbuckle, knocking Deadman onto his�ahem, twig and berries!

Sara Anne: I bet he resents that comment! He was a lumberjack once, it�s a log and berries!

Brian: Riiiight.

Jason: And with Deadman hunched over on the turnbuckle, Rival positions him for the Rival rack!!!

Brian: No way!! NO WAY he can do this! Deadman is over a foot taller than him, over 100lbs bigger, no way this does NOT happen!

Jason: You just used a double negative, which means it can, and it JUST DID HAPPEN!! RIVAL RACK!!! RIVAL used it to his advantage, since Deadman was already up, all he had to do was position him onto his shoulders and drop him into the angle slam!! Gravity didn�t play a part since Deadman was already up on the turnbuckle! Otherwise I doubt he could�ve lifted him, but he was able to hold him up before dropping him into the angle slam!!! BOTH MEN JUST FELL TO THE MAT and LIE MOTIONLESS!! Rival dropped Deadman into the slam, but he fell hard too, it looked like his knee buckled under the weight!

Brian: As soon as he took Deadman off of the turnbuckle, he dropped him for the slam!! The little twerp did it! He goes for the cover�

Diamond Mine: ONE...TWO...THRE-...Kickout...

Jason: A fast count there by Diamond Mine still isn't enough to keep Deadman down!

(Deadman slowly ascends to his feet, using the rope as an aid. Meanwhile, Joseph is up on the opposite end catching his breath, and Diamond Mine eyes both competitors, stopping his 10 count as he sees Joseph fully up.)

Jason: Deadman now, slowly rising to feet. Joseph measuring up on the other side...

(Just as Deadman gets fully to his feet, Joseph charges at Deadman, and levels him with a clothesline which sends both competitors to the outside. However, in the process, Joseph ultimately gets caught in a hangman, trapping his own neck in between the top and middle ropes. Deadman loses his balance on the outside, but only stumbles before regaining his composure.)

*** 34:43 Remains ***

Jason: Joseph gets hung up!! He's trapped between the top and middle ropes!!

Brian: This isn't legal, Jason!! Joseph should get disqualified!!

Jason: Why??

Brian: He's trying to make Deadman look like a cheater!

Jason: Well I don't know if putting himself there was intentional, but Deadman landed on his feet and Joseph is in a precarious position here... Deadman gleaming into the eyes of then hanging Joseph... That man is sick!

Brian: What's he gonna do??

Jason: To answer that question Deadman moves towards Joey and laughs....Now he's taking some pot shots at him....Diamond Mine ordering Deadman away from Rival.....Deadman points at Joey and laughs as he's choaking!! Diamond Mine is helping him out of the ropes!!

SaraAnne: Get him out of there quick!!!

Brian: And be careful of his ears, we don't need another Mick Foley!

Jason: Diamond mine frees Rival who slumps to the ground.....Deadman merely stands back and watches for a few moments before bringing Rival to his feet.....Oh no He's coming this way!!!

(Deadman rolls Rival onto the announcers table, and takes his time as he climbs back into the ring...)

Jason: Joseph has been tossed onto our table this can only mean one thing...... Deadman is gaining his breath back on the inside.... Both men HAVE to be exhausted at this point in the match-up!

Brian: Wait a minute, what's Deadman doing??

(Deadman backs into the ropes and starts towards the opposite end where Joseph hangs onto the commentary table.)

Brian: We better get the hell out of here, I'll tell ya!

(Deadman uncharacteristically leaps over the top rope with a suicide dive, but Joseph dodges his impending attack causing Deadman to land through the table. Joseph lays on his stomach adjacent to the now devastated commentary booth, and stares back at the scattered pieces of wood that Deadman lays on top of, with his head dripping of blood. A "Holy Shit" chant commences while Jason and Brian attempt to reconnect their headsets.)

Jason: OH MY GOD!!! Deadman has to be hurt!!

SaraAnne: IF HE'S ALIVE!!!


Jason: Diamond Mine isn't even bothering to count...a double countout wouldn't do the match any good...

*** 12:49 Remains ***

Jason: We've got less than fifteen minutes left in this matchup...And not a pinfall yet!! Deadman and Rival both start to stir....Rival is up first, and he rolls into the ring, and DM begins the ten count on Deadman....

Diamond Mine: ONE......TWO.....THREE......FOUR......FIVE.......

Jason: Deadman is stirring!!

Diamond Mine: SIX.....SEVEN....

Jason: He staggers to his feet, and Diamond Mine is not cutting him any slack on the count....

Diamond Mine: EIGHT......NINE....TE-......

Jason: Deadman barely rolls into the ring before the ten count!!

Brian: Rival is just as hurt...He's been getting the bum end of the deal for much of the match....

Jason: Right, Rivals taken more bumps, but I think Deadman's taken the bigger ones...

Sara Anne: Deadman throws Rival into the corner, gives him a big boot! He is stomping away on Rival, just stomping ruthlessly at him! Deadman knows it�s all on the line!

Jason: Deadman picks him up and slingshots him over the ropes and he lands on the outside!

DM: One��

Brian: He is not moving!

DM: Two�..

Jason: Well, if he is counted out, it will count as a score for Deadman.

DM: Three��

Sara Anne: Rival is starting to move�..

Jason: He�s pulling himself up!

DM: Four�..

Brian: Yeah, but it won�t be fast enough, he�s barely standing!

DM: Five�.

Jason: Thousands of fans chanting "RI-VAL, RI-VAL" in unison!

DM: Six�..

Brian: Oh well, it�s over soon enough.

DM: Seven�.

Sara Anne: Deadman walking towards the ropes.

DM: Eight�..

Jason: And DM stops the count to push Deadman back from the ropes!!!

Brian: Rival just rolled in, but would he have been counted out? Would he have made it if�

Jason: IF doesn�t matter, because DM and Deadman are in a shouting match and Deadman screams at DM, but DM points to the ref shirt and Deadman steps back and RIVAL CRADLES HIM!!!!

Diamond Mine: ONE.....TWO....THRE-...NO!!!!!


Jason: Rival is up, I think he's got his second wind...

Brian: Or third, or fourth, or fifth....

Jason: He grabs Deadman and hooks him up for a double underhook! He must be going for Rivaling Egos, since Deadman proved too big to realistically use the Rival Rack....He's locked in for the double-underhook brainbuster!!!

Brian: Theres only a few minutes left...He's got to hurry!


Diamond Mine: ONE..........TWO.......

(Diamond Mine pauses and looks up at Deadman.......they lock eyes for what feels like hours.....)

Diamond Mine:.......Three........

Jason: And with our first pinfall it's Deadman!! Now he just has to avoid being pinned for thirty seconds!!!

(Deadman sits back and watches Rival.....At the twenty second mark Rival begins to stir......At the ten second mark Rival is almost to all fours....At the zero second mark, a siren sounds, the bell rings, and Rival collapses back to his stomach......)



Brian: Rival put up such a fight, but it just wasn't enough to unseat Deadman....

Jason: Deadman raises his arms, as Diamond Mine turns away in disgust.....DM leaves the ring, soon followed by Rival....Deadman stays in the ring to soak up the crowds reaction....)

(The entire arena goes black. "Where I�m From" begins to play in the arena.)

Beanie Sigel: I�m from street�s where cats try to kill me/ Aint no real
homies left I can see clearly/Fed�s want it / I�m down half a century/
If I get booked Young gunna better mention me,/ Better than a pine box
show me no sympathy/ When they imprison me/ Just have my books straight
commissary stacked high/ tell Dame he better visit me.

(The crowd begins to grow loud as the music plays. The screen shows clips of Carl Knox placing his opponents in the Sharpshooter. Red pyro begins to go off as the arena slowly lights up.

Jason: It�s Carl Knox�It�s Carl Knox!! What is he doing out here?

Beanie Sigel: I�m for ever hard/ Give me what ever charge/ Walk
whatever yard/ Still touch you dog over the wall behind the walls/ Behind the
glass/ Still behind you�re a/Still clap you down / Handcuffed and
shackled down/

(Carl Knox begins to walk down the run way as the music blasts. The crowd goes crazy as the see the mic in his hand.)

Brian: Carl has something to say to the champ and he�s going to get it off his chest right now

Carl: Cut the music�.Cut the music. For months we have had this hate for one another. Every waking day I�ve dreamed of destroying you. You have been a thorn in my side for too long. Until finally I couldn�t take it any more. Finally I took action, Two weeks ago you were attacked before a match�two weeks ago I decided for my plan to take action

*** Flashback - Two Weeks Ago ***

(Pete Greenhouse is knocking on the locker room of the Horsemen. The door slowly opens, the room is very dark. Pete begins searching for the light , a shadowy figure is seen moving slowly towards the camera, Pete quickly turns on the light to see the figure. Suddenly the camera is knocked down and two loud thuds are heard. A pair of wrestling boots are see and the camera lays sideways on the floor. The boots walk toward the camera and picks it up. The camera pans around and is left with a gruesome sight of Deadman laying on his stomach in a puddle of blood. DWO is written in black letters on the lockers after several seconds of the view the camera goes to snow.)

** End Flashback ***

Jason: IT WAS CARL KNOX ALL ALONG!! WE THOUGHT IT WAS dWo!! So many things make sence now!!!

Carl: While you were focused on your PPV match I would step in and solidify myself as the number one contender�so now I�m here�I�ve beaten the best of them now I want you�.Next Monday I will take that belt you have worked so hard to win, Next Monday I want a shot at the World title

Jason: Who is he to demand such a thing?

Brian: He�s Carl Knox that�s who

(Once again the arena goes black. "Where I�m From" begins to play in the arena. When the lights cut back on Carl Knox is gone. Deadman shakes his head with a mild smirk....Deadman exits the ring and starts making his way to the back....)

Jason: I guess the champ's job is never over!!

(The wrestlers have left the ring and most of the fans are filing out of the arena. The annoucners are still at their table.)

Jason: Right now, we have a video that chronicles tonight's highlights and...

(Harbinger suddenly walks out as the fans begin notice this and stop in their tracks)

Jason: Harbinger carrying a rather large bucket, what is going on here...is that gasoline I smell?

Brian: It is, Harbinger is POURING that large bucket of gasoline onto the ring, he's slowly drenching the entire ring with it!

(Harbinger douses the entire ring with the rather large bucket, and then reaches into his pocket)

Jason: He's got a match!

(Harbinger strikes the match against the box, it lights and as he stands outside of the ring, he tosses the match onto the mat!)

Brian: FIRE!!!!! Get the extinguishes!!

(The ring suddenly is engulfed with flames, but quickly some ring crew bring extinguishers and try to put it out.)

Jason: Harbinger just was staring at the ring! Enthralled by it! What is this about?!

("Solve Et Coagula" begins playing over the P.A. as the scene slowly fades out to the image of Harbinger watching the N.E.W. Logo go up in flames...)


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