DOD Scary defensive guide


Note: The plan with names can be found here
middle map flanking.jpg
middle map flanking

As you can see, the opportunities for Axis attack on this map are tremendous. I should note though, that left flank favors Allies, with better sniper and MG positions. The right flank on the other hand is much closer to Allies and has two ways for axis to attack, including switching to left flank through three ways. All that makes map flanks unbalanced and CO should decide which one to pursue.
last flag defence.jpg
last flag defence

The middle of blocked tunnel flag area is generaly pretty hard to defend, because axis have many ways to show up. I marked the only reasonable front defence position, which is still vulnerable to flanking.
last flag defence positions.jpg
last flag defence positions

On the other hand, if you take Tunnel Guard house you can see that the flag can be covered, but again, it's not easy. Also note the area marked on the right. The MG that Axis can set up there can cut off all allies from the left flank.
left gate defence.jpg
left gate defence

If they do cover left flank, it's not easy to get out, and they can still advance and blow up left gate. Also, the MG can be set up right at allied jump. There's no real position to defend left gate if we do loose left flank. That's unless you let them blow up the gate, which is not all that bad.
right gate defence.jpg
right gate defence

The right gate is easier, there are positions for Allies to hold. Note the way for axis to get into our spawn even without blowing the gate. They can also set up MG over there. Warning: it only takes a touch by TNT-carrier to set bomb, so you have to kill him before he gets there. MG required :)


Ok, if you read till that point you probably wonder what we can do.
Note: In general, this map has alot of good MG positions.
Here are couple of suggestions for even teams:
  • Count the points. Holding just railroad is better than Shattered Hutts. So hold railroad flag. That requires skillfull defence at Tunnel Tower and MG at right door. The defence of Railroad is pretty simple though, and that way we hold 5 points, axis hold 4 (not sure points are allocated according to how many people are required to cap).
  • First plus advance to Shattered Hutts. The acis west door can be camped with MG which makes it possible.

  • Now, I can assume we will be outnumbered again, in which case...
  • we should definitly try to hold railroad, because it's easy to camp and it's 2-person flag. But axis can come from behind through bypass, which requires cover in blocked tunnels area. Literaly someone should defend it even if we already advanced to railroad. And of course we need MG on right gate, so it doesn't get blown up.
  • In worst case scenario we are left with blocked tunnels. In which case again most people should go left, due to difficulty defending that area.
  • Now, if axis got our left flank we should flank them in turn, although we only have one easy way to do it
  • Positions & Tricks

    bunker MG cover left.jpg
    bunker MG cover left

    second flag mg positions.jpg
    railroad flag mg positions
    bunker MG cover right jump.jpg
    bunker MG cover right jump
    bunker entry.jpg
    bunker entry

    By r00t

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