Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name..


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46.Secure-Feeling safe because of God's protection...
Proverbs 29:25-whoso putteth,his trust in the Lord shall be safe...

47.Self-Controlled-Ruling my own life with obedience to the Holy Spirit...
1Thess.5:22-Abstain from all appearance of evil...

48.Sincere-Desiring to do what is right with pure motives...
Joshua 24:14-Now therefore fear the Lord,and serve him in sincerity and in truth;and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood,and in Egypt;and serve ye the Lord...

49.Submissive-Yielding myself to God's guidance through others...
Ephesians 5:21-Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God...

50.Supportive-Giving strength and courage to those with troubles...
Galatians 6:2-Bear ye one another's burdens,and so fulfil the law of Christ...

51.Tactful-Saying and doing the right thing,expecially in a difficult situation...
Colossians 4:6-Let your speech be alway with grace,seasoned with salt,that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man...

52.Temperate-Not being extreme in any way or thing especially with regard to feelings or appetites...
Titus 2:12-Teaching us that,denying ungodliness,and worldly lusts,we should live soberly,righteously,and godly,in this present world...

53.Thankful-Expressing to God and others the ways they have shown me favor or kindness...
1Thess.5:18-In every thing give thanks:for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you...

54.Thorough-Doing all that should be done to complete the job...
Ecclesiastes 9:10-Whatsoever,thy hand findeth to do,do it with thy might...

55.Thoughful-Remembering to think of others and their feelings...
Philippians 2:4-Look not every man on his own things,but every man also on the things of others...

56.Thrifty-Using money wisely according to God's principles...
Proverbs 14:24-The crown of the Wise is their riches...

57.Tolerant-Being patient with the weaknesses of others...
1Thess.5:14-support the weak,be patient toward all men...

58.Truthful-Speaking what is true and accurate...
Ephesians 4:25-Wherefore putting away lying,speak every man truth with his neighbour;for we are members one of another...

59.Understanding-The ability to know the meaning and reasoning behind a certain situation...
Psalms 119:34-Give me understanding,and I shall keep thy law...

60.Wisdom-The ability to make good judgments...
1Kings 3:9-Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people,that I may discern between good and bad...

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